Powerful Short Film Illuminates The Path of Awakening In Our Modern Culture
"Can art reveal, transform, and inspire? What does it take to redeem a culture left in ruins?”
Set Your Pulse: Take a breath. Turn your attention to your body and release any tension. Breathe slowly into the area of your heart for 60 seconds, focusing on feeling a sense of ease. Stay connected to your body as you read. Click here to learn why we suggest this.
The subtitle of this piece is from my friend Lubomir Arsov, an artist and storyteller who just released his latest short film that outlines the path of awakening to darkness in our modern world and inspires a transformation to a more courageous way of being.
His suggestion of our ‘culture in ruins’ is not meant to be suggestive as something negative and uninspiring, but an observational reality of a culture in decline. A culture providing visual and experiential examples of what it feels like to be divorced from something sacred and natural.
Our unconscious modern world struck by loneliness, authoritarianism, manipulation and materialism has created a collective seeking something novel and sacred.
You may recall his last viral film we wrote about in 2017 called In Shadow. In that film, Arsov explores the collective shadow of humanity and what it might take to break free from its programming.
His new film, KINGDOM, was released yesterday and is even more powerful in my eyes. Coming out after the COVID era, but not necessarily about COVID, the film has a relevant and redeeming message for our current moment that has left many feeling hopeless…
…it’s time to step into empowerment and process the feelings of hopelessness and despair. The black-pilled perspective that “things will never change, everything is always bad, and the world is simply evil” isn’t creating a better world, and won’t dispel the darkness.
As his film’s description reads:
“KINGDOM is an audio-visual experience that serves as a template for empowerment. It models the path of awakening in the face of adversity, becoming whole, and confronting inner and outer darkness in order to transform it.
The film's visual and musical arrangement imprints a more courageous way of being. With repeated viewings, this imprint strengthens and becomes available to the viewer as an inner knowing. It's against immense odds, that the brilliance of one's soul spark ignites – and it's through the unison of our sparks that the purifying inferno of Truth blazes. One flame to ignite an inferno. Et Lux in Tenebris.”
Art can be a powerful medium to wake us up from a slumberous spell that has us feeling stuck. I think KINGDOM delivers that call.
After you check out the film below, listen to my interview with Lubomir on the CE Podcast here.
Watched it without reading your description. Very evocative and thought provoking.
When I clicked on the link to watch the video, it took me to YouTube and a message that said, "Video Unavailable". I went to Rumble and searched for the title Kingdom by Lubomir Arsov and watched it there. Thank you for sharing.