Mar 27, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

The fact the John Podesta was on the “team” disturbed me even further than the motley collection of “ex” intelligence guys!!! 🤷🏻‍♂️

As someone says, these “celebrity’s” are persuaded to join in order to offer access to many, many people!!

Beware, it’s 5d chess...🤨

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Yeah, indeed, it can be confusing to wrap your head around at times, but no doubt that Tom and his celebrity status was used in this case. Just imagine being Tom, someone who has a heavy interest in the topic being approached by all of these Department of Defense officials...You'd probably hang on every single word they say.

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One needs to have a certain amount of scepticism, bordering on conspiracy theories, and a knowledge of the inner workings of government and geopolitics as a whole, to begin to put this information together to form a credible picture. 99% of people don’t have the time nor inclination to “study” this ‘stuff’ unfortunately. Keep up the good work, spreading the truth for good not greed!

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

Arjun, please contact me using the contact form at: ufo of god . com. I would like to talk with you. Tom's comment was a shot across the bow directed at the release of the new book UFO of GOD by Chris Bledsoe without having to name names. It was released 3 weeks ago. Tom is in the book. Contact me, I will explain more.

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UFOs seem to ooze out of nowhere when TSHTF, been that way a few years: see the pattern?

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023

The only way the UFO phenomenon will begin to make any sense, is in first identifying the various extraterrestrial races who are coming to visit Earth and interacting with humanity. Treating it as a single phenomenon will just continue to make it seem unintelligible. It is not a "good" vs "bad" narrative -- it is "good" vs "bad" races of ETs (but even that classification needs to be qualified).

Also focussing only on what may seem like the important actors in the UFO field, based on the public impact they have had recently, will just continue to confuse the topic, especially if it can already be discerned that these actors have significant connections to the CIA, SRI, or the government in general. Steven Greer is obviously intimately connected with the Deep State and thus his information is suspect -- in that not all ETs may be beneficent, as he claims, although some may indeed still be here to help us.

However, there is Universal Law at play for everyone, including humans, even though the significance of that, has been kept from us. This means that even "bad" ETs will usually comply with Universal Law, or suffer the consequences, meaning that their actions towards humans will be crouched in terms of "tests" of our capacity to evolve (spiritually), even if on the whole, few, if any of us will be able to pass the test. Yes, our ability to take care of life on this planet, is being evaluated, but it is not the only criterion -- it's more to do with humanity's evolution to be able to walk among the ETs as equals, which is the main issue.

The Zetas (negative Grey ETs originating in this Universe, at the Zeta Reticuli star system) were behind a major part of the abduction phenomenon in the 70s to early 2000s -- so any info coming out of that involvement, clouds our overall understanding, as for example, so many of John Mack's subjects were abducted by the Zetas, who are like wild cards, since they do not adhere to Universal law, and thus don't contribute to making sense in the Universal scheme of things.

The Arcturians, Sirians, as well as the Pleiadians (on the whole, since there are different star systems) have always been deeply involved in humanity's evolution. The Reptilians have been on the planet longer than humans, and are generally (but not always) against our evolution. If this depiction sounds too cliché, it is so, because it is continues to be true.

As far as looking for the major players in the UFO phenomenon, i suggest looking closely at Linda Moulton Howe's revelations over her long career. She has also had connections with the Deep State and the alphabet agencies, but unlike Greer and the others, has always fiercely maintained her independence and objectivity. Take a look at her excellent, Glimpses of Other Realities, vols. 1 and 2. The exclusive testimonies therein, made by the contactees Linda has interviewed, are not of the Zeta type, but speak to the true involvement of extraterrestrials in humanity's evolution. Another important perspective is that of the Plejarans (type of Pleiadian) through Billy Meier. Anything else, is pretty much just about obfuscation of the truth. But it's not like any of the information coming directly from ETs, even the "good" ones, is going to be some kind of absolute truth from God either, but will still be flavoured by each race's individual perspectives.

Only by us, individually and collectively, raising our own frequency and coming into alignment with our true nature as conscious creators, can we begin to play at the same level as the ETs who are visiting us -- and then we can contribute our own valuable input -- towards the evolution of consciousness at the Galactic level. Many of the beneficent ETs are cheering us on -- because that's all they can do w/o breaking the Prime Directive (Roddenberry had some important parts of the puzzle).

