Well done!

In the beginning of the article you say: "I must say out the gate, I do not believe our existing societal systems can flesh out a thriving world. They can only, for the most part, maintain the status quo and continue a society built on wage slavery and disconnection."

But then you to imply that RFK, Jr. can somehow go beyond or change those systems, which to me is contradictory.

IMO, when enough people drop out of the technocratic state and rely on community alternatives instead, the world will have changed for the better.

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I think you mean He thinks ON his feet; not Of his feet! the same error (typo) was made twice.

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An interesting philosophical take from RFK Jr on uphill battles:


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Just like Covid, Climate Change is a scam to take more liberties away until you have no liberties left. Then your left with Communism. Listen how Klaus Schwab praises China and the CCP for ruling China with an iron fist. If this Digital cashless society takes hold we all will be in a Digital Prison. Canada and Australia have already begun their descent into Communism. What do you think 15 minute cities are all about? Absolute control. Resist Digital Currency and Cashless Society, if you don’t, you all will regret it. I’m 57 years old, I’ve lived in Texas my entire life, it’s no hotter today than it was 50 years ago. Don’t drink the Kool-Aid.

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May 2, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

Had a bit of a tough day today, your piece brought me a sense of calm. I can feel it rushing through my body as I embrace this idea of thinking more expansively. I know it might be hard to believe, but there is a power to deeper insight like this. Thank you!

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I totally feel you. For almost 15 years now people have shared that deeper perspectives on current events bring about a sense of calm about the process we're going through, but without creating complacency. That is the key!

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RFK, Jr. refuses to address the fact that in the history of virology, not one virus has ever been purified and isolated, which means, viruses only exist in theory and computer models. He knows full well that no virus has ever been found, but refuses to talk about this fact. And because of that, I don't trust him.

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May 2, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

It was almost painful to watch that ABC interview.. I wonder what other mainstream media outlets are thinking when they watched this piece and the comments on YT as you pointed out.

As always, loved your perspective on this and I too feel inspired!

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May 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023Author

I thought the same thing about other outlets. I think they might be looking at this and coming up with strategy for their inevitable interviews - realizing they can't push him over too easily.

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How noble of ABC to use their "editorial independence" to prevent the spread of "misinformation". I think the reason MSM is even pretending to give him a platform is in large part because of the Twitter files and "Missouri files" (which many may not have heard of); so they just want to make themselves seem fair and impartial which they aren't.

We can also expect MSM to platform him during times where they have the least viewership, keeping "misinformation" from spreading further than they would like.

RFK Jr will doubtless shake things up and I hope people will want to hear (and try to understand) what he has to say even if MSM continues its "editorial independence" of his well-known facts that can be supported with verifiable evidence -- other than "it's been 'debunked'".

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Well said! And I do believe a new chunk of people will begin questioning things as a result of what will inevitably be platformed.

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Absolutely! And I also didn't catch what Keller said the first time: "Kennedy would not be the first presidential candidate to be in it for self-promotion or to peddle a cause, and if media outlets drawn by the name and starved for an angle decide to cover him, mission accomplished."

To me this sounds like an indirect call for censorship, something i'm sure is not only hugely illegal -- and I don't think one has to be a media expert to see that -- but also obviously highly unethical.

But then again, calls for censorship seem to be the norm these days and those calls will definitely increase as this race heats up.

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My intuitions exactly. I wish I had written this piece. Here's my take in the DNC debates - let's transcend them and good riddance. https://coronawise.substack.com/p/political-aikido-transcending-the - what do you think?

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May 2, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

As a Baby Boomer, I'm already seeing an automatic rejection of Kennedy as a viable candidate coming from my lifelong liberal Democrat friends. No logic or reasoning involved, just parroting the dogma they consume from MSNBC, the Washington Post, etc. They immediately shut down and become defensive when a truthful discussion is attempted that conflicts with their beliefs.

I am hopeful that younger generations will have had enough of the lies and suppression of alternate points of view to actually investigate for themselves what RFK stands for. My generation is too entrenched in the official narrative.

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I feel you, it can be tough to engage certain people who don't want to engage and who almost feel backed into a corner now that so much of what they believed is turning into a soft foundation. In those cases, I believe time, patience and witnessing more can be helpful. I've seen many people who I thought would never open up make huge leaps in their perspective during COVID. Perhaps this could happen further in this next 1.5 years.

Then again, who knows! :) Some may never change their minds about certain things.

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May 2, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

In an honest election no one beat’s Trump. I have a lot of respect for Kennedy and how he stood up against Fauci and Big Pharma but I don’t agree with his opinion about Climate Change. If the oceans were truly rising Banks wouldn’t finance oceanfront properties. As far as Kennedy winning, Big Pharma would never allow that to happen.

