When I clicked on the link to watch the video, it took me to YouTube and a message that said, "Video Unavailable". I went to Rumble and searched for the title Kingdom by Lubomir Arsov and watched it there. Thank you for sharing.

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Great discussion Joe. Such a powerful redemptive piece of work. Thank you for amplifying this message here and in all your work.

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I really enjoyed your conversation. Great questions, which allowed Mr. Arsov to go deep--which he did.

I rarely have been moved by visual arts. I stick to conversation and the written word. I think it is because for me, other art forms are too open to interpretation and therefore may leave the viewer baffled or unintentionally misled. However I saw something in "Kingdom" which I never considered.

There are certainly many, many people who have moved on from what happened during the pandemic and consider the enforced measures to have been necessary and useful. It's these folks whom I wish to reach, and it's not so easy. I don't think that his short film would convince these people that they made a mistake or that the "jabs" were dangerous or that they were blind (or blindfolded) to what was really going on. However, Arsov's use of animation may serve a very important purpose: to show them how others could have reasonably interpreted what happened differently than they did. This is an important first step in coming together.

It's good to be reminded that there are other media forms out there, and that there are creative, intelligent and talented folks like Lubomir who transmuting the collective psyche in different ways.

I thought that his depiction of those in authority as merely puppets and not independent, intelligent minds that have come to "consensus" was very insightful. It was also great to see that in the end, they can and must be reached to liberate us (and them).

Very important stuff. Well said Lubomir!

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

"Kingdom" is a brilliant follow up to "in Shadow" and, from this chair, an astute conceptual representation of what needs to happen as a path to the next paradigm. This work is so valuable an image for so many among us groping for some vision, somewhere, that depicts what a viable path forward looks and feels like. Thanks so much for posting this, Joe!!! Art always leads the way, no?

Our predicament as a species rests in our ignorance of the true heart within each of us (without exception) and the Divine Love that rests within it, patiently waiting to be discovered by us. Lubomir paints this picture as well as the path forward as a growing number of us regurgitate the Wetiko (aka egocentricity) that blinds us from the key we each carry in ourselves. So perfect to depict even the psychopathic hungry ghosts held most captive by Wetiko are healed as well, and awaken to Love much like Ebenezer Scrooge does on Christmas Day. This must be so, if we are to truly evolve!!

as we have noted before together:

"The egocentricity experiment with human Design has run its course – its climax is our confluence of crises. Virtually all system solutions and ascension paths proposed by even the most enlightened among us fail to breach egocentricity’s stronghold. The forecast for our imminent extinction is well founded and arguably certain unless we BECOME something new. Metamorphosis is appropriate terminology here."

"Our challenge is to engineer the Moonshot of an evolutionary path wherein we permanently catalyze our inherent human experience into a broader and deeper perceptual dimension – a transition that reifies a heart-centered, personal/collective human experience, as consciously interconnected individuals integrated within a coherent network – simultaneously separate and all together, like 7.x billion fingers on one ‘Whole’ hand. Once done, perhaps the best part will be an undeniable and perpetual sense of belonging – to one another everywhere, as constituent cells of a ‘Whole’ Humanity, integral to our living Earth."


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Thanks for leading me to this

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This is a very well done symbolization of what was and what will be. I'm impressed.

I have over 4500 "friends" on Fakebook. I can tell that my posts are shadow banned there because if you look at the likes and comments there are hardly ever any more than 3. When I found Substack and started writing on here two years ago I found that my writing was waking people up. I was awakened at the young age of 20 and I'm now 70. I was a cowardly lion back in my youth, but when I conquered the fear of DEATH, I have become a COURAGEOUS LION. What I write on substack and what I post are red pills. I do it for the express purpose of waking up THE REST OF THE SLEEPING LIONS so that we can take our world away from the PSYCHOPATHIC CONTROL FREAK PARASITES that have been running it for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. JUS MEUM TUEBOR!!!


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