Don’t take the Pallywood propaganda for facts. Israel doesn’t hit indiscriminately Hamas terrorist and Palestinian civilians. On the contrary the Israel army tries to protect the civilans - even from Hamas - offering a safe escape route to the south when Hamas terrorists were blocking the Palestinian civilians to find a safe heaven. How can you beleive the numbers published by a terror organization ? 800 dead in the bombing of an hospital ? Not even 10. And it was not an israel strike. It was friendly fire. Just an example.

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This is an interesting post and challenges all of humanity to the core. What, I believe, is missing is actual leadership. Anyone can have an opinion about anything, but taking sides is not a guarantee of arriving at a win-win solution. Dr. Madhava Setty posted excellent comments, but pulling together the wisest people of our time to assess the avenues that exist for peace would certainly demonstrate actual willingness to heal the divide Otherwise, those who wish to lead are simply polarized around their own persuasions. One can be articulate and well-informed but unless able to implement the strategies that guarantee the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, we are tangled up in our own "isms" and "schisms". I believe this is Waterloo for the campaign and very careful assessments are necessary if we are to believe in the capacity to lead the country into the future.


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Yes, but bottom line there are war criminals on both sides, and women, children, men are more than stats., and the Palestinian civilians need help.

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I think you are right! But, at this point I won't correct on the main page, it doesn't matter really why I assumed incorrectly, the problem was assuming in the first place.

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this woman spent her life trying to forge an alliance and to bring peace, this is the result:

Vivian Silver, a Canadian-Israeli peace activist who had been presumed kidnapped by Hamas, was declared dead after her remains were found at her home.


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sorry it didn't provide a link

(JTA) — Vivian Silver, a Canadian-Israeli peace activist who had been presumed kidnapped by Hamas, was declared dead after her remains were found at her home.

Her death was confirmed to JTA by multiple activists who said they were in touch with Silver’s family. Shifra Bronznick, a prominent Jewish social justice activist and lifelong friend of Silver’s, learned from Silver’s son that her remains were identified via her DNA.

“Vivian was always persistent in the pursuit of peace and justice,” Bronznick told JTA on Monday evening. “She was a lifelong feminist, a committed activist, a fearless leader, an exceptional friend and a loving mother, wife and grandmother.”

Until Monday, Silver, 74, was assumed to be among the more than 200 people held captive by Hamas. She is now among the approximately 1,200 people murdered by the terror group in its Oct. 7 attack. Hamas terrorists killed more than 100 people at Silver’s home community, Kibbutz Be’eri, in one of the day’s worst massacres.

She is one of several peace activists to have been killed or captured by Hamas on Oct. 7. Hayim Katsman, 32, who worked with Palestinians in the southern West Bank, was killed in his home in another community on the Gaza border. Yocheved Lifschitz, who helped ferry Palestinians from Gaza to medical care in Israel, was taken captive by Hamas and released in late October; her husband Oded, also involved in peace work, remains missing.

“A woman of infinite, deep, ongoing compassion, humanity and dedication to Arab-Jewish partnership and peace. Yes. Peace,” Anat Saragusti, an Israeli writer and feminist activist, wrote on social media in a post announcing Silver’s death. John Lyndon, the executive director of the Alliance for Middle East Peace, wrote that “she wanted to be free & at peace. Rest in power, Vivian.”

Silver’s sons, like the family members of many of those presumed hostage, lobbied extensively for her release, traveling the country and speaking to journalists around the world to call attention to her story. One son, Yonatan Zeigen, stood out for his calls for a ceasefire, an unusual position in Israel. He said he had learned from his mother to seek peace above all else.

“I would tell her, ‘Israel is dead. It’s hopeless,’ and she would say, ‘Peace could come tomorrow,’” Yonatan, a social worker in Tel Aviv told the Washington Post in a story published last week.

Chen Zeigen, her other son, is a doctoral student in archaeology at the University of Connecticut. She is also survived by four grandchildren.

On the day of the massacre, according to the Washington Post story, Silver took a call with a radio station where she pushed back against the idea that the Palestinians were “insane.” In messages with Yonatan, she expressed fear, frustration and love. “I’m with you,” he wrote to her. Her last message back to him was, “I feel you.”

Born in Winnipeg, Canada, she was the longtime director of the Arab Jewish Center For Empowerment, Equality, and Cooperation, which organized projects joining communities in Israel, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. In 2014, after the last major war between Israel and Hamas, she helped found Women Wage Peace, which promotes peace-building actions among women from all communities and across the political spectrum.

Speaking to Forbes in 2021 for a series on women who assist the vulnerable, Silver said she remembered feeling relief after the government built bomb shelters in Kibbutz Be’eri, which had been subject to rocket fire from Gaza for more than a decade.

“In 2009, the [Israeli] government only built shelters for communities that were four kilometers from the border. The community I live in is four and a half kilometers from the border, so we didn’t have shelters then,” Silver told Forbes. “Now we do, so psychologically we feel better, and we feel safer, and in fact, we are safer, we’re a lot safer than the people in Gaza.”

