To be on the pulse and part of the collective evolution is to know that mainstream media is old world and soon to be a dinosaur.....for, unlike what you wrote here, mainstream media is subservient to their advertising masters and ye who controls the brushstroke of the editor/chief. Mainstream media is funded by large public companies and consistent advertising spends that ensure constant editorial inclusion of their brand/s partners..... new media is not in this mode. Twitter is the news. Telegram is the news. There are bite-sized chunks all over and people flesh those bites into a whole meal and dish it out onto whatever plate they like....they can serve whatever they like and there is no set menu! The menu is dead. Its old world. There is an old world and there is a new one. IN the new one, if we are going to avoid permanent technocratic enslavery we need to avoid central bank digital currencies linked to DigitalID. 2020, 21, 22 were about MONEY and big banks and systems trying to buy time to work out how to stop Bitcoin and others. We either join the decentralised finance world and thrive, or get sucked into gov't CBDC, then owned and controlled by the mainstream system.

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I think your poll might be creating biased results if one is required to sign in to vote. Obviously, there is a certain demographic that would subscribe. Unfortunately, that same demographic is more likely to even come across this article in the first place. I doubt you have very many hard-core liberals or conservatives in your readership. I don't think your audience, in general, is representative of society as a whole with regard to their views. BTW - I AM a subscriber and I LOVE your work and what you do. I feel you present relevant topics in a, generally, unbiased way. You appear to have done your research. You ask excellent questions. You present all sides of an issue in a sensible, intelligent, dispassionate - even methodical - way. I would describe myself as a moderate. Keep up the good work!

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Thanks for another Stack! i voted 'Neither Disagree or Agree' because i have learned to think critically about each piece of news no matter the source. Took some time to break some old habits but it was worth it. i find ideological 'stuckness' in both mainstream and alternative brands at this point. i feel more 'free' having learned to truly think critically about what i consume. it's more fun too!

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Nice! Thinking critically about each piece is key, and something we teach in our bias course!

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The poll regarding the trustworthiness of alternative media hits me as being too vague to have much value, as that realm is intensely diverse and becoming more so by the day. It seems people are now implicitly trusting certain alternative sources and remaining guarded about others, whereas the same people might continue trusting some "mainstream media". "Forget mainstream media, do you trust alternative media?" is too general to yield revealing results.

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Fair point. I was debating for a few minutes as to what I could do to gain more value from the poll. I landed on this as I was curious to get a general sense of whether people's trust in media is weak in general, or strong on the alt side. You got me thinking though, I'm going to try to come up with something of greater value as I'm always curious about questions like this.

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Definitely aware of the mainstream media predominant 'narrative' and blatant propaganda early on and throughout the pandemic - that's what first alerted me to question the 'vaccines'. Now I question the media in general (including social media). I like that you point out that social media is captured by a very loud minority. - that's a relief! Thank goodness for alternatives like Substack for critical thinking and balanced analysis, although every writer inevitably has their bias.

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Well said! And so far we are liking Substack although we are still getting a handle on it and wondering how it will fair into our business model as a whole. Seems to be an interesting ecosystem of collaboration vs simply having your own website, but we shall see!

Indeed bias will be in every case, but if a writer is aware and forthcoming, they can produce stronger content that is less misleading.

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