Researchers were able to communicate with lucid dreamers while they were dreaming. It's fascinating to see how these communications manifested within the dreams of the dreamers.
I'd love to get your opinion on some of the many interdimensional experiences I've just started posting in my new substack.
One of these experiences brought a low flying, slow moving, black, unmarked helicopter over my home after notifying the press about a round crop circle-type orb whizzing around. You'll see all of the encounters on my site. reach out if interested in chatting.
All the best to you, Lyn; you are certainly a fearless warrior for justice. Just something from my 50 years of research and self-development in areas of ancient wisdom -- all of what you are describing is based in the mind. The term "cognitive dissonance" relates to maintaining a predominant mental perspective and the stress experienced in adjusting inconsistencies to fit with it. However, shamans don't work on the mental level but through their will and their heart, as well as a knowing inherent in Nature. The mental level can be used against us, by having us believe that that is only where the battle is being waged. One can get cornered into a position of never giving in until the truth is revealed, while much else is at stake, and can be lost.
The Natives know the value of forgiveness in releasing the tension that comes with a need for a victory at all cost -- or for a loss that really may be inconsequential. They even say to the one who wronged them, "i forgive you for what you did. But i do that for myself and my family, not you, since holding on to the anger and hate, would destroy us."
This advanced technology has been in use for many years in covert operations to control and imbued obsessions, tendencies, personality changes and other emotional anchors in the targeted dreamer.
I have experienced it and have also witnessed the fall-outs from someone who had been targeted (staged lucid dreams) as means to imbued twisted obsessions of sexual nature. We call these staged managed lucid dreams and it is often used to smear people - here's one for you >> someone you trust appears in a lucid dream (now keep in mind that the character is a projection) - so that person that you trust appears in the lucid dream and then suddenly transforms into a monster lunging at out.
Most often the targeted dreamer will then fear that person in waking mode. Now to give it credibility, stage that dream with two other people - now three people who know one another have experienced the same staged dream. Uh-oh. That's a great setup, n'est-ce pas? I have seen this happen in a group and that was a means to divide and close off the group.
For a long time, I tried to warn people about this but folks just nodded (in cognitive dissonance) and didn't grasp what can be done / injected emotionally into people with this technology.
Here's another one for you >> Mr. Thompson was living next to a family with young teenage girls. Mr. Thompson one night had a (staged) lucid sex dream, As he was about to climax, the projection (with whom he was engaging with) changed to Cindy, 12 years old who lives next door.
Mr. Thompson became obsessed with Cindy.
True story.
This is not new technology and has been used in many covert operations. Think of those who believe they were abducted by aliens . . . . not aliens at all, but simply projections manned by a human-thug behind the curtain.
Whoa. Nothing that creepy govmint or other agencies would stoop to is shocking.
Funny how in the past year we have found that our own government (as well as others) have been secretly hiding information about UAP’s. They have documented many of these encounters yet have denied any knowledge of it for decades.
Makes one wonder what else they’ve got going on. Maybe there are MIB for real.
One has to wonder if hiding UAPs is so that they don't spoil the sauce for a future alien false flag invasion.
They have already set the stage in the new age and ufo communities to fear non humanoid species but have glorified tall blonds - gee . . . just do a search on Youtube for pleiadians and archangels (They are all sexy and look-a-like - imagine one them coming off a ship "goo goo ga ga" many will have a psychological hard-on -
They have already put in people's psyche that the tall blonds are the good ones perhaps under the cover of being called Pleiadians - then we have ARV (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) aka UAPS (we own them). And the fear of . . . hmmm let's see now . . . oh yeah reptilians who-ha-ha-ha already in the psyche of many (not founded but hey! if this channeler claims to be channeling pleiadians it must be true, right? right. You see how easy it is?
so perhaps the reason for withholding this information UAPs and Extra-terrestrials is so that it does spoil the momentum to eventually dupe humanity.
A means to an end . . . what's the end goal?
Well . . . what have they been putting in our faces for the past three years? . . . . how about DNA Digital ID under the skin and in this case Must register all Earth Citizens - isn't that the ultimate control dream? I'm just saying.
