50 years ago when I was in college I remember one of my professors speaking on subliminal messaging. I never forgot it and I am always suspicious of "random thoughts ". I rarely watch television and my internet time is limited and mostly substack. I do occasionally watch the propaganda news just to see what their latest bullshit is and to prepare for what they may be thinking of next. I will definitely read your article but not right now as I am at the limit of how much time I spend on line. Thanks for the link.

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Excellent guest post but I didn’t understand this sentence:

“However, this is not normal, and it's not natural, and we need to natural inner, in the present, peaceful voice, is unknown simply because we know anxiety.”

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Hey Mel! Sorry, that’s on me!

What I was looking to convey was how we overthink all the time, so much so, we consider overthinking normal - but it’s not.

Since we’re used to overthinking, we tend to stay in the mindset of overthinking and we’re scared to go towards the place of the inner peace, that natural quiet — simply because that’s unknown.

Hope that clarifies a bit :)

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Thank you! That I understand perfectly. :-)

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Unfortunately, I think the younger you are the less capable of thought you are. This is sad because when you are young your mind is most agile. The I phone is the greatest deterrent to thought in our young people as it programs them away from thinking for themselves. Any thoughts on this?

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Hey Peter, you're spot on with the iPhone. The Academy of Ideas has done some great work on this, and I build of their work in my article here: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/our-ocularcentric-society

Our phones - more specifically, any screen-based device - is literally removing our minds from our bodies. To compensate for this, we overthink everything. Check out the article if you can, but you're absolutely right: our phones (and screen-based devices) are the leading contributors to this.

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Thank you for this! Very insightful and sound advice that is much needed in these times. I will be bookmarking this post to serve as a reminder to keep my thinking better focused, especially with the amount of deceitful distractions that seem to be pouring from every direction these days.

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