Yes I do enjoying reading written articles especially with links to peer reviewed research articles

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I like written articles

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I really appreciate the way you communicate your content. I would love to see a combination of short video clips at the top of your substack along with written articles. Thanks for all you do.

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Joe, I can’t even remember how I first discovered you but, I’ve come to rely on your integrity, thorough consideration of topics and non-confrontational approach. I’m grateful for your dedication and hard work. Your perseverance will pay off.

As far as method of delivery, I also prefer written, as it allows me to easily navigate the material, reread, skim ahead and connect to links.

On another note, after reading these other comments, I’d love to meet some of your audience!

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Would love to pay you a subscription but I am 69 and retired. Love your articles in written format more so than podcasts or videos. Your written pieces are very articulate and thought provoking and with your links in most of your articles it makes for an interesting read. You can’t add and check out a link in a podcast whilst driving😬 Some videos I’ve watched over the years (from other people as well) leave a lot to be desired - either the sound is poor or they drone on and on to get to one point.

Thank you for all your efforts in bringing subjects regarding humanity to people around the world like me - from Western Australia.

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Easy. Written articles - allows for further research, discernment and contemplation. I rarely listen to the podcasts or videos. Appreciate and value all your efforts, and sorry I cannot subscribe at the moment.

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In my part of the world internet is almost non existent. Sometimes 3G, and only 400 meters to my home or drive 45 kms to town.

I like podcast but can only open email nearer to a signal.

Thank you very much for your work, maybe there's some hope for the human race yet!

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Steve Eccles

Although written articles are a wonderful resource, I like videos which are a personal communication and have the ability to express concern, honesty and love for humanity, Thankyou guys!!!

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I've I've been a subscriber to Pulse ever since I first read a couple of your. articles. You're great! I'm sorry, I can't. Donate more as I'm a senior on a fixed income. But I sure wish you all the success in the world. You are an excellent. Source of news.

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hard to say.. sometimes i just skim through the article. if i'm really interested i'll check out the video/podcast. i like your videos better than the podcasts but it is nice to have multiple perspectives in the podcast.

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You provide incredible service! Thank you! I personally prefer your written articles since I have a journalistic background but whatever allows you to keep doing what you’re doing is acceptable to me. Truth in journalism must somehow prevail.

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Overall I prefer videos although some days I prefer just to read articles since it's easier for me to explore cited sources through articles than videos

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Pleasantly surprised that the majority still prefers the written word! All is good, but written touches the soul :)

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For me, I think I would have to agree with Ron's comment below. The visual aspect can be somewhat distracting at times. I tend to write down anything I want to remember, so it goes.

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I simply love free information sharing and debate. Even better when a lil whit, satire, or humor is involved. You have solid focus on important issues and delivering them in a way that’s not hyper-dramatized, and it’s been a breath of fresh are in turbulent times. You just need to find the niche and delivery. I have no doubt you’ll find that in your consolidation and reflection. Also, there is major censorship on many of the topics that are covered, so possibly go on offense and start calling the censors out.

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Poll. I written for some reason I retain it better than the others

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