Much clarity and discernment to humanity especially those who claim to be awake but are already bias.
I will check out your links but your take on this is scary, we keep inching closer to everything noted in Revelations regarding the end times. The bar code ID is old news and can already be placed as a kind of tattoo under your skin that can be read but not seen.
With all the war mongering the battle of Armageddon is an easy reach. I couldn’t see how all these things might occur but now it’s half here. Ought to be one hellofashow.
I have to tell you that this comment about trickery and using Germanic looking humans (tall blonds to impersonate so-called Pleiadians is hitting a nerve with people.
I did a post about it (my website) . my research on using human prejudice to trick us was an epiphany I had in early July 2017. At the time, I did a presentation on SKYPE to only 1 person. After that? all hell broke loose.
While I was putting that presentation together (2017) I experienced sightings (captured on video).
In that post, I got in details how they tricked people for decades - they needed/need to get those who see themselves as awaken to believe in good aliens and bad aliens. IT's important and they have succeeded to date. . . it runs deep.
I sent the post (link above) to a friend yesterday . . . we usually talk everyday . . . she's into angels and "so-called" good ETs . . . yes-s those presented on YouTube (wow. . . ) she has not talked to me today.
I feel like the kid who's telling other kids that Santa Claus doesn't exist - not a popular move.
Check out the post when you have time. I got in details how the trickery was done in the new age and ufo community.
Keep in mind they have technology able to make you think you are channeling whomever. It's easy . . . . "I am Shanita from the PLeiades, I am here to warning you . . . blah blah blah"
Be well my friend. We are living in interesting times and I like to think we chose to be here at this time. We are the ones we've been waiting for.
i would say that the "staged lucid dreams" you describe, might be what you imply -- manipulated by outside forces, however they would likely not be true Lucid Dreams, meaning ones where the dreamer is conscious and aware that they are in fact dreaming. There is a big difference in regards to locus of control (see the earlier article on 'locus of control' in The Pulse) between Lucid Dreaming and normal dreaming. It is unlikely there can be the kind of external manipulation of the imagery in a Lucid Dream, because what happens is under the locus of control of the dreamer, and any external intent appearing in the dream, is immediately seen as what it is -- coming from an outside locus of control. To a Lucid Dreamer, the "staging" would thus be immediately obvious. They might get an image of the person behind the staging, or the intent of the person would appear as an attack and they would act to protect themselves.
Surreptitious control can only be effected from the dimension above, i.e. control from the astral dimension can be used to influence the waking activities of people, or it can affect the unconscious imagery of a normal dream, however a Lucid Dream state cannot be controlled from the astral. It could be controlled from the 5D, but to be at that vibration, almost precludes holding any nefarious intention to control anyone.
The kind of lucid dreaming I am alluding to is exactly where you are aware you are in a lucid dream and are able, if you wanted to, to steer things / change it well knowing you are in a dream state. These are not astral nor from entities or aliens nor paranormal in nature or from lower 4D although you would think so if you didn't know better.
They are done using psy technology (been around for decades). A target I knew who is now deceased was a targeted individual and in his case, the dreams were staged (means to an end which I won't get into here) - Very lucid where the dreamer was aware of being in a dream state - the technology is manned by humans here on the ground.
These types of staged lucid dreams are ideal to imbued personality changes, tendencies and obsessions and could be used in psycho-therapy.
This technology could be categorized in same league as MK-Ultra (although different methods are used).
My previous comment and this one stem from a long-term homicide investigation I've done 2019-2022 - I intimately knew the targeted individual (2009-2018)..
i appreciate that you've done significant research on this, but i still believe that certain rules dealing with how the Universe (and us) are made, can't be broken by technology. Technology by definition has to exist somewhere in time and space, while consciousness is unlimited in its ability to ascend to new octaves of existence. A Luciferian reality created and maintained by machines, can mimic the One True Reality in every way, except that it can't have Light.
In true Lucid Dreaming, all attempts to deceive, or to mask the true intent of any action, become known -- as Darkness is known to be different than Light. Maybe in the situations you refer to, the person was just made to believe they were lucid dreaming, while they hadn't actually entered it naturally, through their own volition, and thus they didn't truly have any control over their dreaming, either.
