Dear Mr. Lindemann: You are right! Apparently, Mr. O'Kanu removed the part where he said he had never heard of the Marquis de Sade. That is ironic, isn't it?

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

Mr. O’Kanu,

I am a little disappointed that you never heard of the Marquis de Sade, from whom the word “sadism” was coined.

Acupuncture is a wildly available medical treatment based on the manipulation of invisible energy. Homeopathy is a common treatment in which the stronger the medicine, the less amount of active ingredient it contains, having been diluted and shaken to a point where only the “essence” (or invisible energy) of the ingredient remains.

This is just to point out that the use of “magic” for healing is ordinary among a subset of Americans, although they probably wouldn’t like that word.

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I do not see where you get that Mr O’kanu says that hésitas never heard of le Marquis de Sade. Hé is simple referring to certain aspects of his writings which may considered as a teaching, a form of social engineering as it were.

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Thanks for this Katie! Nope and wow, didn't know he was the reason for the word "sadism." Good info to know. Agree with your point on the term "magic" not being favorable, even though the effects are clearly visible and factual.

Thanks again for the insight dropped here.

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Brave new world and 1984 are cautionary tales, not blueprints for a hoped for ultimate revolution. How one could think that bewilders me. But i hear it regularly from paranoid conspiracy theorists.

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Hey Tarun -- what are your thoughts on the fact the letter that Huxley wrote to Orwell? Any insight here would be greatly appreciated

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YOu quote this outside of the letter. Do you have the quote from the letter? I think your commentary is mixed in here.

"So Huxley is very familiar with Mesmer's work on animal magnetism. He states that since no one takes these concepts seriously, the ultimate revolution was not accomplished earlier - actually, it was delayed by "five or six generations." Huxley goes on to say that the lack of individuals like Sigmund Freud being unable to prove hypnotism led to more people not taking it seriously and ultimately delaying the ultimate revolution. However, this opportunity has fallen into his lap."

When Huxley refers to 'ultimate revolution, total subversion of the individual's psychology and physiology it's not to glorify them. When he mentions De Sade, Robespierre, etc. there is not a hint that he's on their team. He's simply pointing out some history. If you accuse every cautionary tale of being malevolent then just about every story around is evil. Yes they are predictive and as such important. But they are not creating the future, just anticipating it. Huxley was very good at that.

I also use the term oligarchy and not in a good way. Huxley is using it like i do. Nothing here suggests in the least what you contend. Throw a lot of paint at that wall and see what sticks. Well nothing sticks. Besides, read Huxley's other contributions. He's a gift to mankind.

Orwell is even more famous and when we say that Trudeau speaks in Orwellian double speak, it is a criticism, not a praise.

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Hey Tarun, couple of things here:

1. Thanks for the dialogue here! I think it's really good to engage and discuss different perspectives, so first off, thanks for that.

2. Have you read the letter from Huxley to Orwell? Here's the link for the full transcript of it: https://cognitive-liberty.online/orwell-versus-huxley/

3. I wanted to paint a picture on Huxley's family background. His brother Julian Huxley, was a eugenicist, and his grandfather was Thomas Henry Huxley, also known as "Charles Darwin's Bulldog." I paint this picture because it appears that the Huxley family has been influential in European History and can be somewhat analogous (in a stretch) to the Rothschild family. To say one individual has strayed away from the family lineage, even though possible, is quite hard to imagine.

ex: David Rothschild being a champion for Climate Change as I mention here: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-climate-change-is-wrong-dangerous

4. In addition, Huxley did see overpopulation as a threat - which we know has been debunked (which I also address in the above mentioned article).

I say all this to say, that Huxley and others may be controversial figures in which some may see them as prophets and others seem them as terrorists. I only ask that readers see them from both sides -- and that's what I attempt to do here.

I'm interested to hear your thoughts on Part II of this series :)

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Guilty by association is a weak piece of logic. I am familiar with Huxley's shady family history. But that's the only evidence i can see that he himself is shady. Judge em by the fruits!

Everyone back then was talking about overpopulation. I still am when i see vids about Accra in Ghana or the slums of Mumbai. Inviting more people to this small planet when we obviously don't know how to take care of the ones we got is crazy. But population will collapse nonetheless. Too many environmental factors ahead like loss of topsoil and the emptying of the aquifers in the midwest. Food shortages will not just be manufactured. Big scale agribusinesses will run the farms into the ground so to speak.

As far as rising temps go, here in BC we are deep in a fire era and we sure don't want droughts or rising temps. But it will happen anyways.

As far as the points i made previously, they still stand. Thanks...

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

Now i see why my 35-yr old biochem major nephew is indoctrinated along with his generation of jabbed: his high school had them read” brave new world” in which mindfuck was promoted. Getting stoned away from the dystopian world that is now Chinada, thanks to the stoned commie PM who promised and delivered marijuana to the thankful voters... and believe not in truth but in the central power over them in the name of social justice(a crock) climate change dogma( crock) and gender fluidity(crock), etc etc all for the Big Lie Agenda. Oh, and i would say God help them. But only those of humble faith can be helped. God will not assist evil nor those too weak to resist it.

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Not so sure about that. God certainly 'assisted' Pharaoh by hardening his heart, thereby enabling the evil of keeping the Israelites captive for 430 years.

There seems to be a lot of that going around these days, no?

Who wins?

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

Interesting piece thanks for sharing. A lot to think about here.

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Thanks Anthony! Glad to hear there were things to think about. Part II will be coming here soon!

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