You point out som very good theories. Have you read the Medical Medium book https://www.amazon.com/Medical-Medium-Revised-Expanded-Secrets-ebook/dp/B08ZK7B38Y/ref=sr_1_5?crid=4X9ZFMK52DF8&keywords=medical+medium&qid=1680351148&sprefix=medical+medium%2Caps%2C165&sr=8-5

In this book he explains in details what causes autism and ADHD, information not found anywhere else as it comes from above and it's not man made. But basically it's fully caused toxic heavy metals in the brain, we carry toxic heavy metals in our bodies from egyptian times, and we inherit them, whenever carrying a baby, the baby inherit toxic heavy metals from both of the parents family line all the way back to egyptian times. Plus on top of it in the last 20 years kids receive more vaccines containing aluminium or thimerosal which is mercury than ever in history which is why more kids today end up having autism. On top of it, they spray on with chem trails which contain lots of toxic heavy metals, they are also in the rain and snow when we touch it our skin aborbs it, we drink water or make food with water that goes thorugh copper pipes, we use metals or copper utensils and cookware, we use aluminium covers for food, we out at restaurants that use old and used cookware where they scrape toxic heavy metals into the food, we use perfumes colognes air freshners and scented candles which contains most of toxic heavy metals, you cant even go to the beach without smelling perfume, you no longer can smell fresh air outside because the planet is saturated with all the perfumes and air freshneres, plus pescicides and herbicides if you notice smell like perfume or cologne, thats because they add the same ingredients to perfumes and colognes and air freshners as they add to pestcides and herbicides, its also the same ingredients the nazis used to gas jews just in way larger dosages. So when a child grows up in a home where they smell air freshners everywhere and in the car, smell scented candles, then smell all the perfumes and colognes the parents use and other people outside or in school, they not only are set up for autism or ADHD but also cancer, chronic fatigue, memory issues, concentration issues in school, infertility issues, dementia, alzheimers at an old age, brain fog, neurological issues etc. I have seen so many moms reversing autism in their kids with the Medical Medium protocols by removing toxic heavy metals from their kids brain, its a true miracle, as no other information on this planet is able to do that.

I also recommend to read the book by grundvig about how the CDC supressed the scientific evidence that toxic heavy metals cause autism https://www.amazon.com/Master-Manipulator-Explosive-Embezzlement-Government/dp/151070843X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1TXE2TD0039O5&keywords=james+grundvig&qid=1680351902&sprefix=grundvig%2Caps%2C218&sr=8-1

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I sometimes ponder, many years from now when humanity looks back at this time we are living in how will they perceive these inhumane acts committed by human beings...

We have reached peek civilisation, things have been heading downhill for a while now but we haven't noticed the overturn in direction and now that we are reaching speed, it is becoming more apparent that we are going down. Change is not some mirage or miracle we are all suppose to wait for. It is our own little actions, every action that either makes a tiny change hence contributes to a solution or it contributes to the problem. I know its overwhealming just on how many fronts change is required but I feel most are lost, stabbing in the dark, makings decisions one by one without seeing the big picture like an ant on a beautiful Persian rug, it only sees the bits of colour in front of it but is blind to the magnitude and beauty of the entire rug.

The primary change has to be in our mentality, our mind set. We need a vision and a philosophy that will guide us towards a future where we will look back on this time as a renasance and not as the dying or a civilisation...

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I told my wife about a year ago that I felt that there were more autistic children today than when we were kids. I think your article points in the right direction. Thank you for taking the time to write it.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

Vaccines, GMOS , round up and EMF are all off the charts since the early 1990s.. No one wants to blame these culprits. Its my belief they are all contributing albeit vaccines the most.

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A lot of people share this sentiments. There are most likely so many environmental factors, foods, etc to consider. At least that's what the research is showing.

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Also, in 1986 vaccines were made free from liability (hence the 'gold rush' of vaccines to the marketplace) and why there are over 70 shots on the childhood schedule now! Autism exploded after that. As RFK Jr and others point out, you never see the baby boomer generation in helmets and diapers now. But we likely will in the future as the initial generation of severely autistic people age. I apprecaite how you closed your article with "Is “autism awareness” really happening the way it should be?" I agree a lot more needs to be looked at in regard to environmental toxicity, as well as mandated medical toxicity.

