If ancient civilization is coming from time travelers, AI may take part of the development of the DNA algorithm. I can see human soon to be able to program DNA. What does that mean?

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If DNA is Software, Who Wrote The Code? A force that appears to be an object in the form of a human being.

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Complementary to what you are saying Joe - this is a good one! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sB80MyjEIhA

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"This is a profoundly important point: Epigenetic activity is NOT controlled by the external environment; it is controlled by our perceptions which regulate the internal chemical milieu. The nervous system interprets our world view based on our developmental programs and life experiences. The brain then sends complementary chemistry of our perceptions to the body’s cells that control genetic expression. Consequently, it is our nurture experiences that override our nature, our inherited genetic programs.

It is through nurture that we acquire our “beliefs,” which epigenetically control our genetic expression. For example, there is NO gene that causes cancer. Cancer is derived from disempowering and self-sabotaging beliefs that send dysfunctional signals to the cells, which in turn, elicit inappropriate, life-threatening, epigenetic alterations. In fact, over 90% of disease is due to disempowering beliefs, while less than 1% of illness can be attributed to defective genes."

- Bruce Lipton, Cellular Biologist


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Self-consciousness is all there is, so how can "all" create more all? That is why AI can only create more *aspects* — create more images — but is not able to create more self-consciousness, which it would need to overpower humans —unless, of course, humans allow themselves to be overpowered, because we already are self-conscious gods — the epitome of all there is to creation.

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“The total number of minds in the universe is one. In fact, consciousness is a singularity phasing within all beings.” - Erwin Schrodinger

"'It from Bit' symbolizes the idea that every item of the physical world has at bottom — at a very deep bottom, in most instances — an immaterial source and explanation; that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin and this is a participatory universe." - John Wheeler

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Great article Tom. I find it interesting to explore an Intelligence behind all of life.. but not necessarily going into religious God for that. The idea of a foundation of consciousness under everything can both entertain the idea of God and a scientific exploration of it but doesn't have to create structure and rules that tend to destroy the sacred via organized religion.

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Interesting aticle. Live didn't happen by chance indeed. If you take a close(r) look at our DNA and all life on Earth, you see the same patterns coming back. There must be an intelligent plan behind it. Just like a watch's mechanism is built upon a plan, so is the human body and every life form on Earth. You might find the website rael.org interesting.

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Very interesting to consider, for sure! I attended a two-day seminar with Gregg Braden called "The God Code" and he used various ancient texts -- particularly the Kabballah book "Sefer Yetzirah" -- to show how the name of G_D is written in our DNA (using the 4 letters). Braden wrote a book about that as well. Whatever one believes, it's all very interesting to ponder and consider.

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Feb 13·edited Feb 13

Yes, there is a code that underlies all life and consciousness as well, however there is a huge difference between binary code on a silicon substrate and that which underlies organic life on this planet having a carbon-based consciousness carrier. The advent of silicon-based computers running binary code, has hijacked our understanding of the real truth on this matter. It's better to think of it in terms of language than "code". Human language is different than the language inherent to all other living creatures on this planet. We have a mind language, more related to that of digital computers, whereas all other carbon-based lifeforms have a language with which they communicate with their own bodies, as well as their species, and on another level, with all creatures in their ecosystem. It is the language of creation itself. Our science is beginning to understand this in mycelium networks.

Yes, DNA is common to all life on this planet, however we don't have a full grasp of it yet. Since DNA can be changed through our consciousness, it shows that we are not predetermined by our DNA. Humans have the potential to have 12 strand DNA and some children have already started to develop a third strand. With more stands comes a higher level of consciousness and also the number of chromosome pairs determines the level of our consciousness.

Sacred geometry has more to do with the code behind our DNA than simple linear sequencing. Drunvalo Melchizedek showed this in his 2 volume book, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. Messing with DNA using CRISPER technology disturbs the inherent sacred geometric relationships and takes the result farther from the natural language inherent to organic life. This is like the difference between the Hebrew language and English. Hebrew has an inherent geometric structure which can be revealed in amazing ways, whereas English does not. These relationships which are expressed in Hebrew are not linear but multidimensional. Computer code is read in a linear fashion, but DNA is meant to function not only linearly but multidimensionally. Like Hebrew, our original DNA was multidimensional and expressed much deeper relationships than are found in a linear 'execution' of computer code.

The fact that we can only understand DNA in a linear fashion like computer code belies the limitations that have been placed within our DNA itself. As the Voyager books by Ashayana Deane relate, our original DNA had the natural geometric sequencing that gave us a common language by which we were able to communicate telepathically with others and with our own bodies. It was distorted by the Zeta ETs in 3470 BCE through the Checkerboard Mutation which also reduced our expected lifespan and the ability to receive constant direction from our Higher Self. This event was recorded not only in the Bible as the Tower of Babel, but also in a number of other oral histories of indigenous peoples across the planet. The common experience of building a tower to heaven was in fact a result of the forced transition from the natural language of creation to needing to think and communicate only mentally and reflects the Tower tarot card which represents a crisis where a large amount of mental energy is expended.

The Zetas have been working on us for a long time to try to bring us into their digital Mind Matrix. Gene Rodenberry was given details about their plan which he used to create the Borg in his Star Trek series. It was meant as a warning of things to come.

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Re your last paragraph : I wonder what Paul Hamden who channels information from the Zeta race would have to say.

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Feb 13·edited Feb 13

Well i think that anyone who is channeling the Zetas would express their perspectives exclusively. There are also Daryl Anka, Suzy Hansen, Elizabeth April and Alec Newald who promote the Zeta (and the related Essassani) message. The Zetas have connected with many people and offered them wonderful opportunities for psychic development, but we need to be aware of what their true intentions are. Like their speaker, Bashar, points out, humans function under many limitations (due to our having an unconscious which gets filled with disowned parts-of-Self due to emotional traumas). The Zetas offer us a way out of this situation but it involves trading our Gaian consciousness for their digitally-based hive mind. They believe they are helping us, but they take that position while not being able to appreciate the natural carbon-based order of creation and how on Earth there is an evolutionary spiritual process, of which all life is a part. In addition they apparently have destroyed their own planet that existed in another Universe and are looking for a new home. They have skills in travelling inter-dimensionally and trans-temporally, but they don't have emotions as we know them (and only put on an emotional act when needed in order to convince humans). The book, Voyagers I, has one of the best descriptions of who they really are, and what plans they have for Earth https://1drv.ms/b/s!AkF4hb72o8rGj1oSf-MivGbgKjyE?e=wgBK5z The ETs who transmitted the book to Ashayana Deane do want to help the Zeta evolve spiritually and become part of the order of creation.

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Thanks for the intriguing thoughts Tom!

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Fascinating and something I obsess about every moment

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