As usual at very thought-provoking article. Thank you. Your article reminds me of the Biblical life-lesson where Jesus joins his disciple in a boat and calms a storm may sea (Matthew 8:23-27).

I'll use a paragraph that I cliped from EVS Bible Study to better explain my thought.

... And when he [the Great Teacher} got into the boat [this world], his disciples followed him. And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea [the world was becoming a dangerous and scary place to be in], so that the boat [life on earth] was being swamped by the waves; but he [the Master Teacher/Wise One] was asleep [to the scary happenings in the world]. And they [the frightened, worried common people of the world] went and woke him [brought the wise one's attention to what was happening in the world], saying, “Save us, Lord; we are perishing.” And [the teacher] said to them, “Why are you afraid, o you of little faith?” Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea [taught the residents the true, ancient knowledge of the Gods], and there was a great calm. And the men [those who heeded the words of the Wise Teacher] marveled, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?”

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I Am Trying To Figure Out

What The Gender

Of The Climate Is.

Any Ideas ?


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Indeed, all the changes, crises and collapses we’re witnessing are happening against a cultural backdrop where scientific materialism has successfully imposed itself as the dominant religious discourse for modern times. (This isn’t true everywhere, but it’s very much the case in progressive cities. I live in Montreal, a global hub AI; my comment speaks to the view from here.)

We’ve gone from a society where it’s taboo to be a non-believer to one where it’s taboo to put one’s faith in something that “is impossible to measure or quantify, and therefore can’t be proven to exist.” We’re under intense cultural pressure to dispense with our proverbial right brains which, for all intents and purposes, are where God, the Universe, the Big Beat, e.g., would usually “go” to be actively, holistically and regularly engaged with.

This technocratic pressure to dismiss “magical thinking” and “irrational beliefs” is exerted via subtle and less-subtle forms of socially-sanctioned shaming, and achieves its aims once we cave to the pressure and admit that we, too, believe that anything beyond the small fragments reality we can realistically deal with as tiny sentient beings can only be a compensatory figment of humanity’s imagination.

I see the pendulum swinging back in people I know to be exhausted from the last 4 years in particular. They’re finding Jesus for the first time, or going home to the various belief systems they were raised with. They’re finding solace and liberation through ritual, community, and clear and functional strategies for achieving states of peace, trust, and surrender. This doesn’t strike me as being totally risk-free (cults, e.g.), and it’s not something I personally gravitate towards. However, I do understand (and experience) the need for religious experience and, to the degree that a person hasn’t signed up for something toxic or become a sanctimonious jerk, I’m happy if they’re happy.

I can only infer that a culture that cuts us off from the Divine, broadly speaking, is one hell-bent on keeping us small, scared, atomized, and consuming from the (dis)comfort of our treadmills.

This can’t be all there is.

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Very well said, thanks for your thoughts and observations on all of this. There is certainly a craving to go back to something more sacred or something that gets us back in tough with something bigger than ourselves.

I do tend to sense that what inevitably more people will gravitate toward is a wiser understanding of uncovering what we can know and not know, by nature getting us deeper into trusting ourselves. Not to create a certainty in our intuition per se but to seekt he divine based on our own experience of it vs what someone tells us.

Some astrologer friends and myself have been speaking about the return to religions for some as a moment of seeking that sacred again, and how the incoming energies support that general trend. But the energies also suggest it may be short lived before inevitably more step back into a method of 'knowing'/exploring that comes from within.

Interesting times we are in. :)

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Interesting times, indeed!

This is wildly optimistic, as hopes go, but I’m looking forward to the world walking back from all the brinks to which dogma’s taken us.

Here’s to countering the violent polarization(s) of our times with open curiosity for all things tangible AND metaphysical.

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It was a nice reminder to hear this clip from the episode! I listened to it when it came out and felt it was one of my favorites. You pointed out something in your writing that really resonates with me as well:

"Many object to this idea of exploring ourselves in this way. I believe this to primarily be because we are stuck in a baseline of mild survival stress and oriented too greatly toward urgency. Taking a breath is nonsensical to that angsty-ness."

The urgency feeling can be disorienting and consuming. It's so important for people to consider if they see the world this way. I think this is a tough thing to wrap the mind around as it can become by-passy or 'angsty' as you put it. You guys do a great job of riding this line of keeping this idea useful, so thank you. But at the same time I feel I want to 'practice' it more and keep learning more ways to integrate it. I think it was your Overcoming bias course that has some practice of this on many layers, which was nice to go along with your other content. But are you planning on coming out with more in the form of courses or maybe a workshop or something? I would like to keep going with this stuff.

