Research is suggesting there are a lot of complications that come with treatments associated with transitioning. Should we be prescribing them so readily to our youth?
Very well written, with my medical knowledge from Medical Medium I believe that being transgender, bisexual, gay etc. is a mental health issue, it's caused by toxic heavy metals in the brain. Just as toxic heavy metals can control someone's thoughts to the point of suicide, cheating on someones, what we say and think, the way we act, toxic heavy metals in the brain cause autism, dementia, alzheimers etc. especially the studies done on how many of these people have autism, depression, anxiety etc. as that's also caused by toxic heavy metals, it just confirms more that it is a mental health issue caused by toxic heavy metals. The globalists are very well aware of this being caused by toxic heavy metals, as that's why they are spraying us with it, they are adding it to new medical treatments, they are adding it to everything, then including the communist agenda of getting people away from God and destroying normal families, being today pushed in schools etc. show even more how this all correlates together, so to say that being trans, bi or gay is not normal, and should not be normalized, but treated as a serious mental health issue.
I think this is a terrific and carefully-argued article, without putting anybody down. We really have to be able to talk about these issues. Children's rights and women's rights matter too, and one oppressed group should never be played off against another. I've been disturbed for decades by how the high-level power structure has set Palestinians and Israelis agains each other, in a way that I believe was consciously done to benefit the powermongers. A similar consortium of powermongers is now setting trans folks against women and children, and it is benefitting no one except the powermongers.
I disagreed with the side comment about affirmative action, though, for a whole host of reasons (and I would rather not have you drop in a one-liner about such a sensitive topic -- in other words, if we're going to talk about it, let's talk about it). I will give just one reason now, which is that when an organization hires more people of color, that doesn't just benefit people of color, it also benefits the organization itself. It brings in more representatives of a perspective that othersie is missing, and that is crucial to the healthy and aware functioning of any group in our times. Hiring decisions always involve a complex set of factors about what will be best for the company or agency, and increasing diversity is a legitimate way to strengthen the quality of thinking in any group or institution.
Wow, you said the quiet part out loud. You called a human child "it". Gross!
Ugly laws in the US only went out 40 years ago. Meaning many neurodivergent folk have been 'allowed' to live public lives without being institutionalized, sterilized or lobatamized. Many neurodivergent people experience gender as a spectrum. This piece is ableist and hateful. Your dehumanizing way of referring to trans / non-binary people is part of the problem.
Your comment feels like what he's addressing. I can't find anything hateful in any of what he has said, nor can I find anything dehumanizing toward anyone. This dynamic is what I observe repeatedly when anyone tries to raise the concerns that this article raises -- a lot of insults but no specific examples of what exactly he shouldn't have said, and how exactly we should address the serious concerns the article raises.
Institutional racism doesn’t exist…Arjun said. Wow…please keep your head stuck in the ground and refrain from sprouting on stuff you don’t have full comprehension on. Arjun, your statement on that has no merit and you are dismissed.
Hi Infinity. No, I never said institutional racism doesn't exist, where did you get that from? I said that there was zero proof that the lack of ethnic minorities as teachers was due to institutional racism...Please read carefully before commenting!
i believe there may indeed be a 'hidden agenda' behind the government's current willingness to approve gender re-assignment surgery for almost anyone who asks for it. i think the same agenda could be at play in the incremental inclusiveness of more and more medical conditions deemed acceptable for medically assisted suicide, as we have been seeing recently.
But that conspiracy theory aside, changing one's gender in our society is a hard road to take. Still, i completely believe that we need to fully acknowledge people who changed their birth gender, as being of that gender, since as Arjun pointed out, the phenomenon has always been a part of human civilization. Also, many decades of research on the causes and treatment of gender dysphoria has revealed that the idea of changing someone's biologically inconsistent gender identity, through psychological or medical intervention, is not a viable approach, and can even be detrimental to their development in the long term.
i think too, that we need to be aware that even if a child exhibits a desire for a re-assignment, and their parents or medical authorities step in and get them to change their mind, that it may still be unlikely that they will just progress normally in the expected development of their biological gender identity from then on, and future issues could prevail. i think we need to separate what we, as parents, clinicians, and citizens, feel is "right" and "best," and instead really seek to discover what may be truly best for the child -- what the choice of gender means for that particular child in their life and what they want to make of it -- and that could even be some other, still unexplored possibility.