All the best to you, Lyn; you are certainly a fearless warrior for justice. Just something from my 50 years of research and self-development in areas of ancient wisdom -- all of what you are describing is based in the mind. The term "cognitive dissonance" relates to maintaining a predominant mental perspective and the stress experienced in adjusting inconsistencies to fit with it. However, shamans don't work on the mental level but through their will and their heart, as well as a knowing inherent in Nature. The mental level can be used against us, by having us believe that that is only where the battle is being waged. One can get cornered into a position of never giving in until the truth is revealed, while much else is at stake, and can be lost.
The Natives know the value of forgiveness in releasing the tension that comes with a need for a victory at all cost -- or for avoiding a loss that really may be inconsequential. They even say to the one who wronged them, "i forgive you for what you did. But i do that for myself and my family, not you, since holding on to the anger and hate, would destroy us."
Dreams and their importance, particularly prophetic dreams such as the many people who had relevant dreams about 9/11 (my own son being one of them) are not a marketable product. When there is no financial gain to be had the general interest has and will remain marginal.
Alas, our world is yet dominated by the forces of profitability and as such seems to discount any investments that have no real world return. Most people will at least acknowledge there are unseen forces or paranormal that are fascinating but see the pursuit of some sort of “capture” a fools errand.
Not wanting to be a bummer here. This topic has always fascinated me.
Shamans typically enter Lucid Dreaming and develop their Dream Body which is a parallel body to their physical one, and which sustains their consciousness while in higher dimensions. What is called the astral body is only the beginning stage of the Dreaming Body. The twelve books that Carlos Castaneda wrote, go into this practice, as do the books of his apprentices, as well as those written by the apprentices of his mentor.
Also a Russian psychiatrist, Olga Kharitidi (now, Yahontova), who was then working in a mental hospital in Soviet Siberia, studied the shamanic practices of several indigenous peoples in Siberia and in central Asia, searching for more effective ways to treat serious mental and emotional disorders. She learned from shamans in Uzbekistan, how to heal "memory demons" which are composed of psychic energy and autonomous fragments of consciousness, found in the breaks of the memory continuum of people who have suffered severe trauma.
As is known from the work of people like Carl Jung, dreams are composed of images holding disowned motivations, ones which are not acknowledged by the dreamer in their waking state, yet represent deep unconscious patterns ("complexes") in their psyche. In the psychoanalysis depth process, dreams that the client recalls are analyzed by the analyst to bring insight to the client about the unconscious complexes driving their waking life. However, the client's dream space itself, where these dream images appear, can be a more effective venue where transformation of these unconscious complexes can be directly accomplished.
In her book, Master of Lucid Dreams, Olga writes, "Working with dreams can assist greatly in this task, Lucid dreams help clear internal spaces very quickly, because movement is an essential part of them. . . . The memory space is populated by images. The memory demons can be seen as images too, but they have much more conscious energy in them than usual memories. And exactly because of that, when they are seen and transformed, they don't disappear, but change the quality of their energy and start serving [the person] after you conquer them."
It is already well know that while Lucid Dreaming, some dreamers can share their dreaming space with those who they are emotionally close with -- this is commonly called "Dreaming Together." This process can also be performed by the shamanic healer, and when they are in their client's dream space, they can then shamanically act to bring their client's rogue memory demons, back under their normal conscious processes. Alternately they can teach their client to do this process themselves.
Olga Yahontova does not publicly teach these methods she describes in her books, but she has passed on some of these practices to others who do, i.e.
I'd love to get your opinion on some of the many interdimensional experiences I've just started posting in my new substack.
One of these experiences brought a low flying, slow moving, black, unmarked helicopter over my home after notifying the press about a round crop circle-type orb whizzing around. You'll see all of the encounters on my site. reach out if interested in chatting.
Nice post. The image/pic reminds me of my late teen early twenties years looking down at my self sleeping in my bed.