At a 2018 Women Wage Peace event on the Gaza border in 2018, she said that the Israeli government needed to change its approach in order to bring peace to the area. “Show the required courage that will bring changes of policy that will bring us quiet and security,” she said then, addressing the government. “Returning to the routine is not an option.”

Appealing to women across the border, she said, “Terror does not make anything better for anyone, you too deserve quiet and peace.”

Bronznick first met Silver in the early 1970s when both were involved in organizing a national conference of Jewish women. They remained friends and, for a period of six years, took an annual trip together — the last one was to Santa Fe, New Mexico. When Silver would stay at Bronznick’s home, she would prepare an Israeli breakfast, Bronznick recalled.

“She would be passionately advocating for peace right now,” Bronznick said, referring to Israel’s war against Hamas, launched following the Oct. 7 attack. “She never gave up on bridge-building. She never gave up on making change. She never gave up on people… She always focused on people, children, what motivated them, what meant something to them.”

Before Oct. 7, Silver was due for another stay at Bronznick’s home in New York City in early December. On top of each of the days in Bronznick’s calendar, she had written “Viv.”

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What if RFK Jr. told the Qanons that there had been a typo in their literature and he's the one they're waiting for?

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Thank you so much, Joe Martino, for this very thoughtful look at Kennedy's 'fall from grace.' He is obviously human and has a strong attachment to the Israeli people. He sees so many issues so clearly that I'm surprised he doesn't smell a rat when he sees that the IDF was missing in action for so many hours at the beginning of the attack and many other questions around the Netanyahu Governments behavior. That aside, this obvious lack of alignment in Kennedy's support for Israel's right to attack Gaza vs his clear refusal to be drawn into name calling of his political opponents--his efforts to "heal the divide"--should cause us to ask for an alignment of his positions but I don't feel it is a deal breaker. When I look at his political opponents in this race and the tenor of so many politicians who have run for office in the last decade--I see outright lies and coverups to provide a facade that the voting public has difficulty seeing through. We have often been unwilling to believe that these candidates could be so disingenuous and so willing to be dishonest in the profile they presented to us. I am grateful to say that Kennedy is showing his true colors as he stands in support of Israel. I may differ with him on his stance, but I know he is being real. In this day of candidates who will say anything to get elected and then show their true and muddied colors, Kennedy is a person of old school values that we can count on. He is who he says he is--to the best of his knowledge. That counts for a lot in my book.

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Thank you so much for this very clear presentation and for the information on where one can express one's thoughts. I was all in on RFK jr's campaign but I simply cannot, given his positions on Israel. Frankly, no one is really any better, but, still, it seems to go against everything else he stands for and makes me very wary.

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I made an error, I assumed his wife was Jewish, she played the role of Jewish wife on Curb, so my claim was incorrect.

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He is married to a Jewish woman. He should not have apologized for his comment at an event that he made re: the Nazi regime, and how it was possible to hide back then, whereas with dictatorship wielded using tech, there would not be a sliver of room for escape. He is human, has weaknesses, and we are seeing one. Hamas must be taken down, because they are terrorists, Israel though has committed a greater number of atrocities including the murder of nine thousand women and children in the past few weeks. Israel has encroached onto Palestinian land for decades; the Nakba cleansed a quarter of a million Palestinians from their homes. The solutions offered to the Palestinians that were rejected, were unfair to begin with. Students threatening death to Israel, are not protected by the constitution, some phrases are injurious when spoken. Students harassing Jewish students should be held accountable. However, students have a right to express unpopular viewpoints that do not involve threat, and they have a right to peaceful protest. A campus can't be allowed to descend into chaos and violence because of anger, even if the anger is justifiable. So, to a degree I agree with JFK Jr. Also, would he be supported by the U.S. if he didn't support Israel which is a key strategic player for the U.S. in the middle east. Politics always takes center stage and will side with self-interest not empathy. According to Jeremy Hammond in Obstacle to Peace, the push for a two-state solution is a veneer. Also, the Christian Zionists in the U.S. hold powerful sway over the narrative. So much to consider, would Kennedy lose out of the gate if he went against their ideology.

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Cheryl Hines is NOT Jewish

Cheryl Hines

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cheryl Hines

Born Cheryl Ruth Hines

September 21, 1965 (age 58)

Miami Beach, Florida, U.S.

Alma mater University of Central Florida

Occupation(s) Actress, comedian

Years active 1993–present

Television Curb Your Enthusiasm

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (m. 2014)​

Children 1

Cheryl Ruth Hines (born September 21, 1965)[1] is an American actress and comedian who portrayed Larry David's wife Cheryl on HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm, for which she has been nominated for two Emmy Awards. She also starred as Dallas Royce on the ABC sitcom Suburgatory and made her directorial debut in 2009 with the film Serious Moonlight. Hines is married to lawyer and 2024 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Hines was born in Miami Beach, Florida, to James and Rosemary Hines.[2]

Part of her family came from Frostproof, Florida,[3] but she grew up in Tallahassee,[3] where she was a member of the Young Actors Theatre throughout high school. Hines also attended Lively Technical Center and Tallahassee Community College in Tallahassee. She was raised Catholic.[4][5]

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I made an incorrect assumption from the fictional Curb your enthusiasm. I will post again to correct. Thank you for enlightening me.

