I've noticed myself staying away from social media in the last few months. I don't tend to get the same value out of it as I used to, and it does feel very non human..
The powers that should not be have been using the divide & conquer technic of dehumanizing “the enemy” for centuries sadly.
Sadly it still works very well. I have found that most history is negative & when some event gets pointed out the response most of the time is “well, we’re smarter than that now. We would never let that happen again.” Hahaha! Really???? Look around! The last 22 years has taught many to question & not buy the official story when it doesn’t even make sense. I won’t even go there on the last 3 years!!
I love the saying, and I’m sorry I don’t know the source, “you either understand history or you trust the government. You can’t do both”.
i'm careful to not label people i have a personal conflict with, or whose views i disagree with. i do see though, that there is a lot more going on in my Inner Life that's of a conflicting or negative nature, than there was 10, 20 or 50 years ago, and from listening to what my friends say about their Inner Life and also what i infer their Inner Life is like if they don't address it directly, and see how it has changed over the time i have known them, i feel there is a lot of cause for concern. By Inner Life i mean the "space" where we experience and talk only to ourselves, and consider and play out courses of action before we act on them in the outside reality. It's where our conscience resides too. In a medical/scientific sense this space may be considered as part of the domains of psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy, but i don't believe the real sense our own Inner Life as a personal part of each of us, is completely represented by these mainstream disciplines. For one thing, all our knowledge of what we call "personality," is statistically based, meaning its validity is established through testing, observation and classification across many subjects, even if abnormal characteristics are studied, so it is not suited in addressing the very individualistic experience each person has of what their inner experience is like. Each one's Inner Life is their essence of themselves as a unique individual and psychology concerns their relationship with established norms across all people.
It may be that i too am also looking with a statistical lens in declaring that the Inner Life of many people has changed or been impacted, but i still hope to speak to the personal quality of this Inner Life of each person, while speaking in a general way. Also if we are careful to keep the implications of these mainstream disciplines, as well as implications coming from religious dogma, out of this consideration, i think there can be more deeper understanding of the Inner Life of each of us, how it may have changed over recent decades and what that might mean.
In the late 1960s and generally throughout the 70s i felt this connection with others through the feeling that something in my Inner Life was strikingly similar with that of others, at least of young people like myself. Sure no one talked about their Inner Life that way, only -- the music, the peace in the world that was essential, the equality of all peoples, living free of the establishment control, getting back to Nature -- but looking back now, that's where i felt the connection with others -- in my Inner Life. We called this something "the vibe" and i remember feeling this commonality with others within myself, rather than just with what they expressed outwardly -- it is what we "grooved on", as in all of us being in the same groove of that undefined something.
So it's different now, way different, and we may try to approach what's different from an outward perspective through our rational mind, i.e. "As we dehumanize, it becomes easier to say terrible things to people and . . . we create more permission space to do even worse things . . . there would be blowback if we made those types of choices all the time . . . creat[ing] constant conflict and fighting . . . destroying people’s livelihoods . . . an impoverished community affect[ing] us all . . . more burden on our systems . . . Would we be able to recognize how our choices in the short term may lead to problems downline?"
i think to address this question, it would help to look directly at -- how it is possible to see the scenario you describe, playing out with our intellect, while at the same time still being unable to do much about changing it. When it comes to what we 'do' in our Inner life i believe we often fall into fear about what it may mean in the understandings of medical/psychiatric system i.e. "this means i'm crazy, paranoid, a narcissist . . ." i try to remember though, that ultimately i always have a choice which represents my personal responsibility, no matter what thoughts or feelings may come up in my Inner Life. Past trauma often brings up thoughts and feelings we consciously know come only from the unprocessed trauma. In knowing their source, we can be free to feel our feelings of fear and anger through the triggering of a trauma issue, in our daily life. However this conscious process doesn't always happen in the moment, and we react may still unconsciously react to others from our trauma, but we can then process and understand it at a later time, and over time come to know its true source in the moment we are triggered and inform our outward reactions.
But unconscious trauma and reactions from it, have always been part of the human experience. Even in remembering my life the 60s and 70s, i know i was under the heavy weight of my unconscious childhood trauma then, which only later with the help of psychotherapy, i was able to process much of, however it didn't stop me from connecting with others and working towards our common vison of a better world. But now i feel it's all different -- inside of me, in my psyche -- where my Inner life is -- that that 'intelligent connection' i felt through the common vibe of the 60s and 70s, is no longer there. Of course the times are different now, but i think the medium itself where the current vibe of any times (like the zeitgeist) exists, has now altered drastically in some way.
