Reminds me of the most security minded organizations in my memory. Childhood memories are full of Mafia stories, a town nearby was know as bomb city USA. Lots of personal memories. Criminals need powerful security devices.

The stone walling of concerned citizens has become the art of bureaucracy. The greater the resistance, the more they are hiding.

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Thank you for your dedication and your organizations noble work. Liars and thieves hate being exposed! According to Gods Word there’s a coming day scheduled when all will give an account. Until that day comes keep pursuing truth and exposing corruption Joe. Thank you! Light overcomes darkness.

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Joe, you are such a joy and inspiration to read. What you are running up against From government in trying to get information from them is certainly nothing new and you are certainly to be lauded for your efforts. It's certainly no wonder that our media and many of our politicians are becoming the most disgusting vermin in our society. Fortunately, society is gradually waking up as to how we have been duped By those who should have been protecting us.

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Bless you all the way Joe! Your work is invaluable, your patience epic and your determination exactly what we need right now. It looks like you're affecting the govt drones too - I hadn't considered that these requests would be waking them up too! WOW!!!

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