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I don't think her character in curb Your Enthusiasm was Jewish either.

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There is some evidence that the Khazarians are being driven out but there is also their off-planet operations to consider. Even the most open-minded researchers don't want to venture into that realm, but I hold that we do live in a Universe that's vastly interactive. As for the challenges we face here, I no longer personally don't put much stock in the potential to reduce the number of truly sinister minds pushing the levers of power significantly enough to stop them from further destruction of humanity. Having spent a lifetime in motion picture and television "idealism", I eventually had to face the facts realistically: The estimated number of corrupt or truly dangerous criminal elements in this world is high enough to discourage even the best of us in the current "resistance".

The Bible is the Illuminati playbook, it was recently stated. They seek total control or will destroy us.

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Thanks much, Beau,

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

Thank you, Joe, for this research, study and writing. Thank you for making it easy for me to know how to be heard by Bobby's group.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

Jewish people, students, rabbis, congregants, pedestrians going about their day, are being physically threatened, even murdered, by pro-Hamas demonstrators who shout "Death to the Jews" at them, in the USA, in Canada, in Argentina, in France, in Germany, in Great Britain, etc.

What do you propose should be done to protect us?

Chamberlin tried to negotiate with Hitler and where did that get us? Hitler then invaded more countries and England declared war on Germany. Sometimes you have to fight to protect yourself.

I am completely aware of the fake Jews, the Khazarians, who are like a Satanic cult and are the Deep State.

IMO They used to Holocaust to kill as many real Jews as they could so they could take over, and people wouldn't know the difference, and everything bad attributed to the Jewish People has been done by them, not us.

A teenage boy in Las Vegas was beaten to death by a mob of teens because he was trying to help his friend whom they were bullying and attacking.

I'm not surprised Dennis Kucinich quit, that's nice for him. He was gerrymandered out of his Congressional District years ago btw.

My dad grew up on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, and everyday the Jewish kids had to fight their way to school and home. My uncles carried baseball bats with them for self-defence. The Kennedy family has always stood by the Jewish People.

In the 1920's, my grandfather, who was a violinist, and an immigrant from London, England, was working at a restaurant/night club/speakeasy in Oyster Bay, Long Island.

One evening, a man showed up and asked him if he'd like to earn extra money.

My grandfather of course said yes.

The man told him to come to the beach after he was finished playing.

Turns out they were smuggling booze from a large boat on Long Island Sound and ferried by smaller boats to the shore where they were picked up.

My grandfather helped load the crates of booze onto trucks. I'm not sure how long he did this for, days, weeks, but he was paid very well for his effort, and of course for keeping quiet.

The man had taken a liking to my grandfather, and they even conversed in a little Yiddish.

The man was Joseph Kennedy Sr. So when RFK Jr denies his family were ever bootleggers, if my grandfather were alive today, he could dispute that claim. It's quite probable the booze came from Canada and the Bronfmans. My grandfather was a Republican btw.

Things are complicated. People have the right to self-defence.

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Great thoughts here, and I really enjoyed the story of your grandfather and Joseph Kennedy. I have a heard a couple of stories as well along different lines but involving powerful people and first hand accounts. They reveal truths to some of the most major events in human history being something different than the official narrative.

I get that in ur current time, the way things are, Israel defending itself is key, but the nature in which they are killing Palestinians is not even in agreement with International Law. It's one thing to defend, it's another to brutalize innocent people. Hence there has to be another way.

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And how about this from 2014:

IDF's Gaza assault is to control Palestinian gas, avert Israeli energy crisis - Israel's defense minister has confirmed that military plans to 'uproot Hamas' are about dominating Gaza's gas reserves.


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Wow, all wars seem to get back to energy and land. That is a very insightful article.

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right! - and then move a level up to the money:

"All Wars Are Bankers Wars":


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We are not hearing about the bid by Israel for natural gas in Palestinian territory. There is always so much more going on behind the scenes related to economics than is reported, the public for the most part only has a surface understanding.

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Of course - we are only hearing what they want us to hear - business as usual!

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Once again, we have a specific example of a false flag event, one that the government of Egypt warned Israeli authorities was in the works, that Hamas, OR, a covert segment of that militant group, was about to act on. The leader of Hamas was in Quatar then and now. Little if any mention of these atrocities has been heard of from him.

Then we have the disputed suspicion, with some actual facts supporting that as evidence, that Hamas was set up as 'controlled opposition' long ago. If we look deep at history, we will see that the dark forces guiding the Zionist intents throughout it's long history clash severely with traditional Orthodox Jewish followers. Rabbis are being beat up at this very moment in Tel Aviv by Zionist IDF thugs.

The Zionists have an evil history some refer to as The Kardasian Mafia, a truly evil outfit with Western World operatives infiltrated into the majority of ruling nations, a verifiable fact, which I believe is behind Israel today. They will punish any politician with death for opposing them. This is why RFKjr and Trump are watching their own positions carefully.

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...uh...I think you mean Khazarian mafia, no?

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