What i like about The Pulse and Conscious Evolution is your focus on "making sense." But i feel to really make sense, we need to open it up further to what we experience in the deepest part of our psyche, w/o judgment. Sure, it would be nice if only our intellect determined our relationships with others, but being free to know and express all of our inner experiences is paramount to making sense of what is really happening in our outer world today, since more than our intellect drives our actions.
i am going to use a term in that exploration, which is only my own, and pertains only to the immediate task of expressing how i feel my Inner Life and that of some people i know, has changed. i call it the "proxy effect." Over the last 6 months, i've been engaged in a legal battle with my previous landlords and although i've felt definite triggering of specific personal traumas, i don't feel this is necessarily done by them on purpose. It almost seems to me that they, particularly my former landlady, is acting as a proxy of some other (agency ?), in this legal battle, and i have felt this feeling all long during the time i rented from them. i often feel unable to protect myself from their unjust and overreaching actions and in fact i am drawn to not take the legal action i need to, even now when i have moved out. Of course i see how my childhood traumas figure in to this pattern, but it goes way beyond the capabilities of people who know little about me to be able orchestrate all this specifically to me, and it goes way beyond anything of this nature having happened to me before.
In a similar pattern my friend in Ontario keeps telling me of the problems that have ensued for her friend who let her daughter change settings on her cellphone, and now she's apparently gained control over all her apps, bank accounts, etc. and my friend has to go in to the bank with her, for hours at a time, to try to regain control over her digital affairs, yet apparently they offer little help, while at the same time her friend seems powerless to take any action necessary like changing her number and wiping her phone. It just keeps going on and on. i know her friend's daughter has done some nasty stuff in her life and shouldn't be trusted, but how can she have mustered so much control over her mother for so long ? Something is going on that's beyond what is apparent -- even possibly considering that the daughter (as the proxy) may not even be causing a lot of it -- that once started this scenario is running on automatic through the friend not being able to take any action to fix it. The only purpose behind it seems to be to produce a sense of powerlessness in people (and an illusion of 'power over' in those who are so inclined), as well as emotional pain all around. Is it possible then that what we see going on in our world, is also happening through this proxy effect, where many people are a proxy of some other agency ? This would all be a hallmark of mind control, where first emotional trauma is created in the subject (or extant trauma is accessed), which then enables them to be programmed with specific commands, which even if they are conscious of this going on, they can't easily prevent acting out.
Somehow i feel that the medium that our Inner Life happens in, has been altered, and since most people don't even represent their Inner Life as a separate place, they can't even identify what is different.
Interresting and calm. The witch hunt way is the path so many take, it is downhill all the way. Its root is in our herd instinct which feels so good in amongst the baying mob. All the pleasurable instincts have good survival roots that's why they are there but lead us to excess.
I have been receiving your emails for a few years now. I can not see how anyone who reads you carefully could call you racist anti semitic. Sometimes when I read comments on a post I wonder if the person commenting read the same post that I did. I got that they read it with certain colored glasses on so could not understand what they were reading. And sometimes i have commented and someone has replied to my comment and I think, "where did they get that from?" and I may respond with something that I think will help clarify. Reading what your post Joe, has been encouraging to me, there are still some thoughtful clear thinking people in the world. I will post link to Jerusalem report. Us common folk need to stop fighting among ourselves whether it be Israeli, Palestinian, libral, conservative etc . While we are fighting among ourselves we lose sight of the puppet masters who smile and rub their hands together as we fight among ourselves. Jeruselem report starts at minute 1:30. If don't want to listen to whole thing go to minute 24. But I really hope people listen to the whole thing. Peace https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/the-jerusalem-report-on-israel/?utm_source=luminate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=chdtv&utm_id=20231025
If BOTH sides are criticizing you, you can be almost assured that you are MOSTLY right. I say mostly because in a waring situation, I don't think anyone can be hundred percent right. congratulations! your reads are thoughtful and inspiring.
Thanks Albert! And absolutely, no one can be 100% right. Interestingly someone in the emails I referred to in this piece said to us that if outlets aren't 100% right all the time they are useless. That was wild to me. I wondered: why are we of the illusion that someone can be 100% right ever? What are we willing to not support and run away the moment someone isn't 100% right? Are we looking for an excuse to run away?