All the best to you, Lyn; you are certainly a fearless warrior for justice. Just something from my 50 years of research and self-development in areas of ancient wisdom -- all of what you are describing is based in the mind. The term "cognitive dissonance" relates to maintaining a predominant mental perspective and the stress experienced in adjusting inconsistencies to fit with it. However, shamans don't work on the mental level but through their will and their heart, as well as a knowing inherent in Nature. The mental level can be used against us, by having us believe that that is only where the battle is being waged. One can get cornered into a position of never giving in until the truth is revealed, while much else is at stake, and can be lost.
The Natives know the value of forgiveness in releasing the tension that comes with a need for a victory at all cost -- or for a loss that really may be inconsequential. They even say to the one who wronged them, "i forgive you for what you did. But i do that for myself and my family, not you, since holding on to the anger and hate, would destroy us."
This advanced technology has been in use for many years in covert operations to control and imbued obsessions, tendencies, personality changes and other emotional anchors in the targeted dreamer.
I have experienced it and have also witnessed the fall-outs from someone who had been targeted (staged lucid dreams) as means to imbued twisted obsessions of sexual nature. We call these staged managed lucid dreams and it is often used to smear people - here's one for you >> someone you trust appears in a lucid dream (now keep in mind that the character is a projection) - so that person that you trust appears in the lucid dream and then suddenly transforms into a monster lunging at out.
Most often the targeted dreamer will then fear that person in waking mode. Now to give it credibility, stage that dream with two other people - now three people who know one another have experienced the same staged dream. Uh-oh. That's a great setup, n'est-ce pas? I have seen this happen in a group and that was a means to divide and close off the group.
For a long time, I tried to warn people about this but folks just nodded (in cognitive dissonance) and didn't grasp what can be done / injected emotionally into people with this technology.
Here's another one for you >> Mr. Thompson was living next to a family with young teenage girls. Mr. Thompson one night had a (staged) lucid sex dream, As he was about to climax, the projection (with whom he was engaging with) changed to Cindy, 12 years old who lives next door.
Mr. Thompson became obsessed with Cindy.
True story.
This is not new technology and has been used in many covert operations. Think of those who believe they were abducted by aliens . . . . not aliens at all, but simply projections manned by a human-thug behind the curtain.
Whoa. Nothing that creepy govmint or other agencies would stoop to is shocking.
Funny how in the past year we have found that our own government (as well as others) have been secretly hiding information about UAP’s. They have documented many of these encounters yet have denied any knowledge of it for decades.
Makes one wonder what else they’ve got going on. Maybe there are MIB for real.
One has to wonder if hiding UAPs is so that they don't spoil the sauce for a future alien false flag invasion.
They have already set the stage in the new age and ufo communities to fear non humanoid species but have glorified tall blonds - gee . . . just do a search on Youtube for pleiadians and archangels (They are all sexy and look-a-like - imagine one them coming off a ship "goo goo ga ga" many will have a psychological hard-on -
But are they real or humans impersonating? playing (ancient psychology) with the innate prejudice trigger of humans - One has to ask the question, check this out >> prejudice-racism-here-and-there.mp4 (1-2 min clip) >>
Then check this one out (1-2 minute clip) >> Germans-posing-as-ET-humanoid-species.mp4 >>
They have already put in people's psyche that the tall blonds are the good ones perhaps under the cover of being called Pleiadians - then we have ARV (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) aka UAPS (we own them). And the fear of . . . hmmm let's see now . . . oh yeah reptilians who-ha-ha-ha already in the psyche of many (not founded but hey! if this channeler claims to be channeling pleiadians it must be true, right? right. You see how easy it is?
so perhaps the reason for withholding this information UAPs and Extra-terrestrials is so that it does spoil the momentum to eventually dupe humanity.
A means to an end . . . what's the end goal?
Well . . . what have they been putting in our faces for the past three years? . . . . how about DNA Digital ID under the skin and in this case Must register all Earth Citizens - isn't that the ultimate control dream? I'm just saying.
Much clarity and discernment to humanity especially those who claim to be awake but are already bias.
I will check out your links but your take on this is scary, we keep inching closer to everything noted in Revelations regarding the end times. The bar code ID is old news and can already be placed as a kind of tattoo under your skin that can be read but not seen.
