Be here now ❤️

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Bottom line, it's not devices, it's the jab. Reports of behavioural change date back to 2020.

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I disagree. I think many people need to withdraw displaced empathy from a situation. There is a time and place for empathy. It really is irrelevant why someone is manipulative, cruelly destructive etc...what matters is to remove yourself from danger. If you cannot do that, you will have to fight back. We have a healthy fight response as a pro adaptive response for survival. 'There is hope from the sea, there is no hope from the grave.' So as long as you survive and that can mean psychologically also, you have the opportunity to make your world better, which is uplifting for everyone. I say things when driving that I would not say to a person outside their vehicle. The car is armour, so I can release the stress of dealing with texters not moving when the light is green without fear of retaliation. I don't make nasty remarks, just plain old venting, like 'stop texting you selfish idiot.' I guess people who are nasty or cruel in anonymous remarks, have that side to their personality in them to begin with. Being a bleeding heart does not uplift the world, and that can be the invitation for a destructive persona to infiltrate your life. I don't think God wants us to think everyone is nice. I think God wants us to see evil in side ourselves and others, and use the information to transcend it. Has the world essentially changed despite all the spiritual knowledge, do-gooders, activists throughout history, I'm not seeing it. That is not cynical, I think it is practical, it shines a light on useless effort versus useful effort. If someone is coming to kill you, what is the best response? Can you hold in your mind's eye at that moment images of them as a child, their conditioning, their humanity, if so most likely you won't strike and instead will be struck down. Terrible we are put in positions in life where we are forced to fight, but that is a harsh reality. If I think about this some more, maybe my viewpoint will change or if I hear some other opinions.

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Re: "I think God wants us to see evil in side ourselves and others, and use the information to transcend it." -- if it's just information, which is the forte of the digital world -- can't we let it compile it for us, tabulate it, crosscheck it, run models etc. ? If we can't escape the digital onslaught, maybe we can use it to our advantage ? i think it's true that resistance may indeed be futile, so let's each be the Undefended Self and let it all flow through, w/o fighting against it. Just hold on to your soul connection at all costs. Even Rudolf Steiner said we will need to connect to machines in this epoch of time (but i guess he didn't know about computers, silicon chips and artificial intelligence back then). Still it's all been forecast, even Stanley Kubrick in the 60s predicted all that is happening now, in his 2001: A Space Odyssey film -- but also that after outsmarting AI trying to take over, the protagonist still made it to join up with the positive ETS and become the Star Child :-)

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I don't see us moving away from tech, people didn't give up TV and go back to radio. As you said it is our intentions toward it that matter, good or bad. I think what you said 'hold on to your soul connection at all costs' holds the meaning of life. Yet, society aims to steal our souls, our independence. Going against the social torrents takes a lot of focused energy it seems to me, but our souls are worth it.

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i'm finding people seem more mean today even in personal encounters since the plandemic. A major reason why people write hateful comments on-line, i believe, is that they aren't able to feel the effects of their actions. It is impossible for them to experience the impact their hurtful intent has on the person who is reading the comment. i've also read

( https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/9783910465008 ) that people who are able to clairvoyantly perceive the state in which the recently deceased are in (mainly the vaxxed but more and more everyone), say they are lost and unable to move on into the afterlife. They cannot experience the life review that happens soon after death, because they are unable to experience the feelings of others whom they caused pain to during their lifetimes (through which the soul recognizes its karma and chooses an appropriate next life to balance it). Also many alternative practitioners cited in the book say they see a major closing off from the soul input in the (still alive) vaxxed, but this also in those who have had covid. Also most importantly, across the board, alternative practitioners say the same thing -- that while they can see these deep energetic and spiritual changes in their long-time client, the client themselves will say they feel nothing is amiss ! However they do say too that spiritual healing can reverse these distortions, with dedicated effort.

And this lack of feeling the impact on the other, also translates into in-person interactions as well, because we, collectively, are becoming more and more transhuman, where the on-line and on-cellphone experience is increasingly becoming our normal everyday act of living (if you could even call it that in this sense). It is an illusion that transhumanism only becomes relevant in a brain interface -- this is in fact a ploy the powers-that-be use to already implement what they portray as something which will only happen in the future, i.e. when the brain is interfaced with AI. The fact that we, collectively, are becoming transhuman can be seen in how we make friends on-line never expecting to meet them in real life, and are perfectly OK with that.