The critical mind gets a dopamine hit when it gets to criticise. You can literally get high on criticism, over and over it becomes an entrained pattern. The main downside, imo, is that the critical attitude ends up being how you treat yourself too.
Indeed! There is space for critique, especially in the context of turning the mirror back on a system to explore it and sense what may be wrong, but when critique becomes constant criticism in bad faith, that becomes problematic. Very good point in terms of "how you treat yourself too."
Good post, Joe! Dehumanization seems to be on an uptick that is in parallel with the exacerbation of our inherent delusion of separateness, thanks to today's technology, isolating devices, attitudes, policies, and lifestyles.
"Self-importance, egocentricity, or wetiko by whatever moniker – manifests in us singularly and collectively at all levels: individual, family, community, congregation, city, region, race, nation, species, etc. More than any other single factor here in the 21st c., humanity’s hubris continues to slowly and steadily destroy us – from the inside out. We are consuming ourselves before our own deluded, denying eyes! The USA in particular – now with its shadow wetiko self exposed – epitomizes this expression of humanity that has nowhere left to go and can only accelerate humankind’s devouring of itself."
Your are a bright light in these dark times. Journalism has lost its way and value. Truth had been sold to the highest bidder and unfortunately much of humanity buys their product which is control. Fear makes people lash out against truth which makes you an easy target. You are an excellent journalist seeking truth, one of very few. Those of us who care about the path humanity is on deeply appreciate your ability to show another way, to articulate both sides without prejudice. Love and light shine through your writing.
Thanks for the kind words Donna. It's true, sometimes the highest bidder of 'truth' can also be those willing to hijack others attention via emotion and prolonged outrage as well. I say that as someone who can also feel a sense of outrage in myself (which i think is healthy for everyone to feel and process) when I see people killed for like we've been seeing. More than ever, I believe we have to practice presence, self-awareness and staying centered.. I don't know how we can move forward without that.
This was perfect timing for me. I’ve been watching YouTube videos about Israel/Palestine and the comments have made me lose a bit of hope for humanity right now. Reading this gives me a sense there may be a solution or a way toward something better. Thank you.
I remember meeting you at an event once in like 2014 or 2015 or something. I gained even more respect for your work after seeing how real and authentic you were. Humble too. I’ve always felt that when I read or watch your videos… but if I came from a totally different perspective from you… I guess I could miss those qualities? Not sure. I’m trying to imagine myself being someone who attacked you…
Thanks again, and this gives me something to reflect on today for sure.
It's nice to hear this came at the right time. I have had similar experiences to you regarding the comments and it has indeed been eye opening. I think I recall meeting if I'm not mistaken, it was at an event in Toronto! I trust all is going well. :)
People look at morality/ethics, for the most part, in one of two ways. They infer what is right from what seem to be well-nigh universal sensibilities, experiences and how the latter can affect our sensibilities, OR they just assume that how they feel just IS the right way. The latter frequently assume ill-intent in others where there is none. People are very different in their sensitivities. And over-analogical thinking will lead to wrong conclusions about intentions WAY too often. This is all the more reason to not engage people provocatively. We should try to reason with them. If they won't agree to reason, nothing of value is likely to come from dialoguing with them.
Why? Because humans have gotten so caught up in this three-dimensional time-space "reality" that they believe they ARE a physical body instead of the Consciousness that inhabits the body. They have forgotten that there is only One Infinite Consciousness and that we are all individual points of focus within it. As such, we are all intimately and inextricably connected. It is not an exaggeration to say "We are all One".
WHEN humanity comes to realize what they really are, all this nonsensical divisiveness and hatred will end!
Labels are much easier than real understanding which requires the aspects you discuss. One of the problems is that social media promised engagement but the actual algorithms stimulate conflict in order to get more "engagement." If and when tech serves us in the way illustrated in your diagram instead of exploiting us for profit it might help and not exacerbate the situation.
Well said, and absolutely tech needs to be built from a different level of consciousness. The question is wether or not we can, in the short term, use tech more consciously even if the algorithms don't favor it yet? Is our commitment to this way forward great enough?
I've noticed myself staying away from social media in the last few months. I don't tend to get the same value out of it as I used to, and it does feel very non human..
The powers that should not be have been using the divide & conquer technic of dehumanizing “the enemy” for centuries sadly.
