Very well done article, short and concise. One thing I would mention in regards to DUMB's is the patents that exist for atomic boring machines. These are from the 1970's and 80's and are potentially what was used to create the underground tunnel/ base system

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Thanks Stephen!

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Which part of society is not ready for full disclosure?

The common peoples, or the spooks who would lose their 'superiority' should this be officially disclosed?

Is it not the spooks that start and manipulate wars, etc.? Perhaps it is the secret keepers that are too immature to cope with the open presence of 'other worlders' in our world.

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Anthony, What you said makes a lot of sense to me. But here is my question. If powerful people are keeping the tech to themselves and keeping everything silent, what kind of beings are we dealing with?

Do these advanced beings not understand what great harm these types of people are doing to our earth and all its life forms? Wouldn't they want to share what they had to help out? Or are they just as evil as the people they hang out with? Or is there another explanation?

I"m quite certain most people would be able to meet other types of beings. It could be difficult and for some, impossible, but still, I just don't buy the "we're not ready for it" hypothesis. I'd be interesting in hearing your thoughts!

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They have to stay in sterile environments.

These Harvard folks must read the Briefings. Have you read them yet Joe? I've been telling you about them for years. I know a lot more than I can say, but trust me. They will fill in the blanks.


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Mt. Shasta California has lenticular clouds that from above it and are used to cloak spacecraft. People report seeing people when they hike that are human and attractive with exceptionally large, bright blue eyes.

There is also a lake in Ecuador at the base of Mt. Fui Fui that the indigenous say spacecraft appear from and disappear into.

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The great remembering of cosmic fam:)

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