In the 1960s, Marshall McLuhan coined the expression "the medium is the message" -- meaning it's not really the content of a communication that's of prime importance, but rather the medium that is used to convey it. So in a face-to-face medium, it is our natural space of reality that is the most significant aspect of the communication or interaction, while on-line it is the on-line virtual space. So obviously if you are interacting with people who you only know on-line, as opposed to connecting with friends you also know in person, the nature of the interaction will be determined primarily by the nature of the on-line medium, and not by the content of your communications.

But those who are posting about their real life experiences, expecting the support and sympathy which would be normal in the real world, may be hurt by the feedback they receive. But the impact of this hurt will not reach the person posting the negative comment, not (just) because they never expect to see the person they commented negatively about, but because the intractable objectification that is the nature of the on-line medium predominates over the normal interaction process that happens in a world of real people (think clicking your "like" to a post vs. expressing an emotion of gratitude to a real person in front of you -- your mind may say it's the same as, but your heart? . . . Then think clicking a like to a post you believe is by a real person, but is actually created by an AI -- whatever you felt when you clicked either post, is only you generating it, there is nothing coming back to you as it would be in giving thanks to a real person. Your own generated feelings are what make up the virtual world and once you let go of the need for those, there is only stark rationality left.)

Basically commenters and posters on-line are 'as-if' people. And even though most of us intellectually still expect these people to be actual living people in the real world, our emotional experience will be determined by the nature of the medium, not by what our intellect informs us must be the actual case. In fact they could easily be replaced by AI generated posts, and this situation could actually be one of the intentions the powers-that-be have. Yet many of us, especially those who have once lived back in the days where the real world was the only reality, still believe that this on-line world is just a way to communicate 'about' the real world, which we picture as still vibrant and alive out there.

With the next pandemic, and concomitant lockdowns -- the on-line option of being with loved ones, seeing your doctor, or doing shopping, will be portrayed as fundamentally equivalent to doing all those things in-person, and thus they will imply that you are not be experiencing any hardship in the lockdowns. Similarly with being restricted to w/in 15 minutes of where you live, you will not be missing anything you had before, since you can still 'be' anywhere, virtually. As can be seen by the reports of clairvoyants who see people disconnected from their soul input, yet feeling they are perfectly fine -- in the next phase of their plan in the next plandemic -- these people will be sure to accept lockdowns with finesse, while those of us who (still) know the truth will be taken for another joyride.

And 'you will be happy while owning nothing [real, only virtual and even that by subscription]' because by then (they expect) everyone will be conditioned to this virtual reality state of affairs, where everyone's actions are not reflected vibrationally back to them over a heart connection, but probably some centrally generated artificial happiness vibration will pervade everyone's sense of beingness.

How did we get here, and how do we get back to real, true reality ? i think we should look closely at how the on-line reality is configured. It used to be that phones where attached to the wall by Ma Bell, and you were in serious trouble if you messed with them. People would call you, knowing the situation of the phone stuck to the wall, or on a nice dedicated phone stand, with you standing or sitting there, while replying. Intimate conversations would ensue but generally they would be about what happened or will happen in the real world. There was no sense of a separate 'phone-reality.' But now with mobile phones in everyone's purse or pocket, the phone-reality is already in some sense equal to being-there reality and in you being located exactly where your phone is, your voice on the cellphone fundamentally becomes the same as you speaking directly to the caller.

Generally the person called is now expected to be contactable anywhere they may physically be, so the virtual reality pervades geographic reality and eventually will become equal to it. And in a spiritual sense the person carrying the cellphone is announcing they are open to be contacted and although they expect this is to be through the wireless medium -- their 'open for contact' intention could just as well be taken as an invitation by enterprising dark spirits or by nefarious schemes of the cabal to gain access to their inherent sovereignty.