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You bring up a key question with regards to Kennedy's position on climate change. I too am still looking into his thoughts. That said, Kennedy's policies would be much better and less authoritarian, making his stance on what he THINKS will happen with climate change less important. Essentially, I imagine he would stop things like carbon taxes and green washing. But this is an area worth learning more about in terms of his position.

Trump, I'm still trying to figure that one out. Something about him terrified people in power, but I also don't believe he's perfect (as no one is), but what he seems to do to people does scare me a bit. That is to say, the cults built around Trump are concerning.

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023

Till now MSM and friendly media alike has avoided the topic, which I think shows the MSM's total lack of research on him and the friendly media's desire to not bring it up yet... if the MSM really wanted to mock him (which they do), they should have realized by now that they can also currently frame him as a 'climate denier' if they asked him the right questions. I think they currently avoid climate because, as like the commenter above, they still think he maintains a strong establishment-narrative position, which would gain him kudos among the programmed TV watchers, something they obviously don't want. Also, quite a few of the people who recently awakened during the plandemic - who are currently receptive to RFK Jr. on health and corruption topics - are also still CO2 narrative hanger-ons , which might turn them away. Maybe the MSM is leaving the issue as an ace up their sleeve for when he gains more traction. My hope is he gains traction converting people on all the issues he's talking about before the MSM discover his real position and/or decide to start revealing to the public that he's a conspiracy theorist extraordinaire that 'doesn't believe in global warming' or some other simplistic characterization.

You can relatively easily explain to an everyday joe how vaccines are dangerous due to agency capture, but conveying to the same everyday joe the labyrinth of events, scientific information and confluence of agendas required to unpack and deprogram 40 years of institutional CO2 indoctrination isn't something I've seen done convincingly by anyone in short format interview responses. My advice to him would be to fully proclaim his position broadly and quickly, in formats that also allow him to show all the body of evidence that CO2 is a product (not a driver) of climate change, so it isn't something he has to respond to in defense as it currently would be if the the MSM were to exposé his position as a revelation.

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May 2, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

A secure border.

Affordable food.

Affordable fuel.

Low taxes.

Strong Military.

Respected once again by our Allie’s and Enemies.

A booming economy.

A strong stock market.


I can understand why you may be on the fence about Trump.

Good luck with your candidate of choice. One thing’s for sure Kennedy will make the debate’s interesting.

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If the DNC allows the debates to happen... that's the part I'm hoping eventually occurs. Being a Canadian citizen, I don't get to choose a US candidate, but it's fun nonetheless to observe the process from afar.

I've felt that Trump was also fairly anti-establishment, but it was always tough to rectify his position on COVID vaccines and operation warp-speed. Do you have any thoughts on that aspect of his position?

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While I have to denounce attacks and TDS coming from deranged leftists, I still have a lot of criticisms against Trump. The Donald became a slave to his advisors and his family (Jared Kushner). The tactic he used in his career--delegating everything to the experts and picking "the right people" for the job--doesn't work on politics, especially not against the Deep State. He may have went in with the intention of draining the swamp but it instead just drowned in it. Those who couldn't see it by the end including any supposed Qanon sources, a ot of which just turned out wrong, started excusing his behavior as playing "3D chess" or 4D chess.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

This is amazing! How far we’ve come! Thank you!

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What a thorough fantastic piece of journalism. So true, that all of this chaos is necessary to flesh out the truth to all and to help remake our society into something good, honest and compassionate. More chaos to come certainly and necessary, as a nasty tar pit can't remake itself into a garden from itself.

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I loved the piece too. Interestingly I have heard some really invested in the system be really harsh towards takes that embrace chaos as a sign of change. I find these people like things to just stay as they are however. Happy to be here with The Pulse and its community.

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Indeed, well said! I do believe it doesn't have to be this way, but it seems humans evolve mostly under extreme pressure lol

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May 2, 2023Liked by Joe Martino

I would love to see Marianne Williamson and RFK Junior do a debate!

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I would love to see them run on the same ticket!

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Been speaking with a few friends on mine about this, but I think it's possible RFK and Marianne could team up as a single ticket. This could be the strategy when / if they go independent. Allowing the DNC to show its true colors first is still key though!

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As always, I greatly appreciate your calm, reasoned take on the world and on current events. You inspired me to start my own (currently failing) Substack and continue to motivate me to learn, research, and try to be more optimistic.

Thank you.

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Thanks so much for the feedback and kind words. Glad our work has created some inspiration as well. I will check out what you're up to on your Substack :)

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