Trying to find ways to stop people, or find reasons to change what they desire in their perceived pursuit of wholeness, can never be the answer, because even if there is some psychologically based separation between their soul's choice of body, and the current will of their Self -- and in some cases this may be accurate -- society forcing its will on these individuals, can only confirm and entrench that disparity, rather than being a means to heal it.
It used to be that the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry on College St. in Toronto (amalgamated into Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in 1998) was the foremost authority in Canada on gender dysphoria and gender re-assignment. To be able to obtain coverage for reassignment surgery on some province's health plans, one had to receive approval from the Clarke's Gender Identity Clinic through a successful "real life test." This involved living in their chosen gender/role/identity consistently for 2 years which included supporting oneself by being visibly employed in the community. Many of the applicants who succeeded in the test, had body forms already close the norm of their chosen gender. They were thus able "to pass" in society entirely seamlessly. But living seamlessly also became more difficult in the following decades, as the general population became aware of the possibility of transitioned people among them through stories in the media.
Others in the real life test, had to work with their co-workers, or assist customers in a business, as someone who was visibly transitioning, but many also succeed in the test. Being able to engage successfully in society after a reassignment -- to be considered, and more importantly, to consider yourself -- a part of society -- requires being able to handle and mitigate rejection. "Being accepted" is really a misnomer, since to a large degree, it's always a two-way street and takes incredible personal creativity and resilience to forge a new social role for yourself, one that is acknowledged by many who know you, as being true and valuable, even if others may still claim they do not accept you in your chosen gender/role/identity.
Today, it seems the "role" term in the earlier concept of "gender/role/identity" is being left out, and i think this is big mistake, since it sets up the expectation that what the phenomenon is, is just another medical "disorder" and leads to the self-identification as "trans" rather than "man" or "woman." Of course there is stiff opposition to inclusion in these traditional identities, since it is seen as disavowing their fundamental purity, but as with any previous major inclusiveness shift in the progress of our civilization -- i.e. including, "non-white" or even "woman" as "person" -- the alchemy of inclusion can only be effected by those in question, actively demonstrating their pure intent and capabilities in society, before those in the established position, can act to affirm them.
It's easy to acquire an identity, but any identified group in society that is not also seen as having an inherently useful role, will tend to be considered 'marginalized,' 'disadvantaged,' or having a medical 'disorder' beyond their control. It is good to have government bring about awareness in the population concerning gender issues, but the only way those who have had a gender reassignment have any real hope of being considered part of greater society, is to show themselves willing and able to be part of it -- through who they truly are. Not everyone who simply feels they are 'the opposite gender from what they are considered biologically,' will be able to achieve these standards, just as not everyone can succeed at achieving any positively valued identity/role in society, but solidly entrenching this societal ideal of 'a person living successfully as the gender they know they are, while contributing meaningfully to society' -- will change everything about what is currently considered as "the gender identity problem." Thereby it will eventually become easier, for all who are genuinely drawn to transition to their true identity, to achieve a recognized place in society and even the nature of "gender" itself may shift to something more multidimensional than male and female, just like sexual orientation has in the past.
This process of "affirmation" should begin with the government promoting exceptional re-gendered people's contributions, and making available dedicated employment positions based on merit, while at the same time restricting re-assignment surgeries, and/or the right to change official documentation, to only those who can demonstrate the way it will actually enhance their lives, going forward. As well, i believe, it would be very valuable to have psychotherapy included in the medical services schedule, since trying to help someone under the concept of Mental Health is not conducive to actually achieving a resolution of any deep issue, especially something at the level of personal identity, but is only amenable to "managing" it, which could mean a lifetime of continual struggle.
