Certainly a powerful message in that ad. I hope things begin to turn around qith the direction humanity is headed. I have hope when reading your stuff, and I agree that more awareness is rising. But it does feel like a big change is needed.

Looking forward to your course as well, it sounds refreshing and like what I need. 🙂

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from Australia web site: R U OK? inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with those in their world who may be struggling with life. You don't need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener.

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What does "Health" in an official sense mean anyway ? This term as the gov't uses it and all that it connotes, is changing and will soon change drastically. As described by Meryl Nass https://merylnass.substack.com/p/one-health-what-is-it-and-why-is there is a revision of it underway through the 'One Health' agenda intended to merge human health with the 'health' of the natural world (doesn't Nature already have the true essence behind health and wholeness, as it is ?) as well as the health of livestock and pets. Every province has been mandated to get the 'One Health' term in officially somewhere like a foot in the door, i.e. https://accessonehealth.ca/ https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/plants-animals-ecosystems/biodiversity/bc-s-draft-biodiversity-and-ecosystem-health-framework https://onehealth.uoguelph.ca/

According to Nass the real reason for pulling 'anything the gov't already has a mandate over' into a 'health of it' concept and including it in the mandate they already have over human health is so that the totalitarian power to mandate all kinds of actions without democratic process that exists in 'human health' extends to those other areas, as well. Eventually they could even have something like 'the political health of the country' which would then be outside of the democratic domain of citizens' control, but it could also go the other way too -- of totalitarian mandates made over what human health officially means to include 'political health' -- as in if you speak against the government or even just experience unintended thoughts that go against the political dogma of 'right-think' then it would be considered a symptom of mental illness. This is what was the case in the USSR where 'dissidents' were regularly sent to mental institutions for only wanting to change some small aspect of the soviet regime to work more efficiently.

So to get people on board this plan while they still have to respect democratic principles to some extent -- they are getting people to be watchful of the mental state of their loved ones, friends and neighbours. In soviet times, it was common for children to report their parents for what they actually believed, as they were taught -- was some mental aberrations their parents were experiencing.

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Those are some great suggestions for maintaining one's wellbeing, Joe. But you have to wonder why today, as you have said, "we don’t have a good sense of what a healthy human actually looks like" anymore ? When exactly did we lose this sense of there being a template of a healthy human for judging other's and more importantly, our own, state of wellbeing against ? And shouldn't we ourselves know that template inherently w/in ourselves so we can immediately become aware when we are off from it ? The football fan video seems to suggest exactly this -- you can't know who is at risk -- so be watchful of everyone since they either don't know themselves that there is something wrong, or are afraid to tell you. But on the flipside, taken to its logical extreme -- isn't this a mark of being paranoid -- believing that everyone's state of mind, including your own, can't be taken for granted ? Is taking this posture on a continual basis, even a means of compromising one's own emotionally health ?

i agree that it seems like there are many reasons this situation of losing the template of wellbeing can be attributed to, especially absorption in the on-line reality, but like The Watchman suggested -- be wary of the real intentions behind the sudden concern over your loved one secretly being suicidal if it's clear that the ones pushing this concern will just as quickly suggest they end their life through officially sanctioned means under an ever increasing range of acceptable reasons including mental illness itself. i would add too -- why are they suddenly so concerned over the risk of suicide of everyone you know, when they cover up vaxx deaths and injuries while still promoting similar vaxxes ?

Could the current campaign to become watchful of other's mental state, be seen as an initial step for being watchful for other signs in the Inner Life of those around us ? No doubt those who are immediately behind the video -- the Samaritans -- are known as a genuinely caring organization in the UK offering anonymous peer counselling to anyone in need. But is it possible that they have been co-opted by higher forces to be the ones who people trust to put out this initial message for becoming watchfulness over others ?

Then if indeed we believe we have lost the template of the healthy human -- how will we really be able to accurately evaluate another's mental state anyway ? As times goes by, this memory of what being a healthy embodied human looks like, is sure to fade, if it is not regularly refreshed by experiences of knowing this template w/in ourselves. If we are reliant on the mainstream for supplying a copy of this template then, i'm sure you'll agree, we risk being seriously compromised by ulterior agendas. Ultimately, failing in finding a copy of the template in mainstream institutions, we will have to become the keepers of the template of the true human being ourselves, and to protect it at all cost. It is the only way i feel.

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Very good video. What's even sadder, is that in Canada they would probably offer assisted suicide to many of these people. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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i totally agree. “We live in a forest of Psy-Ops. Nothing we ever hear about [from the mainstream and from gov't today] is not an op, not even the weather. Maybe especially the weather."

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That was a really powerful ad. It had me going. I didn't see this when it came out either, I'm glad you shared it here!

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