With all the war mongering the battle of Armageddon is an easy reach. I couldn’t see how all these things might occur but now it’s half here. Ought to be one hellofashow.
I have to tell you that this comment about trickery and using Germanic looking humans (tall blonds to impersonate so-called Pleiadians is hitting a nerve with people.
I did a post about it (my website) . my research on using human prejudice to trick us was an epiphany I had in early July 2017. At the time, I did a presentation on SKYPE to only 1 person. After that? all hell broke loose.
While I was putting that presentation together (2017) I experienced sightings (captured on video).
You might want to read this post (done 11 JUL 2023) I've included videos of those sightings because it goes hand in hand when I had that "holy shit" moment in 2017 >>
In that post, I got in details how they tricked people for decades - they needed/need to get those who see themselves as awaken to believe in good aliens and bad aliens. IT's important and they have succeeded to date. . . it runs deep.
I sent the post (link above) to a friend yesterday . . . we usually talk everyday . . . she's into angels and "so-called" good ETs . . . yes-s those presented on YouTube (wow. . . ) she has not talked to me today.
I feel like the kid who's telling other kids that Santa Claus doesn't exist - not a popular move.
Check out the post when you have time. I got in details how the trickery was done in the new age and ufo community.
Keep in mind they have technology able to make you think you are channeling whomever. It's easy . . . . "I am Shanita from the PLeiades, I am here to warning you . . . blah blah blah"
Be well my friend. We are living in interesting times and I like to think we chose to be here at this time. We are the ones we've been waiting for.
Stay the course.
i would say that the "staged lucid dreams" you describe, might be what you imply -- manipulated by outside forces, however they would likely not be true Lucid Dreams, meaning ones where the dreamer is conscious and aware that they are in fact dreaming. There is a big difference in regards to locus of control (see the earlier article on 'locus of control' in The Pulse) between Lucid Dreaming and normal dreaming. It is unlikely there can be the kind of external manipulation of the imagery in a Lucid Dream, because what happens is under the locus of control of the dreamer, and any external intent appearing in the dream, is immediately seen as what it is -- coming from an outside locus of control. To a Lucid Dreamer, the "staging" would thus be immediately obvious. They might get an image of the person behind the staging, or the intent of the person would appear as an attack and they would act to protect themselves.
Surreptitious control can only be effected from the dimension above, i.e. control from the astral dimension can be used to influence the waking activities of people, or it can affect the unconscious imagery of a normal dream, however a Lucid Dream state cannot be controlled from the astral. It could be controlled from the 5D, but to be at that vibration, almost precludes holding any nefarious intention to control anyone.
The kind of lucid dreaming I am alluding to is exactly where you are aware you are in a lucid dream and are able, if you wanted to, to steer things / change it well knowing you are in a dream state. These are not astral nor from entities or aliens nor paranormal in nature or from lower 4D although you would think so if you didn't know better.
They are done using psy technology (been around for decades). A target I knew who is now deceased was a targeted individual and in his case, the dreams were staged (means to an end which I won't get into here) - Very lucid where the dreamer was aware of being in a dream state - the technology is manned by humans here on the ground.
These types of staged lucid dreams are ideal to imbued personality changes, tendencies and obsessions and could be used in psycho-therapy.
This technology could be categorized in same league as MK-Ultra (although different methods are used).
My previous comment and this one stem from a long-term homicide investigation I've done 2019-2022 - I intimately knew the targeted individual (2009-2018)..
i appreciate that you've done significant research on this, but i still believe that certain rules dealing with how the Universe (and us) are made, can't be broken by technology. Technology by definition has to exist somewhere in time and space, while consciousness is unlimited in its ability to ascend to new octaves of existence. A Luciferian reality created and maintained by machines, can mimic the One True Reality in every way, except that it can't have Light.
In true Lucid Dreaming, all attempts to deceive, or to mask the true intent of any action, become known -- as Darkness is known to be different than Light. Maybe in the situations you refer to, the person was just made to believe they were lucid dreaming, while they hadn't actually entered it naturally, through their own volition, and thus they didn't truly have any control over their dreaming, either.