Great article. Thank you! I find myself increasingly questioning the motivations and agendas behind everything we are seeing and for this topic my question is to ask if the clinics doing all this work make a great deal of money and have a vested interest in persuading young people to have the treatments? And is there a kind of “repeat business” once it starts that ensures income into the future? also as others have questioned are there pollutants in our system that are messing with things in our bodies? As with everyone else, I 100% support that all of us have the freedom to express ourselves in whatever ways we wish, especially with consenting adults. Children however, having life lasting treatments so young when they have not yet reached a time in life to make those decisions I would argue is worrying?
I read an article a few weeks back in which I didn’t keep unfortunately, that there are more transgender persons now deeply regretting their decision to have surgery than those that are going ahead with it. Can’t remember whether it was world wide or just a country. If I find the article I will post it. Article below sent via Telegram to me.
WI-38 is the cell lines from a FEMALE aborted fetus, used to cultivate viruses used in vaccines. When you inject the DNA from a FEMALE (carrying two X chromosomes) into a MALE (who already carries one X chromosome and a weaker Y chromosome) you now have an overload of the X chromosome. Now we have an onslaught of BOYS who think they should be GIRLS.
Do we have male DNA in vaccines? YES! The MRC-5 is the code given to the fetal cell line also used to cultivate vaccine viral components, and it comes fron a MALE aborted fetus. Do we have girls thinking they are boys? YES! Is it as prominent as boys wanting to be girls? NO!
Why? Because girls have two dominant X chromosomes. When they are injected with a vaccine containing MRC-5, they aren't just getting a Y chromosome, but yet another dominant X chromosome, on top of the two they already have.
That's why you don't see as many girls wanting to be boys as you do the other way around.
The Baphomet is half-male, half-female, blurring the lines. He is in charge of those who are mandating vaccines...they either kill, maim, or confuse our society. Nothing afflicting our children is our fault. It's all damage from a spiritual battle that we are losing.
'Inclusion and equality'? Howz about including reasonable questioning on these issues? Howz about giving equal merit to the voices that warn of the dangers of ideology, the voices that discern between a true body/mind mismatch versus gender confusion due to emotional insecurity influenced by a propagandized educational system.
There are fish species that not only are fully capable of sexual plasticity, but in which it is natural physiological response to environmental factors to change sex. There is a fish species, for example, in which when losing the dominant male in the school, the highest-ranking female switches sex becoming fully male including producing functional sperm. In another species of fish this is a normal age-dependent factor, wherein they are female until a certain age at which point they change to male...but I trust human beings are a bit higher up the evolutionary ladder than that....
As an aside, Arjun, I have always enjoyed reading your writing. I think you have written a thought-provoking and important essay on this subject. As a biologist, I suspect that not only have environmental factors greatly harmed humanity in many ways, the societal responses have been damaging as well.
A male friend of my son told his mother God made a mistake; he was really a girl. Now a teenager, he moves through the world as a girl. It cost the mother the marriage. The father blamed the mother for reading princess stories to the child. At age four, the boy had zero interest in boys' toys, he was more feminine than the average girl. The mother was on strong psyche drugs, even during the pregnancy. Perhaps, they created some biological changes that resulted in the gender issue. We don't know enough of the biological causes of this yet.
This article is timely & vitally important. We must have a debate about why we are allowing children to make decisions for their lives that have unalterable consequences. We have age limits for driving, joining the military, marrying, drinking alcohol & voting & yet we are allowing vulnerable children to undergo medical treatments & procedures that cannot be undone & have lifelong results. There is more than one issue raised here because the very fact that debating these things is problematic & seen as politically incorrect is also a subject that needs to be debated with intelligence, integrity & reason. Ignoring evidence which doesn’t support the mainstream is becoming a societal disease which became very evident during the pandemic.
A third issue raised by other commenters is a subject I personally have been wondering about for years. Our food, our cleaning & personal care products, our farming methods to name but a few, have been polluted by chemicals, preservatives, insecticides, pesticides, fungicides, chemical fertilisers & growth hormones & antibiotics in animal feeds which cannot fail to be damaging our health & quite possibly our dna, over the generations.