While we already know telecoms are GPS tracking you everywhere you go (when you are co-terminal with your phone) and giving this tracking data to the gov't, expecting this data to be used to fine tune the digital twin they are making of you, of all your on-line habits, which will in effect become equal to you once the massive compilation process is complete -- but could this digital duplication process already be taking its toll on some esoteric level, since any digital action you take, is incrementally imprinting the digital reality with your Selfness ? But the digital reality is not real you say ? However we still seem to be drawn to use it all the time, and using it will build every user's digital Self and give it 'life,' mind you a digital silicon-based inorganic type of 'life.' Could it really be true that Google AI can predict everything you do before you do it yourself -- one may see this as very complex computer code -- or -- are they really diabolically building some virtual digital FrankenSelf of every real person now -- to populate the Phantom Matrix (which is known to be real in a spiritual sense) ? Personally, i think i'll let them do it, while my Undefended Self establishes a kinship with my digital Self and lets it inform me as to my optimal individuation process w/in the beauty and wholeness of this living reality on Gaia.

To help this process along to a natural state of affairs and keep it solid in collective reality, personally i haven't had a cellphone account for about a year now. i use a laptop with wired ethernet connection to a router that has wifi disabled. i use a corded voip phone. There is no cell signal in the valley where i live (although there are reports cell towers are coming). i haven't watched television since 2009 but do watch some select movies on-line. Most of my many books are hard-copy. i live close to Nature and eat organic as much as possible. Just yesterday i spontaneously released a controlling energetic connection i may have had for about a year, and my kidneys have suddenly cleared up, apparently as a result.

And i try to make light of all that is happening while at the same time taking it damn seriously. https://twitter.com/wiseheal/status/1712169916684783865

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I find it depends where I am. When I read your publication or hang out on similar type channels, people tend to be more thoughtful and grounded, and I think you help spread and model that sentiment. To be honest, Twitter (X) has become the most toxic of platforms. It's trash for the most part. Everyone has a take, rage is the name of the game, and people are all copying each other to get more reach... I try to stay off it now.

I loved your introduction about collective witnessing, and this sentiment is why I've stuck around you guys all these years and pay for your Substack and membership. People need to invest in this type of media, otherwise what we will be left with is what I see on X, Rebel News, or things like that... perspectives that create more anger and riled up people.

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I get this.. the space does make a difference. It does seem sometimes energies collect and collide in ways that meet each other. And sometimes it's about stepping beyond the environment and seeing the big picture.

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I propose that, at a conscious or subconscious level, people are struggling with the collapse of hope. My parents would comment back in the 70's that, "there's no good news on." But, the population was getting the Vietnam war pumped into their family rooms. It has gotten worse in both content and in vectors. Morten Downey Jr? Jerry Springer? Rush Limbaugh? Newsmax? Epoch Times? HuffPo? Daily Beast? If all you do is take in toxins, you will get sick. Unfortunately, people are attracted to the crashed car on the side of the road rather than the beautiful wildflowers. Life is beautiful for the 1%.

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This is well said. Where do we place our attention? Certainly we must assess aspect of the crisis we face, but are we placing our attention on wholeness or just one part? If so, what about us is driving that narrowing?

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My disclaimer: I died and came back and in the process I got a different operating system.

Humans are humans - for weal and woe. Roll back 500 years and people gathered for the news read by the town crier. The more entertaining the story, the better the tips. And those stories were nailed to the post in the square for other to read - if they could read the post. Then and now, people want stories to distract them from their own lives, be they monotonous or tumultuous, because life is hard. I believe the narrowing is coming from exhaustion with information overload as the source.

I like ice cream. But if I glut myself on all 31 flavors, there's going to be a technicolor yawn followed by my take on a Jackson Pollock painting on the floor. And. at present. we're expecting the manufactures of the ice cream (Meta) and the ice cream company shareholders (politicians) to help us? Umm... no.

Only the 1% are happy IMO. They are getting what they want - money, power, resources. And they have been so successful for so many decades that nearly every first world country is experiencing population collapse. (Peter Zeihan) Real and engineered scarcity, constricted autonomy, manufactured "-isms" to create division - they are all distractions of aristocracy. (Dictators tried blunt force fear but history shows us that that control is temporary.)

