I'm recognizing a nuance away I hold collective narratives between corporate and independent media, and I'll try to explain. Our perspectives and actions towards freedom will not be reflected in the corporate media. Yet it seems there is a common subconscious belief that UNTIL we see actions towards freedom reflected in corporate media, the actions aren't enough, or they aren't enough to turn the tides. You know what I mean? Since the corporate media owns so much of what is read, watched and listened to, they set the cultural narrative/ story of who we are together (everyone in the country) and what is happening to us collectively. I can feel an unconscious or subconscious dependency on this, even though I largely haven't consumed corporate media in many years. But if something is published in corporate media, I subconsciously think that indicates a bigger shift in perspective than if it's published in independent media. A made up example - it's almost like I feel the country won't shift, even if it mostly has and all the actions needed have been taken, until corporate media acknowledges it. I think this is the way the corporate media keeps a carrot right out of reach by shifting narratives and focus (and in the process manipulating people's emotions, and sewing uncertainty and confusion). Do you know what I mean? Groups of people have a collective story together that orients the mind, and I think there's a way my mind isn't quite settled until a majority have the same orientation and it's reflected in the common story.

Thanks for all your great posts! 👏💕 I really enjoy reading them. I'm a part of your locals community, but I access content primarily through this sub stack and the podcast.

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The suppression of information started way before covid. I have researched the allopathic/pharmaceutical industries for decades. I stopped using these industries about 40 years ago. Until covid shut it down, I had a 30 year alternative health care practice and often helped clients with research because it was confusing for them. The first time I came across suppression was regarding a newsletter I chose to receive. I happened to access the person's website and there was a warning posted there that Google stopped delivering his newsletters and to use another email, such as AOL. I checked my email. There were no newsletters from this source after the date he specified. Then, still way before covid, an article that I tried to share on my son's Facebook page was stopped. The article was about a debate going on to release children's medical information publicly in the state my son lives in. I couldn't understand why this was suppressed. I re-read the article and, near the end, found the word "vaccines" . It was not an article about vaccines but I understood. I gave FB my opinion that this was wrong. Some time later, I tried to share another article and the same thing happened. That was it for me with FB. I also watched Google change its searches until all health-related queries, including alternative/holistic/natural, came up with government or allopathic results. Still years before covid. At that point, I had to do initial research for my clients because I knew how to get around that. I did my best to inform at each person's pace but it is difficult for people to change foundational beliefs, even if they trust you. I could see that the brainwashing has been purposely in effect at least since the 1950s and the setup for the brainwashing started many decades before then. Thinking this is new behavior for our government or the allopathic/pharmaceutical industries is simply not true. It has been painful for me to watch since the 1970s and I thought watching covid might finally break my spirit. It has only made me stronger and more determined to support freedom of health choices and information of all kinds. In my entire life, there are very few times where I used a pharmaceutical product and I decided to choose different health care options when I was in my 30s., 40 years ago. The whole scenario of covid solidified my opinion that the allopathic/pharmaceutical protocols have nothing to do with health, in fact, know very little about how our human system functions. Unfortunately, it has also made me feel that I cannot use that system ever, not even for emergencies, which is sad. I know that I will be fine. I cannot control others but I can stand strongly in my truth, which I have done all my life. The covid situation was not a surprise for me. I have waited for the big wake up call. Was this it? We'll see.

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Thanks for sharing!

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

Excellent and succinct summary on the phenomenon! - worthy of sharing with fence sitters. Thanks for posting.

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Thanks Beau! Much appreciated.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

I strongly believe that we need to wean ourselves off of mainstream media. Period. This includes cable, newspapers, radio and platforms including Facebook and You Tube. Once we choose to disconnect from this propoganda; they no longer control our collective minds. We have the power to do so. We need the will to do it. Quiet the mind and follow your intuition. Once we get up and leave the stands, there's no one left to watch their game.

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You make some great points there. After all we are the ones that hold all these systems up. But it's time for something new.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

So what will happen to the government if the suit is won ?

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

Great question! Historically. those with all the money and media control shift into damage control whereby they typically marginalize it with endless counter suits, and diffuse the issue on media with distractions, limited hangouts, etc. - like the infamous "Call for Amnesty" piece in The Atlantic, or the recent "confession" by a student in Time Magazine - what a steaming pile! Our biggest problem is people falling for that crap! peace love - DON NOT COMPLY!

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