First off, why don't those school systems simply BAN the use of cell phones during class hours? Why is it that everyone wants to sue someone else for their own idiocy. It's the GUN manufacturers fault! It's the LAWN MOWERS or SEARS fault not the moron that picked it up to trim his hedges with it. After all it had to have a instruction manual the size of the Encyclopedia Britannica to tell you what NOT to do with it. Do not use your lawn mower for removing naval lint. Do not use your lawn mower to trim your eyebrows. Do not use your lawn mower to trim your toe nails...It's BEYOND ludicrous. It's EVERYONE else except for the IDIOTS that do what they do. There is NO WAY that the tech companies HI JACK anyone! It's done by your own free will. No one came to my house and put a gun to my head and said, Hey Mark, we want you to write on Substack. Or we demand you watch tic tock. Playing the blame game is getting to be SOOOOOOOO moronic as to be MORONIC. And blaming anything on "capitalism"? Seriously? We haven't had CAPITALISM in the US for over 100 years. We have CRONY capitalism. You pat my back I'll pat yours. Capitalism has no restraints besides the people in a free market. Communism has lots of them. If you actually take the TIME to look at the system we are living under today in the US and the West in general, it isn't capitalism. It's a form of COMMUNISM. Let's get it right for once. Blame the man in the mirror instead of the rest of the world. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/communism-american-style

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Better yet, and a much more intelligent and non knee-jerk reaction, sue the main stream media, especially the publicity funded CBC. They are the ones that are corrupting not only the easily impressionable minds of children, but also those adults that are easily gullible to the nonstop brainwashing, fear porn manipulation, the ongoing censorship, and sensationalist biased narratives that are nothing more than pure propaganda.

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It's interesting to note that many of the top tech billionaires send their children to Steiner schools and restrict their use of mobile devices.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5

i think that although, as you have outlined, many reasons can be found for kids being glued to their devices, not all causes are equal and the problem is not necessarily a cumulative one. Personally i believe childhood vaccinations are the primary cause, and that if children did not receive the massive amounts of toxins (i.e. adjuvants) within a short period of time, during their critical developmental period, that all the other factors like the distraction tactics of Big Tech, would not have the effect they do. Andrew Wakefield first showed the connection between overburdened childhood vaccination schedules and autism and this connection has been supported by other studies. When you have an autistic child who is essentially disconnected at their soul level and, in effect, operating at arms length to life itself, all the other effects from digital distraction, the heavy metals in their diet, and the prevalence of EMF in their environment, will then act to magnify that fundamental disconnection.

Without the primary autism problem, the high vitality children naturally possess at that stage in life, would assert itself and they would be drawn towards life-affirming pursuits instead of falling into a need to continually check their phone. Even though the digital reality has become more sophisticated now, the 80s and 90s also had video games, and although you could say there was some addiction to them, there was also a prevalence of interest in outdoor activities like skateboarding and BMX biking. However, since the 90s the childhood vaccination schedule has been greatly expanded and the autism rate has skyrocketed. Even w/o having a clinical autism diagnosis many children may still bear debilitating effects of toxins present in vaccines they are made to get.

i believe we shouldn't be afraid to be conspiracy theorists, because unless we acknowledge that stance, we will not see the truth in what is being done to us. Children are being deliberately made autistic. Then they are given a respected place in society as "neuro-diverse" while further conceptual structures are being created for "Human 2.0". Everyone should be respected simply for being human.

They want us to be overcome by options -- could it be digital distraction, high EMF or vaccines, as the culprit ? While we're overwhelmed we do nothing to stop them. Maybe the distraction by Big Tech is not the fundamental problem, but it is a start. So kudos to all the school boards for going after Meta et al. At the same time, we should be going after unnecessary childhood vaccinations.

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Thank you for this thoughtful piece. There is another major piece of the puzzle: all of today's wireless tech was brought to market with no biological safety testing. It uses 2-way radiofrequency microwave radiation to send our signals and data back and forth. The FCC, which is supposed to protect us, is reported by Harvard Law School Center for Ethics to be captured by the telecom industry. The FCC has been sued for ignoring 11,000 pages of scientific and medical evidence of harm yet they continue to ignore the court order to bring public radiation limits in line with the science. Wireless emissions cause not only cancer and DNA damage, but infertility, anxiety, depression, cognitive impairment, anger, headaches, insomnia and much more. It is a neurotoxin and immunosuppressant. Children, with their still-developing brains and bodies, are especially vulnerable to microwave radiation. We teach the facts twice a month in free public service webinars. A little education goes a long way, there is much you can do TODAY to stay connected and protected. Please join us, and share: https://www.ma4safetech.org/events. Thanks for your time and consideration.

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Love your perspective. I come for a story about schools suing these social media companies and you give a deep look at other "drivers" as you said. I love that. We need this. The world is going in circles trying to solve problems. I was sad to hear you guys don’t have the funding anymore to do this full time, my hope is you can get it again because the world needs what you guys do so much. 🙏

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