I appreciate your comment but no offense you have cognitive dissonance and that is one of the psychological weaknesses of many humans.
Be well within.
All the best to you, Lyn; you are certainly a fearless warrior for justice. Just something from my 50 years of research and self-development in areas of ancient wisdom -- all of what you are describing is based in the mind. The term "cognitive dissonance" relates to maintaining a predominant mental perspective and the stress experienced in adjusting inconsistencies to fit with it. However, shamans don't work on the mental level but through their will and their heart, as well as a knowing inherent in Nature. The mental level can be used against us, by having us believe that that is only where the battle is being waged. One can get cornered into a position of never giving in until the truth is revealed, while much else is at stake, and can be lost.
The Natives know the value of forgiveness in releasing the tension that comes with a need for a victory at all cost -- or for avoiding a loss that really may be inconsequential. They even say to the one who wronged them, "i forgive you for what you did. But i do that for myself and my family, not you, since holding on to the anger and hate, would destroy us."
Forgiveness is freedom - blind justice is destructive and will eat one up. I have learn that lesson a very long time ago. - grateful I am ; - )
Thanks for sharing.
Bel well in your heart and mind.
Dreams and their importance, particularly prophetic dreams such as the many people who had relevant dreams about 9/11 (my own son being one of them) are not a marketable product. When there is no financial gain to be had the general interest has and will remain marginal.
Alas, our world is yet dominated by the forces of profitability and as such seems to discount any investments that have no real world return. Most people will at least acknowledge there are unseen forces or paranormal that are fascinating but see the pursuit of some sort of “capture” a fools errand.
Not wanting to be a bummer here. This topic has always fascinated me.
Thanks for sharing!
Shamans typically enter Lucid Dreaming and develop their Dream Body which is a parallel body to their physical one, and which sustains their consciousness while in higher dimensions. What is called the astral body is only the beginning stage of the Dreaming Body. The twelve books that Carlos Castaneda wrote, go into this practice, as do the books of his apprentices, as well as those written by the apprentices of his mentor.
Also a Russian psychiatrist, Olga Kharitidi (now, Yahontova), who was then working in a mental hospital in Soviet Siberia, studied the shamanic practices of several indigenous peoples in Siberia and in central Asia, searching for more effective ways to treat serious mental and emotional disorders. She learned from shamans in Uzbekistan, how to heal "memory demons" which are composed of psychic energy and autonomous fragments of consciousness, found in the breaks of the memory continuum of people who have suffered severe trauma.
As is known from the work of people like Carl Jung, dreams are composed of images holding disowned motivations, ones which are not acknowledged by the dreamer in their waking state, yet represent deep unconscious patterns ("complexes") in their psyche. In the psychoanalysis depth process, dreams that the client recalls are analyzed by the analyst to bring insight to the client about the unconscious complexes driving their waking life. However, the client's dream space itself, where these dream images appear, can be a more effective venue where transformation of these unconscious complexes can be directly accomplished.
In her book, Master of Lucid Dreams, Olga writes, "Working with dreams can assist greatly in this task, Lucid dreams help clear internal spaces very quickly, because movement is an essential part of them. . . . The memory space is populated by images. The memory demons can be seen as images too, but they have much more conscious energy in them than usual memories. And exactly because of that, when they are seen and transformed, they don't disappear, but change the quality of their energy and start serving [the person] after you conquer them."
It is already well know that while Lucid Dreaming, some dreamers can share their dreaming space with those who they are emotionally close with -- this is commonly called "Dreaming Together." This process can also be performed by the shamanic healer, and when they are in their client's dream space, they can then shamanically act to bring their client's rogue memory demons, back under their normal conscious processes. Alternately they can teach their client to do this process themselves.
Olga Yahontova does not publicly teach these methods she describes in her books, but she has passed on some of these practices to others who do, i.e.
Thanks for sharing!
The Senoi culture was partially shaped by the influence of processing their dreams.
Why go to such lengths as it's obvious telepathy exists? Why would sleep contribute to it instead or subtracting?