As I’m writing I am coming to the conclusion that there is one sickness underlining all these challenges in our society & that is the pursuit of money & power over the pursuit of human health & wellbeing. In all these circumstances there is money & power to be had for the big corporations & the bosses that run them. As the years pass the balance between the rich & powerful & the rest of us becomes more uneven, tipping the scales further & further into the abuse of the weak, the erosion of democracy & the diminishing of our civil & human rights.
One has to do with human rights and it goes without saying, but must be said that every human being has to have the same rights protected; (Religion, Life, Reason, Property, Lineage, Dignity)
The second issue is the issue of individuals who request validity for what ever they feel to be true and right. The Ego centric, self victimising role some individuals play seeks to validate subjective feelings as fact and further demand everyone else hold such subjective feelings as fact.
Civilisation that lacks an ethos and life philosophy that is constructive and beneficial to humanity in its entirety will face these and more destructive anomalies which should expose the need for refinement, reconsideration or complete reconstruction of the philosophy of life.
"When it comes to safety and efficacy, in North America various organizations, like The Endocrine Society, support medical interventions for transgender people. They claim that they are extremely safe and effective, and backed by years of research." It seems to me that this is gas lighting, as Endocrine receptor problems in frogs indicate to me that endocrine disruption is a problem not only for frogs. the right wind would never want to limit the agricultural chemicals that are a big part of the problem...the no limits on corporate power folks. Corporations and big pharma are distributing harmful chemicals daily, so of course there is no challenging of this gas lighting because they are making way too much money for our common good to be part of their mindset.
Has anyone looked into the endocrine disrupters and other poisons in our food sources as influencing the gender identity of the young or is that just too difficult for science to explore or not a study that would be funded due to its implications if in fact it were found out that our synthetic and petroleum based form of production has much to do with this issue?
After decades of so called vaccines being injected into children, most if not all containing parts from various aborted babies this was not rocket science to see what would happen to these child victims over time.
This is an example of real journalism. Good job.
Very well written, with my medical knowledge from Medical Medium I believe that being transgender, bisexual, gay etc. is a mental health issue, it's caused by toxic heavy metals in the brain. Just as toxic heavy metals can control someone's thoughts to the point of suicide, cheating on someones, what we say and think, the way we act, toxic heavy metals in the brain cause autism, dementia, alzheimers etc. especially the studies done on how many of these people have autism, depression, anxiety etc. as that's also caused by toxic heavy metals, it just confirms more that it is a mental health issue caused by toxic heavy metals. The globalists are very well aware of this being caused by toxic heavy metals, as that's why they are spraying us with it, they are adding it to new medical treatments, they are adding it to everything, then including the communist agenda of getting people away from God and destroying normal families, being today pushed in schools etc. show even more how this all correlates together, so to say that being trans, bi or gay is not normal, and should not be normalized, but treated as a serious mental health issue.
I think this is a terrific and carefully-argued article, without putting anybody down. We really have to be able to talk about these issues. Children's rights and women's rights matter too, and one oppressed group should never be played off against another. I've been disturbed for decades by how the high-level power structure has set Palestinians and Israelis agains each other, in a way that I believe was consciously done to benefit the powermongers. A similar consortium of powermongers is now setting trans folks against women and children, and it is benefitting no one except the powermongers.
I disagreed with the side comment about affirmative action, though, for a whole host of reasons (and I would rather not have you drop in a one-liner about such a sensitive topic -- in other words, if we're going to talk about it, let's talk about it). I will give just one reason now, which is that when an organization hires more people of color, that doesn't just benefit people of color, it also benefits the organization itself. It brings in more representatives of a perspective that othersie is missing, and that is crucial to the healthy and aware functioning of any group in our times. Hiring decisions always involve a complex set of factors about what will be best for the company or agency, and increasing diversity is a legitimate way to strengthen the quality of thinking in any group or institution.
Thank you for the complement and sharing your thoughts Lundy!
"if it was a male like me"
Wow, you said the quiet part out loud. You called a human child "it". Gross!