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Thanks for sharing.

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How do I know that extraterrestrial forces can't influence the mental environment in which I live think and believe? Take 'Group Think' for example, consider an entire race of beings that are united and operate under 'Group Think'. The field they produce in the mental environment can overwhelm a human minds ability to think clearly, and they can even project images into the mind.

This is because Humanity is not united as a whole and as a whole and hasn't discovered the deeper mind or intelligence within each of us that I call the knowing mind. This deeper mind is the only part that can not be influenced by an alien force. Even the power of a human group based solely in beliefs and ideology could not overcome this 'Group Think' because humanity is not united.

Unless a group is united on the deeper level of the knowing mind it could not overcome mind of a united force. Steps to knowledge is a practice I have undertaken designed to bring you to this knowing mind, here is a link for those who may be interested in beginning this practice for themselves: https://stepstoknowledge.com/

The forces visiting Earth which represent collectives of trading races from the universe around us are intervening in human affairs and claiming to be our saviors yet why would they do this. the Allies of Humanities books and 'Walking Among Us' can answer these questions. I hope you will consider this with an open mind and heart and Consider reading or listening to,

'Walking Among Us"

And the Allies of Humanity Briefings. https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/greater-community/who-are-the-allies-of-humanity/ and https://www.alliesofhumanity.org/

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Knowledge Guide…you are absolutely right. They are claiming to be benevolent saviours, but are in fact undermining our sovereignty. They want to save the valuable resources of our world…for themselves, not for us.

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We don't know the answers, and anyone who says they do well, I don't know. We can only speculate but from my research and experience, 'they' do not want to saviours, but are simply expressing the idea that we as a planet need to change ourselves if we want to turn our human experience around. But again, it's speculation.

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Our Allies want to give us advice and warning. They know they cannot come to help and be our saviours…because we would lose our independence.

Roddenberry’s Prime Directive doesn’t quite hit the mark though. …An alien race CAN interfere with the evolution of a native race IF the native race welcomes that interference.

That is what is so dangerous for us.

The resource explorers have such incredibly advanced mental powers that they can influence people to believe almost anything…certainly to believe we can’t survive climate change without their help. They can also project visions of spiritual beings, angels, to those looking for such help.

If, however, enough people see through their deception and reject and rebuff them they will be obliged to leave . Our solar system lies in a highly populated Galaxy and our planet is observed.

I urge to read the free briefings of the AlliesofHumanity.org

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It's a deep topic, with so many dissections to be had in so many different areas. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts!

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Thank you Knowledge Guide

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It is a false equivalency to say that extraterrestrials who value natural resources and work to protect environmental wealth therefore have the best interests of humanity at heart.

Healthy fear is warranted of course in cases of existential threat, it is a functional survival mechanism and drives responsible, cautious action.

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Completely agree Brian Sampson

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Thanks for sharing Brian!

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Your last paragraph says it all. This is an excellent article. Loved it!

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Thanks for the compliment Albert!

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The aliens here right now are not those who have visited us over the past millennia. Some of whom have been beneficial to our evolution…albeit inadvertently.

Those here now are resource explorers, very much akin to the colonials in our own history. They do not want to destroy the indigenous peoples…in this case humanity, but rather to subjugate them through deceit, persuasion and offering glittering trinkets such as advanced technology to those in power.

They certainly seek to stop us further desecrating our planet…not out of altruism…but because they want to preserve the biological riches that are here.

They cannot breathe our atmosphere. The reason for the abductions that have been taking place for decades is to breed alien/human hybrids who will appear human, but be entirely loyal to the aliens.

We are in grave danger

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Thanks for sharing your opinion!

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I highly recommend listening and reading the Chapter titled Greater Community from the Wisdom books by Marshal Vian Summers. It is truly eye opening, mind opening, even mind expanding when you consider and feel what is said here. https://youtu.be/l49nLtlaRc4

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Totally agree

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I've always had the feeling DeLonge is well out of his league when it comes to UFOs. When you consider his organization is essentially just an extension of the department of defense, you can see how it's rather likely his 'intel' is beneficial to the military industrial complex and not truth. He seems to miss this as a strong possibility.

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