It Was Nice To See President Trump's Plan To Reinstate Unvaccinated Military Personnel
During his inauguration speech, President Trump stated that he would reinstate all military personnel, with back pay, who were let go due to their refusal to take COVID-19 shots.
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“It was very unfortunate, that from the beginning, what was presented to us by public health officials was a picture of great certainty…But the reality was that there were extremely important unknowns. We entered a situation where essentially the stakes became too high to later present that uncertainty to people...I think that's what set us off on the wrong foot. Public officials should have been a lot more forthright about the gaps in our knowledge.”
- Dr. Peter Doshi, an associate professor at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and senior editor at The BMJ.
Donald Trump plans to reinstate all military personnell who were let go due to their refusal to take COVID-19 shots, which represents approximately 8000 people. Although President Trump supported the use of COVID vaccines, he was steadfast in his belief that when it comes to such medical interventions, freedom of choice must always remain.
“I will reinstate any service members who were unjustly expelled from our military for objecting to the COVID vaccine mandate with full back pay… And I will sign an order to stop our warriors from being subjected to radical political theories and social experiments while on duty.”
White House officials have not said when the executive order regarding military COVID vaccines might be signed.
Trump’s comments echo those made by his Defense Secretary nominee, Pete Hegseth. He said the members would be “apologized to” and “reinstituted with pay and rank.”
Strong supporters of mandatory COVID vaccination would say that choice always remained, but that’s ridiculous. Being threatened with the loss of your job and the ability to put food on the table does not represent free choice, and we’ve seen nurses in some parts of the world, for example, who have also been given back their jobs with back pay.
Sure, if solid science at the time showed that these shots would stop transmission and be completely safe and effective, then yes, it could be justified. However, things became obvious quite quickly early on during the rollout of COVID-19 vaccination that, at the very least, warranted free choice. Many people were not interested in being part of one of the largest clinical trials in history.
“Communications have sometimes over-emphasized the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, both for preventing infection and transmission, and in preventing severe disease (e.g., Christie, 2022; Guardia 2021c; New York Times, 2021, Nordstrom et. al, 2021; ONS 2021a; VCP 2021a, b: Wong, 20210”
For me personally, an alarming and record-breaking number of reports to vaccine injury reporting systems worldwide was one of the main reasons I was skeptical. In fact, I was quite shocked. Consider that on July 16, 1999, the CDC recommended that healthcare providers suspended the use of the licensed RotaShield—a rotavirus vaccine—after only 15 cases of intussusception were reported to VAERS.
About 50 per cent of serious adverse events recorded in VAERS over thirty years of existence were associated with three COVID products within less than one year of their rollout. There are millions of them reported.
Say what you will about VAERS and other vaccine injury reporting systems' flaws. To me, the signal, along with the concerning science, set off alarm bells in the hearts of many.
Another great concern of mine was, do the vaccine contents stay at the injection site or travel elsewhere? If they travel elsewhere, are there potential health consequences associated with that? I explored that in this article. This and other concerning science, autopsy results, and much more also contributed to my concerns.
Attached To The Left & Right
As a final note to this quick piece, it concerns me that hatred for “the right” or “the left” influences how one feels about decisions made. For example, many people would agree with a decision or statement made by a high-ranking politician or president on the “left”, but they wouldn’t agree with the same statement if it were made by the same on the “right.” Perhaps this clip from Hillary Clinton serves as a good example.
Many factors hinder humanity's ability to recognize truth, and political alliances are one major factor, especially given the psychological warfare that is often used by both sides. In recent years, these psychological warfare tactics have become quite obvious and recognizable in many instances.
Last but not least, those of you who have followed our work know very well how we feel about the global military industrial complex. I decided to leave this out of the article given that I was trying to make a point about vaccine mandates.
Thanks for the article, though I question this statement: "Sure, if solid science at the time showed that these shots would stop transmission and be completely safe and effective, then yes, it could be justified." The problem lies in the phrase "solid science," since, as we have seen, data and studies can be manipulated (and have been) to support baseless lies. And NO medical intervention could ever be proven "completely safe and effective"; even the best ones will have some side effects, however mild, and the truth is that most cause at least a small degree of serious adverse events. Moreover, you would never be able to know anything conclusively about safety or efficacy until many years had passed, whereas the coercion happens in the short term. It's simply wrong to force any human to undergo any medical intervention they do not feel willing to take, for whatever reason. Sovereignty over our own bodies must be respected, period.
Once again, Thankyou for an informative read , with balanced considerations AKA turning down the heat on inflammatory arguments from either “side” of an issue