Refining the process, the extensions of the aristocracy, religion / politics, followed suit. The disruptive rise of the Industrial Age brought us the middle class and business. Future tycoons looked at the previous power structures and said 'hol' muh beer' and built techniques to garner more resources while leaving just enough scraps to keep the rabble inline. Unions, strikes, skirmishes, corporate laws against civil rights and wars were extensions of the determining the amount of scraps to be shared.

I think it was the sturm und drang of the 18th century where the 1% realized they could use chaos to distract people's attention away from losing their rights and their access to basic resources. And what have the news, cable networks, and social media channels done? They brought us 31 flavors of bullshit.

We're being distracted from the dissolution of civil society . We're scrolling / swiping / surfing over the cliff's edge. We're being entertained to our death and their profit. The Information Age has just made the process more efficient and less bloody.

Of course, there are the occasional exceptions - J.D. Vance, Oliver Anthony

By now, everyone has seen or heard of the video of the teams playing basketball and the viewer is supposed to watch which team scored the most. Nearly everyone fails to notice the person in the gorilla suit shuffling through the game. Your focus shapes your reality. Your reality becomes your truth. And while we all fight about which team scored the most points, the crisis engineers in their gorilla suits walk through unseen and pickpocket every player.

Want to break the wheel like Daenerys? Try this exercise. Record the evening news and then go back list the news items. Then, list who benefits from the story being propagated through society. Return to the stories and ask how those stories make you feel. Then, go back and see if there is a drug or product being advertised to address the feeling. Change your attention before returning to your scheduled "programming".

Town criers, corporate owned or otherwise, still work for tips.


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"The primary obstruction at hand is our egocentric delusion of discrete personal sovereignty. For millennia we have been held captive by a conviction of identity that insists: ‘I am ego’ and ‘ego is me’. Paul Levy presents the case of “wetiko (malignant egophrenia) as a psychotic sickness of the soul and spirit at the root of humanity’s inhumanity to itself”. Wetiko (aka Windigo, Wihtikow) is a Native American term for a virus of the psyche infecting us all. Wetiko maintains a lock on us insidiously with devices for its self-preservation that emphasize and reinforce our deluded sense of separateness – religion, guns, and money among the most powerful. Our iron clad identification with egocentricity is wetiko’s strongest defense. How powerful is the subliminal resistance you feel right now as you entertain the proposition herein to confront the wetiko lurking within yourself? Can you SEE that forest for the trees? Are you WILLING?! This is our evolution."


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Thank you again for a great reminder and practice.

I have been following your work for a very long time and I have been so inspired to see how many MORE people have been sharing the ideas and connections you guys have made over the years. We now have a marketplace FILLED with conscious articles and perspectives on current events. I don't remember seeing that much out there when I first found you guys.

Keep going! I know it has been a tough road and your voice has been cut down, but the impact has been incredible and I truly think you paved the way for many ❤️

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Thanks for thebkind words, we will indeed keep going and we have some big stuff lined up to take things to the next level of framework and consciousness. Exciting times!

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The internet made it safe for people to express, however harmfully, the anger they feel from seemingly having their intelligence insulted. The problem is, no such intention is necessarily in many words that sound that way. It's always safer to ask the party to the conversation, "what's your evidence for that?," etc. But most of the time, people are so far apart in their assumptions, it would take too long to hash out how they arrived at such different views. So that kind of conversation rarely gets done. But in that case, it's virtually pointless to start the conversation in the first place.

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I feel you, I often find myself asking people how they arrived at their position only for them to dissappear. I feel in the end this is an indictment of our unwillingness to look at ourselves and we have created barriers to protect that... I.e. the internet. If we preferred being challenged and changing, we would put lore attention and effort into meeting up and having our views challenged.. but I believe we have become so addicted to the internet for many reasons... including that we can run from change.

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Yeah, it seems that most just want to proselytize rather than evaluate evidence. Not a good state to be in given where things are headed. We need well-reasoned conclusions from the best available data now more than ever in our life-times.

I've come to realize from reflecting on the psychology I've learned that many people, due to natural biases and blind spots we all have, are truly convinced of their view-points because of how ignorant they are of data that can only be properly evaluated WITHOUT those biases and blind spots. It can take years to re-think everything and to learn what you once rejected out of hand that, nevertheless, had at least some element of truth to it.

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Of course it hasn’t .. people have done that ... like always.

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