Ugly laws in the US only went out 40 years ago. Meaning many neurodivergent folk have been 'allowed' to live public lives without being institutionalized, sterilized or lobatamized. Many neurodivergent people experience gender as a spectrum. This piece is ableist and hateful. Your dehumanizing way of referring to trans / non-binary people is part of the problem.
Your comment feels like what he's addressing. I can't find anything hateful in any of what he has said, nor can I find anything dehumanizing toward anyone. This dynamic is what I observe repeatedly when anyone tries to raise the concerns that this article raises -- a lot of insults but no specific examples of what exactly he shouldn't have said, and how exactly we should address the serious concerns the article raises.
Institutional racism doesn’t exist…Arjun said. Wow…please keep your head stuck in the ground and refrain from sprouting on stuff you don’t have full comprehension on. Arjun, your statement on that has no merit and you are dismissed.
Hi Infinity. No, I never said institutional racism doesn't exist, where did you get that from? I said that there was zero proof that the lack of ethnic minorities as teachers was due to institutional racism...Please read carefully before commenting!
I wanted Air Jordans as a child cuz the 'cool kids' had em. This is no different.
i believe there may indeed be a 'hidden agenda' behind the government's current willingness to approve gender re-assignment surgery for almost anyone who asks for it. i think the same agenda could be at play in the incremental inclusiveness of more and more medical conditions deemed acceptable for medically assisted suicide, as we have been seeing recently.
But that conspiracy theory aside, changing one's gender in our society is a hard road to take. Still, i completely believe that we need to fully acknowledge people who changed their birth gender, as being of that gender, since as Arjun pointed out, the phenomenon has always been a part of human civilization. Also, many decades of research on the causes and treatment of gender dysphoria has revealed that the idea of changing someone's biologically inconsistent gender identity, through psychological or medical intervention, is not a viable approach, and can even be detrimental to their development in the long term.
i think too, that we need to be aware that even if a child exhibits a desire for a re-assignment, and their parents or medical authorities step in and get them to change their mind, that it may still be unlikely that they will just progress normally in the expected development of their biological gender identity from then on, and future issues could prevail. i think we need to separate what we, as parents, clinicians, and citizens, feel is "right" and "best," and instead really seek to discover what may be truly best for the child -- what the choice of gender means for that particular child in their life and what they want to make of it -- and that could even be some other, still unexplored possibility.
Trying to find ways to stop people, or find reasons to change what they desire in their perceived pursuit of wholeness, can never be the answer, because even if there is some psychologically based separation between their soul's choice of body, and the current will of their Self -- and in some cases this may be accurate -- society forcing its will on these individuals, can only confirm and entrench that disparity, rather than being a means to heal it.
It used to be that the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry on College St. in Toronto (amalgamated into Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in 1998) was the foremost authority in Canada on gender dysphoria and gender re-assignment. To be able to obtain coverage for reassignment surgery on some province's health plans, one had to receive approval from the Clarke's Gender Identity Clinic through a successful "real life test." This involved living in their chosen gender/role/identity consistently for 2 years which included supporting oneself by being visibly employed in the community. Many of the applicants who succeeded in the test, had body forms already close the norm of their chosen gender. They were thus able "to pass" in society entirely seamlessly. But living seamlessly also became more difficult in the following decades, as the general population became aware of the possibility of transitioned people among them through stories in the media.
Others in the real life test, had to work with their co-workers, or assist customers in a business, as someone who was visibly transitioning, but many also succeed in the test. Being able to engage successfully in society after a reassignment -- to be considered, and more importantly, to consider yourself -- a part of society -- requires being able to handle and mitigate rejection. "Being accepted" is really a misnomer, since to a large degree, it's always a two-way street and takes incredible personal creativity and resilience to forge a new social role for yourself, one that is acknowledged by many who know you, as being true and valuable, even if others may still claim they do not accept you in your chosen gender/role/identity.
Today, it seems the "role" term in the earlier concept of "gender/role/identity" is being left out, and i think this is big mistake, since it sets up the expectation that what the phenomenon is, is just another medical "disorder" and leads to the self-identification as "trans" rather than "man" or "woman." Of course there is stiff opposition to inclusion in these traditional identities, since it is seen as disavowing their fundamental purity, but as with any previous major inclusiveness shift in the progress of our civilization -- i.e. including, "non-white" or even "woman" as "person" -- the alchemy of inclusion can only be effected by those in question, actively demonstrating their pure intent and capabilities in society, before those in the established position, can act to affirm them.