Sadly it still works very well. I have found that most history is negative & when some event gets pointed out the response most of the time is “well, we’re smarter than that now. We would never let that happen again.” Hahaha! Really???? Look around! The last 22 years has taught many to question & not buy the official story when it doesn’t even make sense. I won’t even go there on the last 3 years!!
I love the saying, and I’m sorry I don’t know the source, “you either understand history or you trust the government. You can’t do both”.
i'm careful to not label people i have a personal conflict with, or whose views i disagree with. i do see though, that there is a lot more going on in my Inner Life that's of a conflicting or negative nature, than there was 10, 20 or 50 years ago, and from listening to what my friends say about their Inner Life and also what i infer their Inner Life is like if they don't address it directly, and see how it has changed over the time i have known them, i feel there is a lot of cause for concern. By Inner Life i mean the "space" where we experience and talk only to ourselves, and consider and play out courses of action before we act on them in the outside reality. It's where our conscience resides too. In a medical/scientific sense this space may be considered as part of the domains of psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy, but i don't believe the real sense our own Inner Life as a personal part of each of us, is completely represented by these mainstream disciplines. For one thing, all our knowledge of what we call "personality," is statistically based, meaning its validity is established through testing, observation and classification across many subjects, even if abnormal characteristics are studied, so it is not suited in addressing the very individualistic experience each person has of what their inner experience is like. Each one's Inner Life is their essence of themselves as a unique individual and psychology concerns their relationship with established norms across all people.
It may be that i too am also looking with a statistical lens in declaring that the Inner Life of many people has changed or been impacted, but i still hope to speak to the personal quality of this Inner Life of each person, while speaking in a general way. Also if we are careful to keep the implications of these mainstream disciplines, as well as implications coming from religious dogma, out of this consideration, i think there can be more deeper understanding of the Inner Life of each of us, how it may have changed over recent decades and what that might mean.
In the late 1960s and generally throughout the 70s i felt this connection with others through the feeling that something in my Inner Life was strikingly similar with that of others, at least of young people like myself. Sure no one talked about their Inner Life that way, only -- the music, the peace in the world that was essential, the equality of all peoples, living free of the establishment control, getting back to Nature -- but looking back now, that's where i felt the connection with others -- in my Inner Life. We called this something "the vibe" and i remember feeling this commonality with others within myself, rather than just with what they expressed outwardly -- it is what we "grooved on", as in all of us being in the same groove of that undefined something.
So it's different now, way different, and we may try to approach what's different from an outward perspective through our rational mind, i.e. "As we dehumanize, it becomes easier to say terrible things to people and . . . we create more permission space to do even worse things . . . there would be blowback if we made those types of choices all the time . . . creat[ing] constant conflict and fighting . . . destroying people’s livelihoods . . . an impoverished community affect[ing] us all . . . more burden on our systems . . . Would we be able to recognize how our choices in the short term may lead to problems downline?"
i think to address this question, it would help to look directly at -- how it is possible to see the scenario you describe, playing out with our intellect, while at the same time still being unable to do much about changing it. When it comes to what we 'do' in our Inner life i believe we often fall into fear about what it may mean in the understandings of medical/psychiatric system i.e. "this means i'm crazy, paranoid, a narcissist . . ." i try to remember though, that ultimately i always have a choice which represents my personal responsibility, no matter what thoughts or feelings may come up in my Inner Life. Past trauma often brings up thoughts and feelings we consciously know come only from the unprocessed trauma. In knowing their source, we can be free to feel our feelings of fear and anger through the triggering of a trauma issue, in our daily life. However this conscious process doesn't always happen in the moment, and we react may still unconsciously react to others from our trauma, but we can then process and understand it at a later time, and over time come to know its true source in the moment we are triggered and inform our outward reactions.
But unconscious trauma and reactions from it, have always been part of the human experience. Even in remembering my life the 60s and 70s, i know i was under the heavy weight of my unconscious childhood trauma then, which only later with the help of psychotherapy, i was able to process much of, however it didn't stop me from connecting with others and working towards our common vison of a better world. But now i feel it's all different -- inside of me, in my psyche -- where my Inner life is -- that that 'intelligent connection' i felt through the common vibe of the 60s and 70s, is no longer there. Of course the times are different now, but i think the medium itself where the current vibe of any times (like the zeitgeist) exists, has now altered drastically in some way.
