Very wise words,.applaud

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I see trees as these majestic beings, living witnesses to all that has transpired here. Sometimes when I would look at a piece of wood furniture, I would wonder who it was before becoming a chair. 😅

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Totally feel you. Trees are honestly fascinating and I've spent many moments simply staring at their mystery.. feeling their vibe. Sometimes there is a deep sense of wisdom that can be attained by being around a really old tree. Does it capture knowledge of something? Does it hold a collective understanding of some sort? I'm not sure, but I feel something and tend to think that at times I 'get' something from those experiences.

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Yes totally. So when I watched Avatar, and I connected it with predictive programming, I realized maybe there is something more to trees than we’ve been led to believe. Interesting topic.

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very true very wise, thank you!

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Thanks for reading :)

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Great article! Thank you. Makes so much sense to have plants nearby.

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Yup. Recently me and my wife added a larger plant to our bedroom and it seemed to change the whole vibe. Even after the 'newness' of it wore off, it feels more alive in the space.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

Love meta-analyses, thanks for sharing.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

Great article. When you really do think about it, can we be that surprised by what our society has become when we look at the incentives that are driving it? You make a good point here. More and more I'm looking for a place to have conversations about how to solve core design problems.

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It's a hugely important question to ask for sure. We are so quick to blame something on a surface level factor, or become apathetic in general. I believe we'll gain a lot by digging a bit deeper culturally.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

I live in a small hardwood Forrest that I call the Enchanted Forrest since 1990. I love it! My life has been incredibly hard and being home in this blessed place allows my soul to heal. I’m a lover of life in all its forms do you’ll find me feeding the creatures or the earth, if the creatures don’t want it. We’ve got 10 cats and a German shepherd to herd them 😆. No litter box. We’ve got a blessed cat door. And yes, I can still be an “Official “ Crazy Cat Lady even tho my house doesn’t smell like cat puss. I asked the humane society. True story.

My Sanctuary has been invaded. The property next to mine and the one next to it has new owners. They’ve been cutting down trees like mad and selling the lumber. It hurts me deeply. It’s like the Dark Forces have specifically targeted me this way. Like hitting up everyone I love to be an organic portal for these beasts wasn’t enough. I fight on. Nothing will cause me to give up the fight for love, light, and LIFE during this ending of the Great Ages. This is a spiritual war. I’ll fight to the death if I must gladly. Earth isn’t Home, anyway. Earth is SCHOOL. Home awaits us all. It’s nothing to be feared. Nobody gets out alive, nor does any thing. Even mountains will eventually be ground down into dirt.

But until then, there are the beauties of Nature to enjoy and to help us in so many ways.

And so it is. 💫

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