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Thanks for the comment. You make a good point about the difficulty that can arise from finding that place of balance. What I often see is I will talk to people who just seem worried about everything... the climate, the government, the sitting leader of their country, the WEF, digital IDs etc.. EVERYTHING. And none of this stuff is an immediate danger nor in their control yet they worry, worry, worry. You can see the lack of resilience building within folks getting stuck here and it's within this space where we have to ask what the purpose of our sensemaking really is, and whether or not it's making our lives better.

The reflex to ignore everything as the opposite extreme can feel tantalizing as well, but there's something 'off' about that as well. This is why I feel the transformational side of all of this is important. To build the skills of self awareness, body awareness (interoception), emotional regulation etc. brings us closer to being able to sense and feel what balance works for us. We also become wiser as strong survival orientation can make our observation of reality less clear and our thoughts scattered.

To answer your other question, yes, I have a lot of workshops and new courses in mind, but to be honest it has been tough to keep up with the fact that we don't have a full time team anymore doing CE or The Pulse. That said, I'm still chipping away at things, hoping an investor comes along or we get more audience support :)

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Joe, a very thought provoking piece. As short as it is, it addresses a deep topic that requires taking a step back to view the whole of the question, and understand the answers given and missed. I agree with Lubomir, that the programming has been done to keep us in the head and away from our heart space. Logic and reason designed to corral consciousness and keep it in the head and away from the heart. This is a product of fear based programming we have almost all been under through Tell-Lie-Vision.

Fear keeps us in the head space and keeps us from coherence between the head and heart. I call it an addiction to adrenaline. Adrenaline is one of the most addictive substances that our body makes, and you can get your fix with just a thought. I mention this in my last couple substacks. The Tell-Lie-Vision is designed to keep the populations in a low state of fight of flight fear based thought process. Then the "News" provides an increased stimulation of fear to program the people for an increased adrenaline rusn before they go to bed at night.

Combine that with the Lies we have been programmed into through that TV and, ("History, his-story, who is "HE"") most of what we have been taught is a lie! As an example, we know history was written by the winners of the wars. We also know that all wars since Napoleon have been funded on both sides by the same bankers. What can we prove beyond any doubt about history? Who won the Revolutionary war? The Crown of England controls our court system through the BAR association. BAR stands for British Accrediation Registry. Why isn't it the American Accrediation Registry?? The War of 1812 was initiated because Andrew Jackson didn't reauthorize the Central Bank. During the same time frame the original 13th amendment was passed by both houses of congress and sent to the states for ratification. It was confirmed that 12 of the 13 required states had ratified the amendment before the War of 1812 started. The Original 13th amendment was written into the Statutes at Large to be codified as law in 1811.

What I find rather interesting is 26 hours after Washington DC was burned including all evidence of all amendment ratifications. The war of 1812 ended. This fits so hand to glove of the deep state's playbook. We are supposed to think it's just a coincidence... I've learned a long time agon there are no concidences...

All of the programming is designed to keep us from a deeper spiritual connection with God or our source creation. So few people today have done the internal work to connect to source and get the higher level consciousness downloads to higher vibrational information and knowledge. They use any shiny object to distract them from doing the critical internal work of meditation and prayer to access the higher vibrational information. They are locked into the fear based programming.

The Education (indoctrination) system is designed to teach fear based programming to back up the fear based programming from the TV. So, generations have been programmed to fear. The Bible mentions 365 times a phrase similar to Do Not Fear! One for each day of the year, do you think that is a concidence??? We are NOT taught the difference between God's laws and Man's laws!! We are constantly taught and reinforced about man's laws and the punishment for violation of those laws. But we are not taught the consequences of ignoring God's laws. I often ask, who's laws do you follow Man's laws or God's laws?

One of my mantra's is "Walk your day in Love or above" because Love is a vibrational frequency that vibrates higher than fear. Love conquers fear always. God is Love, so when you walk your day in Love or above, you put on the full armor of God. God has your back, and you walk your day with a calm confidence of a known protection. You rise above the fear and download the love information that the banking psychopaths don't want We The People to gain access to...

The problem for them is celestially we are moving into a higher vibrational area of the galaxy that raises everyone to the higher vibrational levels. Those who can not or will not, raise their vibrations will be exposed to those of higher vibrational frequency. Therefore they will be seen. Part of the raising of vibrational frequency is an intuition of intent. When you can see, smell, feel, and intuit another's intent toward you. You cannot be manipulated through the fear based programming. This will expose their lies and manipulation to all who elevate their frequency. It exposes the manipulations they have been pushing onto and into us! We The People have all the power, all we have to do is raise our vibrations and access the power.

This overcomes the system of systems installed by the money master power brokers that was intentionally designed to fail. We can clearly see all of the failures of the systems of systems. JFK, 9/11/01, and Covid have exposed the systems of system failures to all who are awake enough to see.

Sorry for this thesis, but complex questions require complex answers. I believe I've addressed the meat and potatoes of your question. Great work keep doing what you do.... Peace...

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