What i like about The Pulse and Conscious Evolution is your focus on "making sense." But i feel to really make sense, we need to open it up further to what we experience in the deepest part of our psyche, w/o judgment. Sure, it would be nice if only our intellect determined our relationships with others, but being free to know and express all of our inner experiences is paramount to making sense of what is really happening in our outer world today, since more than our intellect drives our actions.
i am going to use a term in that exploration, which is only my own, and pertains only to the immediate task of expressing how i feel my Inner Life and that of some people i know, has changed. i call it the "proxy effect." Over the last 6 months, i've been engaged in a legal battle with my previous landlords and although i've felt definite triggering of specific personal traumas, i don't feel this is necessarily done by them on purpose. It almost seems to me that they, particularly my former landlady, is acting as a proxy of some other (agency ?), in this legal battle, and i have felt this feeling all long during the time i rented from them. i often feel unable to protect myself from their unjust and overreaching actions and in fact i am drawn to not take the legal action i need to, even now when i have moved out. Of course i see how my childhood traumas figure in to this pattern, but it goes way beyond the capabilities of people who know little about me to be able orchestrate all this specifically to me, and it goes way beyond anything of this nature having happened to me before.
In a similar pattern my friend in Ontario keeps telling me of the problems that have ensued for her friend who let her daughter change settings on her cellphone, and now she's apparently gained control over all her apps, bank accounts, etc. and my friend has to go in to the bank with her, for hours at a time, to try to regain control over her digital affairs, yet apparently they offer little help, while at the same time her friend seems powerless to take any action necessary like changing her number and wiping her phone. It just keeps going on and on. i know her friend's daughter has done some nasty stuff in her life and shouldn't be trusted, but how can she have mustered so much control over her mother for so long ? Something is going on that's beyond what is apparent -- even possibly considering that the daughter (as the proxy) may not even be causing a lot of it -- that once started this scenario is running on automatic through the friend not being able to take any action to fix it. The only purpose behind it seems to be to produce a sense of powerlessness in people (and an illusion of 'power over' in those who are so inclined), as well as emotional pain all around. Is it possible then that what we see going on in our world, is also happening through this proxy effect, where many people are a proxy of some other agency ? This would all be a hallmark of mind control, where first emotional trauma is created in the subject (or extant trauma is accessed), which then enables them to be programmed with specific commands, which even if they are conscious of this going on, they can't easily prevent acting out.
Somehow i feel that the medium that our Inner Life happens in, has been altered, and since most people don't even represent their Inner Life as a separate place, they can't even identify what is different.
Of note: Covid is suspected of creating a mental/emotional pattern of inhibition of proper energy management (like ME/CFS) after the physical effects of the virus are gone (which may be what's behind long covid): https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/01/25/paul-garner-on-his-recovery-from-long-covid/
mRNA vaccines implicated in replacing the person's Inner Life with a Hive Mind digital control system: https://www.bitchute.com/video/59wjaT2mAGC4/
Always glad to read these articles, it helps me to expand my consciousness and my knowledge. thank you!
Interresting and calm. The witch hunt way is the path so many take, it is downhill all the way. Its root is in our herd instinct which feels so good in amongst the baying mob. All the pleasurable instincts have good survival roots that's why they are there but lead us to excess.
That's why you are my number one read. It's deeply insightful, thought provoking and well written.
I have been receiving your emails for a few years now. I can not see how anyone who reads you carefully could call you racist anti semitic. Sometimes when I read comments on a post I wonder if the person commenting read the same post that I did. I got that they read it with certain colored glasses on so could not understand what they were reading. And sometimes i have commented and someone has replied to my comment and I think, "where did they get that from?" and I may respond with something that I think will help clarify. Reading what your post Joe, has been encouraging to me, there are still some thoughtful clear thinking people in the world. I will post link to Jerusalem report. Us common folk need to stop fighting among ourselves whether it be Israeli, Palestinian, libral, conservative etc . While we are fighting among ourselves we lose sight of the puppet masters who smile and rub their hands together as we fight among ourselves. Jeruselem report starts at minute 1:30. If don't want to listen to whole thing go to minute 24. But I really hope people listen to the whole thing. Peace https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/the-jerusalem-report-on-israel/?utm_source=luminate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=chdtv&utm_id=20231025
If BOTH sides are criticizing you, you can be almost assured that you are MOSTLY right. I say mostly because in a waring situation, I don't think anyone can be hundred percent right. congratulations! your reads are thoughtful and inspiring.