It's easy to acquire an identity, but any identified group in society that is not also seen as having an inherently useful role, will tend to be considered 'marginalized,' 'disadvantaged,' or having a medical 'disorder' beyond their control. It is good to have government bring about awareness in the population concerning gender issues, but the only way those who have had a gender reassignment have any real hope of being considered part of greater society, is to show themselves willing and able to be part of it -- through who they truly are. Not everyone who simply feels they are 'the opposite gender from what they are considered biologically,' will be able to achieve these standards, just as not everyone can succeed at achieving any positively valued identity/role in society, but solidly entrenching this societal ideal of 'a person living successfully as the gender they know they are, while contributing meaningfully to society' -- will change everything about what is currently considered as "the gender identity problem." Thereby it will eventually become easier, for all who are genuinely drawn to transition to their true identity, to achieve a recognized place in society and even the nature of "gender" itself may shift to something more multidimensional than male and female, just like sexual orientation has in the past.
This process of "affirmation" should begin with the government promoting exceptional re-gendered people's contributions, and making available dedicated employment positions based on merit, while at the same time restricting re-assignment surgeries, and/or the right to change official documentation, to only those who can demonstrate the way it will actually enhance their lives, going forward. As well, i believe, it would be very valuable to have psychotherapy included in the medical services schedule, since trying to help someone under the concept of Mental Health is not conducive to actually achieving a resolution of any deep issue, especially something at the level of personal identity, but is only amenable to "managing" it, which could mean a lifetime of continual struggle.
Thanks for sharing.
Great article. Thank you! I find myself increasingly questioning the motivations and agendas behind everything we are seeing and for this topic my question is to ask if the clinics doing all this work make a great deal of money and have a vested interest in persuading young people to have the treatments? And is there a kind of “repeat business” once it starts that ensures income into the future? also as others have questioned are there pollutants in our system that are messing with things in our bodies? As with everyone else, I 100% support that all of us have the freedom to express ourselves in whatever ways we wish, especially with consenting adults. Children however, having life lasting treatments so young when they have not yet reached a time in life to make those decisions I would argue is worrying?
I read an article a few weeks back in which I didn’t keep unfortunately, that there are more transgender persons now deeply regretting their decision to have surgery than those that are going ahead with it. Can’t remember whether it was world wide or just a country. If I find the article I will post it. Article below sent via Telegram to me.
WI-38 is the cell lines from a FEMALE aborted fetus, used to cultivate viruses used in vaccines. When you inject the DNA from a FEMALE (carrying two X chromosomes) into a MALE (who already carries one X chromosome and a weaker Y chromosome) you now have an overload of the X chromosome. Now we have an onslaught of BOYS who think they should be GIRLS.
Do we have male DNA in vaccines? YES! The MRC-5 is the code given to the fetal cell line also used to cultivate vaccine viral components, and it comes fron a MALE aborted fetus. Do we have girls thinking they are boys? YES! Is it as prominent as boys wanting to be girls? NO!
Why? Because girls have two dominant X chromosomes. When they are injected with a vaccine containing MRC-5, they aren't just getting a Y chromosome, but yet another dominant X chromosome, on top of the two they already have.
That's why you don't see as many girls wanting to be boys as you do the other way around.
The Baphomet is half-male, half-female, blurring the lines. He is in charge of those who are mandating vaccines...they either kill, maim, or confuse our society. Nothing afflicting our children is our fault. It's all damage from a spiritual battle that we are losing.
Thanks June!
'Inclusion and equality'? Howz about including reasonable questioning on these issues? Howz about giving equal merit to the voices that warn of the dangers of ideology, the voices that discern between a true body/mind mismatch versus gender confusion due to emotional insecurity influenced by a propagandized educational system.
