re In perspectives on the "consciousness" of Corporations and AI - qualifying questions that few seem to be asking: "Does it breathe? Does it have a life force pulse?"

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Or is there thought happening?

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Or rather Awareness?

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yes, thank you! - from this chair: breath and pulse are defining elements of a phenomenal vehicle - occupied by a consciousness that is characterized by thought and awareness

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in our physical thinking, we have pushed physics to its limit. We now need metaphysics to go deeper to understand better what's beneath our feet. In the same way, the brain cannot understand the farther away, higher mysteries. We need our heart to fathom to what's still unfathonable to us.

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The unchecked power of corporations, their ability to buy government has led to stakeholder capitalism or fascism. Corporations are not conscious, they operate mechanically like most humans, only they have more leverage to exploit and destroy. They behave recklessly and have left a pile of filth atop this blue planet. Individuals are not selfish to want conveniences, because life's responsibilities are enormous, and it is natural to seek technological aid. However, over consumption is not necessary and much can be attributed to advertising and marketing, which are tools to manipulate human emotion and actions. The whole dynamic is out of control and hurting us and our environment. I don't think we need to return to primitive living to turn things around though.

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