Although it is good to look at various trains of thought, I think that it would be most unwise to approach things from a stance of mutual exclusivity. As is often the case, the situation is best looked at from several perspectives.

To begin with, it seems highly likely that throughout history we have been visited by extra-terrestrials. The universe is too darn big for us to be the only "intelligent life" present.

That being said, the powers that be could benefit enormously from hijacking the phenomenon. If the Nazis/CIA/whatever are continuing their experiments on humans, what better way to prevent a proper investigation than blaming things on "little green men"? If the climate change/pandemic narratives aren't enough to encourage a one-world government, why not add an alien invasion to the mix? I have no doubt that the technology is available to add illusory examples of an alien presence to the background of genuine examples.

Several years ago a friend and I watched a cigar shaped craft for the best part of a minute. Whilst I would definitely describe it as an Unidentified Flying Object, I have serious doubts as to any Extra-Terrestrial origin. Most of the "floating light" sightings, which have become common, could easily be simulated by a formation of drones coordinated by millimetre accurate satellite navigation. I think it's no coincidence that this particular phenomenon only really started after we humans had developed the technology to create it. Nor that it generally seems to occur within drone range of military bases...

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

It's worth it to look into the Aetherius Society teachings if you want to have a good understanding. Their founder was "one of them ".

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Thanks for mentioning, we have looked into them a lot actually! We interviewed them back in the day, many years ago!

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Your 4 main categories are all passively driven. You need categories wherein people are actively driven like engineers, scientists, technicians, etc. Not all people are like "Muldaur" from the "X-Files" wherein they simply want to believe. There are others who "look under the hood" to build and design their own. Study the works of Col. Thomas Bearden, then you will begin to understand.

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Indeed, people in each category come from all different fields, as you say! I have also read and watched multiple interviews with Bearden! :) Thanks for reading.

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

I have always been interested in UFOs, ever since I was a teenager and I am in my late sixties now. They were around pre-industrial era because there are paintings of things that look like flying ships that are hundreds of years old. They are mentioned in the Indian religious texts as well (Vimanas)l. As far as I am concerned, I agree that they are part of nature and the universe. Why would this planet be the only one that supports "intelligent" life? I put that word in inverted comas because I doubt the intelligence of the people on this planet at the moment considering the last 3 years of absolute insanity and the fact that humans have not seemed to progress very much mentally and spiritually - we still have wars, oppress people, control others and worship money above all else. Another advanced civilisation would be reticent to come here to be announced and would prefer to be an observer. We are slowly killing our planet with our madness.

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Thanks for the comment! A lot this resonates with me.

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Ariel is a character in Shakespeare's The Tempest and also A Midsummer Night's Dream.

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Thank you for this article!! I totally believe in the UFO phenomena. I have witnessed what I am sure was one hovering over the tree line in front of our house back in the 80’s. It woke me up, there was no noise except the windows were rattling. It was huge, but couldn’t make out the total shape, ran to another window to get a better view and it had disappeared in a matter of seconds. No doubt about government coverups, but to think we are the only life in the expanse of this universe in my opinion is totally naive! Too many retired military etc., coming forward on this matter and confirming it is true.

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Thank you for sharing!

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

There are more things in this world than is dreamt of in our philosophy - Shakespeare

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Jacobs did a fantastic job of covering the abduction phenomenon. A plausible reason for it in light of unfolding world events, is in The Briefings from The Allies of Humanity. It takes a stretch to let it in, but for a background context, it's helped me a lot to understand the forces, methods and manifestations of the secret invasion. I'm glad you brought it up. alliesofhumanity.org/the-briefings/

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