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Injecting aluminum, formaldehyde, reverse, recombinant insect, animal and human RNA and dna... this is an eradicate and replace agenda that is fomented by the World Health organization, the CDC and your local government. This is slow controlled kill which coincidingly perpetuates the Western medicine supposedly trying to cure the illnesses created by the vaccines. This is all in supposed first world countries. You go to third world countries where they've never even heard of vaccine and they're fine! You people have been duped. This is an eradicate and replace agenda white Western Nations will fall and be replaced. You people are a joke over educated and hiding behind diplomas of no import.

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Ask India and Africa how the vaccines went for them? Here in america, this is a time of declared war and National emergency. As per the DoD law of War manual, I'll CCP proxies fomenting and perpetuating the asymmetric, gray, 4th and 5th generational Warfare tactics.. are to be hung in public.

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Mar 4, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

I attended the Andrew Wakefield event last Saturday evening. I mentioned that I read autism is not a cognitive dysfunction, but due to fine motor skill issue, he said 'yes' and he highly recommended watching the movie 'spellers.' He is one of those people that you instantly feel you are in the presence of a kind and genuine person. When Chris Exley wrote a paper at his university discussing his discovery that aluminum from vaccines crosses the child's blood brain barrier, and did so in a short amount of time, the Dean removed it from the paper. The Gates Foundation had recently donated to the university. Most people in their 50's and up, know that autism was not common when they were children, and it wasn't due a to lack of social awareness or clinical categorizing. Day old babies are injected or maybe I should say assaulted with Hep B vaccine, for no good reason. Our foods are toxic, the vaccines contain toxins, and most doctors won't take a pregnant woman as a patient if she declines having an ultrasound. Sitting in a seat for several hours is unhealthy and not natural for active children, and so many are fed to the pharma machine and drugged to suppress their natural vitality. The drugs have side effects, and harms often show up in adulthood. Again, these kids were medicated for no good reason. Yes, a lot of money is going to help these kids, but stopping the causes that we are well aware of is side stepped, and we know why.

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Thanks for sharing Margaret!

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"The Ones that do not fit our Invented Gestalt" "The ones who do not behave, interact, understand, or perceive within our (Object)ive Gestalt must have a Dogmatic Label so we can begin our Orthodoxic Programming on all around them and all around them must behave within this Hive. Those are the Bees working for the Hives for the Queens as drones (lack consciousness over something much larger than this set of programs). All of this is a repeating pattern that is destroying everything. Ever thought that maybe some people do not perceive, interact, sense, etc. the same as everyone else. Now those people give birth to children in a world that refuses to understand or include all variables in Data Sets....yet keeps going on in dissonance.

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The protocols of the wise men of zion.

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A very hopeful, inspiring film called SPELLERS about a new way for non-verbal ASD folks to communicate. Based on the book UNDERESTIMATED by JB Handley *&* his son with ASD Jamie! Here is a link with info, backstory and movie trailer: https://open.substack.com/pub/tobyrogers/p/movie-review-spellers?r=3adr3&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Spellers has dismissed some types- --Its a good alternative for some--

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I like the concept of spelling to communicate but struggle with the divide in Speech Therapy and the severe lack of help for those with severe intellectual disability. Those with severe cognitive challenges are being systemically ignored in schools and given the Generic One size fits most options covered by the Behemouth Medicaid that is a massive failure. So I use aspects of the Spellers Concept....Not to communicate.....No but to learn to read (because he still has visual tracking) because the part of the mind that was impacted in our son was the grapheme gestault in the visual cortex. Mercury damages the connectome...you have altered Chandelier neurons, and mitochondria who oscillate in a different area at a different rate that energetically impact the brain permanently after the Synaptic Pruning period.....Now you add Gandolinium and you alter the magnetics and each metallic Artifact has different types of magnetism and you get all of this highly unusual abnormal unorgized magnetism and resonance that causes a lot of dysharmony and disconnect. Applied understanding of Artifact magnetism, receptor sites, and functional biophysics during development would help to rebalance the abnormalities but of course you but all of these different magnetophysics altered brains into a room with Wireless non ionizing radiation, alongside the fact that we are in Solar Cycle 25 and that is impacting these kinds of children......you end up seeing the world in a very different way.

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Thank you for sharing this. I appreciate your perspective and awareness, thank you for teaching us!

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Thanks for sharing Malika! Will check this out.

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