Thanks Albert! And absolutely, no one can be 100% right. Interestingly someone in the emails I referred to in this piece said to us that if outlets aren't 100% right all the time they are useless. That was wild to me. I wondered: why are we of the illusion that someone can be 100% right ever? What are we willing to not support and run away the moment someone isn't 100% right? Are we looking for an excuse to run away?
The critical mind gets a dopamine hit when it gets to criticise. You can literally get high on criticism, over and over it becomes an entrained pattern. The main downside, imo, is that the critical attitude ends up being how you treat yourself too.
Indeed! There is space for critique, especially in the context of turning the mirror back on a system to explore it and sense what may be wrong, but when critique becomes constant criticism in bad faith, that becomes problematic. Very good point in terms of "how you treat yourself too."
Good post, Joe! Dehumanization seems to be on an uptick that is in parallel with the exacerbation of our inherent delusion of separateness, thanks to today's technology, isolating devices, attitudes, policies, and lifestyles.
"Self-importance, egocentricity, or wetiko by whatever moniker – manifests in us singularly and collectively at all levels: individual, family, community, congregation, city, region, race, nation, species, etc. More than any other single factor here in the 21st c., humanity’s hubris continues to slowly and steadily destroy us – from the inside out. We are consuming ourselves before our own deluded, denying eyes! The USA in particular – now with its shadow wetiko self exposed – epitomizes this expression of humanity that has nowhere left to go and can only accelerate humankind’s devouring of itself."
Your are a bright light in these dark times. Journalism has lost its way and value. Truth had been sold to the highest bidder and unfortunately much of humanity buys their product which is control. Fear makes people lash out against truth which makes you an easy target. You are an excellent journalist seeking truth, one of very few. Those of us who care about the path humanity is on deeply appreciate your ability to show another way, to articulate both sides without prejudice. Love and light shine through your writing.
Thanks for the kind words Donna. It's true, sometimes the highest bidder of 'truth' can also be those willing to hijack others attention via emotion and prolonged outrage as well. I say that as someone who can also feel a sense of outrage in myself (which i think is healthy for everyone to feel and process) when I see people killed for like we've been seeing. More than ever, I believe we have to practice presence, self-awareness and staying centered.. I don't know how we can move forward without that.
This was perfect timing for me. I’ve been watching YouTube videos about Israel/Palestine and the comments have made me lose a bit of hope for humanity right now. Reading this gives me a sense there may be a solution or a way toward something better. Thank you.
I remember meeting you at an event once in like 2014 or 2015 or something. I gained even more respect for your work after seeing how real and authentic you were. Humble too. I’ve always felt that when I read or watch your videos… but if I came from a totally different perspective from you… I guess I could miss those qualities? Not sure. I’m trying to imagine myself being someone who attacked you…
Thanks again, and this gives me something to reflect on today for sure.
It's nice to hear this came at the right time. I have had similar experiences to you regarding the comments and it has indeed been eye opening. I think I recall meeting if I'm not mistaken, it was at an event in Toronto! I trust all is going well. :)
People look at morality/ethics, for the most part, in one of two ways. They infer what is right from what seem to be well-nigh universal sensibilities, experiences and how the latter can affect our sensibilities, OR they just assume that how they feel just IS the right way. The latter frequently assume ill-intent in others where there is none. People are very different in their sensitivities. And over-analogical thinking will lead to wrong conclusions about intentions WAY too often. This is all the more reason to not engage people provocatively. We should try to reason with them. If they won't agree to reason, nothing of value is likely to come from dialoguing with them.
Why? Because humans have gotten so caught up in this three-dimensional time-space "reality" that they believe they ARE a physical body instead of the Consciousness that inhabits the body. They have forgotten that there is only One Infinite Consciousness and that we are all individual points of focus within it. As such, we are all intimately and inextricably connected. It is not an exaggeration to say "We are all One".
WHEN humanity comes to realize what they really are, all this nonsensical divisiveness and hatred will end!
Labels are much easier than real understanding which requires the aspects you discuss. One of the problems is that social media promised engagement but the actual algorithms stimulate conflict in order to get more "engagement." If and when tech serves us in the way illustrated in your diagram instead of exploiting us for profit it might help and not exacerbate the situation.
Well said, and absolutely tech needs to be built from a different level of consciousness. The question is wether or not we can, in the short term, use tech more consciously even if the algorithms don't favor it yet? Is our commitment to this way forward great enough?
Social media was designed by the government to be a psy-op for making people isolated and depressed. It is working perfectly.