Here’s an interesting video about the ‘waterworks of money.. It explains how all money flows to the top and most money is circulating there without ever touching the economy again. Masterpiece imho.


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It's strange, but this is the generation that helped bring in the very things they claim to hate: They consider anyone who opposes illegals pouring over our border "racist." How much money is going to the illegals? They don't care. How much is our culture being destroyed and at what cost? They don't care. They insist on "green" energy when it's obvious that not only are fossil fuels not the dragon, but the "green" energy actually pollutes more than the fossil fuels. Gas was much cheaper under Donald Trump, and we were energy independent, but they "hate Trump" so much, they can't see the result of Obama's and Biden's policies. These kids want "free healthcare" and point to Norway, Denmark, et al as why we should have it. They don't realize how many people LOST their healthcare and actually had to pay MORE for the "free healthcare" under Obama--and many of them rejoiced to see more government in our lives. They don't understand the relationship between what they see as "ideal" and the real world we are now living in.

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This is the rotten stinking criminal Biden Cabal, as these demon crats who have all become millionaires, see fit to send all our tax payer money over seas to foreign wars which only richens the deep state players and the very politicians who made deals to send it there. And this is not to mention the open border, choosing to take care of millions of non citizens over hard working Americans. If people cannot see this sickness, they deserve to lose thier freedom and this great Country. Sickening!

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I think she hits the nails on all the heads perfectly! The problem is the faulty way our society is put together, work to live, not to thrive, but just to pay bills to keep the nefarious powers that be, in power and in control. And, they are ramping up their determination on all fronts by creating even more division in our society (black lives matter, LGBT, wars, mass shootings and on and on). We need a society not based upon government control and the abilities of multi-national corporations to control those governments and society at large. Michael Tellinger's Ubuntu movement from S. Africa is pushing for a society without central control, where individual 'villages' (cities) control their own direction. Each person in the village donates just one day towards the needs of the whole. A carpenter donates one day towards building homes for the people, one person farms one day a week for the village and on. There would be enough industry provided by a community of caring and involved people, once a week to maintain the system. The rest of a persons time would be spent on improving their particular trade or art. Enough extra product would be available for the community to sell to other villages. Money wouldn't be needed to survive and people would be thriving instead of working to survive. Michael Tellinger has already got some small towns on board to do this, I think one even in Canada. He calls it One Small Town. We need to create a new thriving system, within the confines of the system that controls us now. We can't necessarily fight the current system, but we can build a new system from within, where people will be able to just ignore the old system, and live in a more independent and compassionate system

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It is a social Engineering on purpose construct to alienate people and making them dependent on the government, acting as saviour while introducing the Basic income and all the other „ free of charge“ facilities to turn them in slaves with cbdc and digital id.

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The other piece I keep having thoughts about social structure is the 'not for profit' model and the library's loaning model. Everyone would get paid for their work in a not for profit. We would just eliminate the folks 'at the top' getting paid profits. I believe we'd see such a difference in our society and it's ills (good differences) once everything that is a need is not for profit.

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And how many people do you think would start companies, do the work to keep them going, see them through hard times, etc if they were getting paid the same as their workers? Virtually no one would do that. "For profit" is why entrepreneurs do anything at all. That's what made America great, and it's why kids like this girl are so frustrated.

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I know I'd have to 'shift' the way I see life, for sure. I do understand the concern you are raising. What if it isn't about 'getting paid the same' and it is about 'everyone gets their needs met'? I don't know the way, I am just pondering what would be a way... to sort of open myself to possibilities I am asking myself to see more than from this set of patterns I am currently drawing my thinking/thoughts from.

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I would like to live in a society where humans are encouraged to have happy and satisfying relationships as a 'bottom line' goal. So many needs, prolly most of them, would be met. We could 'be there' for each other. We wouldn't need so much 'money' and that would free up our 'time' to move into doings that feel meaningful and purposeful.

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I think God wants us all to live happy, fulfilled and thriving lives. This hell on Earth is created by mankind, figures.

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Great post... I would add that this malaise in the workplace is also manifesting itself with regard to voting, parenting, and church attendance!

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UBI here I come…

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