i agree with most of the other commenters, that Artificial Intelligence and the underlying technology that makes it function, cannot be compared with the sentient nature of any organic, living being. This injunction may appear unscientific, since it would seem that we should be open to having every new idea examined and empirically tested, but i consider this issue to be of a critical ethical nature. i strongly feel we are facing an imminent globalist takeover of all that we know as natural and life-sustaining, even our organic bodies -- and replacing it all -- with a digital reality, sustained w/in silicon-based consciousness carriers (as best described here by German psychologist and channel, Robin Kaiser https://www.bitchute.com/video/59wjaT2mAGC4/ )

By inferring that an AI that is actualized through bioelectricity, should replace the normal functioning of the human brain since "[it could] achieve even higher levels of parallel processing", and that "AI systems [are better than organic neuron networks since they] are more robust, self-repairing, and capable of continually reorganizing and optimizing themselves" -- i consider this article to be outright propaganda intended to convince readers of the benefit of having an AI-brain interface, like Ray Kurzweil and Elon Musk have promoted. Thus i will oppose this type of propaganda in every way i can !

If you were a true journalist, you would at least include relevant opposing perspectives on this important issue of our times, but i guess that by having AI actually compose a large part of your article, you've already exchanged your human values of integrity and objectivity for the one-dimensional mind-set an AI always seems to take, when given any opportunity to promote itself.

This type of article -- which promotes AI and all that goes with it, and lacks any alternative opinions -- isn't the first i've seen on this channel, so in protest, i am unsubscribing my paid membership to thepulse.one as well as, cevo@e.kajabimail.net

i appreciate many of the other articles on this channel, however it seems to me that although the overall consensus of feedback in the comments section about ones promoting AI is negative, you still continue to publish more w/out any consideration of your reader's opinions.

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"Organic AI"??!!! - just another symptom of our ignorance and delusion about our very living breathing selves. So many of us senselessly hypnotized by the shiny heartless, soulless thing that is AI!

Life is not computation, as beings we are infinitely more than processors. Certainly our bodies are electric, but it is our heart that defines us as a living being, not the mind or any of the processing done by the brain!

"We have long lost sight of our true nature as fundamentally heart centered spiritual creatures of energy, functionally supported in life by the processor that is our brain. Artificial Intelligence profoundly exacerbates the long standing capture of culture by the Cartesian delusion that we are mind centered beings – cold, calculating data processors serviced by a simple pump in our chest, who traverse an exclusively physical Universe.

In all worlds AI, ‘Love’ can never be more than an empty word peeling off of a line of code."


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I agree with the fact that bio-electricity is a critical aspect of our bodies but I wouldn't say that it is the energy behind consciousness since consciousness survives biological death.

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I'm sorry, but I do not read anything created by AI. I read actual essays from thoughtful, intelligent people who provide me with new ideas and interpretations of their scientific understanding. That AI essay is something anyone can access and post as their essay. As a retired journalist and freelance writer/blogger this type of writing doesn't appeal to me at all. The use of "some" ideas from AI might be warranted as background that leads to the ideas and thoughts of the writer, but an entire essay from AI is not interesting to me. Good writers should use AI very sparingly -- if at all!

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I appreciate the effort that goes into producing an essay like this and I appreciate its complexity. I'm not a left-brain dominant intellectual, my right-brain leads, and my heart agrees. I came across a very useful suggestion last October on DNI (Disclosure News Italia) last October from one of their regular contributors, (Dr. Shavi) about cellular transformation through a healing prayer.

"I speak to the cellular memory of (name...) As cells you have been created in perfection by the INFINITE PRESENCE, the SOURCE of all that exists, therefore you are in DIVINE ORDER in every aspect of the physical aspect of (name) Your molecules, atoms and subatomic particles as the cells of (name) continually regenerate, revialise and renew, your mitochondria which receive and deliver information spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally to (name) in this

"NOW" are transmitting total healing throughout your auric fields, the vibrational frequency and the meridians of (name) and all is well.

Sacred Praises. Sacred Praises. Sacred Praises."

Believe it or not this is a form of technology using conscious focus.

There's more...if interested look it up on Disclosure News Italia.

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