There are fish species that not only are fully capable of sexual plasticity, but in which it is natural physiological response to environmental factors to change sex. There is a fish species, for example, in which when losing the dominant male in the school, the highest-ranking female switches sex becoming fully male including producing functional sperm. In another species of fish this is a normal age-dependent factor, wherein they are female until a certain age at which point they change to male...but I trust human beings are a bit higher up the evolutionary ladder than that....
As an aside, Arjun, I have always enjoyed reading your writing. I think you have written a thought-provoking and important essay on this subject. As a biologist, I suspect that not only have environmental factors greatly harmed humanity in many ways, the societal responses have been damaging as well.
A male friend of my son told his mother God made a mistake; he was really a girl. Now a teenager, he moves through the world as a girl. It cost the mother the marriage. The father blamed the mother for reading princess stories to the child. At age four, the boy had zero interest in boys' toys, he was more feminine than the average girl. The mother was on strong psyche drugs, even during the pregnancy. Perhaps, they created some biological changes that resulted in the gender issue. We don't know enough of the biological causes of this yet.
This article is timely & vitally important. We must have a debate about why we are allowing children to make decisions for their lives that have unalterable consequences. We have age limits for driving, joining the military, marrying, drinking alcohol & voting & yet we are allowing vulnerable children to undergo medical treatments & procedures that cannot be undone & have lifelong results. There is more than one issue raised here because the very fact that debating these things is problematic & seen as politically incorrect is also a subject that needs to be debated with intelligence, integrity & reason. Ignoring evidence which doesn’t support the mainstream is becoming a societal disease which became very evident during the pandemic.
A third issue raised by other commenters is a subject I personally have been wondering about for years. Our food, our cleaning & personal care products, our farming methods to name but a few, have been polluted by chemicals, preservatives, insecticides, pesticides, fungicides, chemical fertilisers & growth hormones & antibiotics in animal feeds which cannot fail to be damaging our health & quite possibly our dna, over the generations.
As I’m writing I am coming to the conclusion that there is one sickness underlining all these challenges in our society & that is the pursuit of money & power over the pursuit of human health & wellbeing. In all these circumstances there is money & power to be had for the big corporations & the bosses that run them. As the years pass the balance between the rich & powerful & the rest of us becomes more uneven, tipping the scales further & further into the abuse of the weak, the erosion of democracy & the diminishing of our civil & human rights.
Thanks for sharing Suzanne!
And we will become more powerless and more enslaved if digital currency is forced on us.
There are two separate issues here:
One has to do with human rights and it goes without saying, but must be said that every human being has to have the same rights protected; (Religion, Life, Reason, Property, Lineage, Dignity)
The second issue is the issue of individuals who request validity for what ever they feel to be true and right. The Ego centric, self victimising role some individuals play seeks to validate subjective feelings as fact and further demand everyone else hold such subjective feelings as fact.
Civilisation that lacks an ethos and life philosophy that is constructive and beneficial to humanity in its entirety will face these and more destructive anomalies which should expose the need for refinement, reconsideration or complete reconstruction of the philosophy of life.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
"When it comes to safety and efficacy, in North America various organizations, like The Endocrine Society, support medical interventions for transgender people. They claim that they are extremely safe and effective, and backed by years of research." It seems to me that this is gas lighting, as Endocrine receptor problems in frogs indicate to me that endocrine disruption is a problem not only for frogs. the right wind would never want to limit the agricultural chemicals that are a big part of the problem...the no limits on corporate power folks. Corporations and big pharma are distributing harmful chemicals daily, so of course there is no challenging of this gas lighting because they are making way too much money for our common good to be part of their mindset.
Excellent points!
Has anyone looked into the endocrine disrupters and other poisons in our food sources as influencing the gender identity of the young or is that just too difficult for science to explore or not a study that would be funded due to its implications if in fact it were found out that our synthetic and petroleum based form of production has much to do with this issue?
Great points here mentioning other environmental factors. I had not thought about that.
After decades of so called vaccines being injected into children, most if not all containing parts from various aborted babies this was not rocket science to see what would happen to these child victims over time.
Excellent post.
Thanks Mel!