So sad

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so, her parents got her initial vaxx, plus boosters? so socially conscious, so politically correct and such virtue signaling, so morally superior to non vaxxers. so, how do they now like a dead daughter?

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

I appreciate the openness you share in this piece . It’s a very deep concern for many of us, I truly hope- as time has proven and will continue to shed many truths. Hopefully, information such as this one that is so necessary, is as you mentioned, carefully analyzed and understood.

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Thanks Adriana, appreciate it.

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At least since this autopsy was published in a legal journal, maybe that means the family has legal counsel and is suing someone. I've been taken aback by the lack of many parents outrage at the death of their children. I've seen a few parents come forward, but not many. It would be a bitter pill to swallow though, admitting that you as a parent were involved in the death of your child. Hopefully it's in the back of many people's minds who aren't speaking out, so they will outwardly question whatever comes next.

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'The shots may be more dangerous to kids than the virus.' 'May should be replaced by are.' Also, there are too many conflicts of interests with regulators to make them amenable to the facts. They would have to relinquish either job security or huge amounts of money and advantages guaranteed when they commit to deflection away from the real dangers. This is what is happening, and people are very adept at denial when it suits them. They will change course when their dishonesty and recklessness is creating problems for them personally. Look at Dr. Malhotra, he did a u turn when his father was injured from the clot shot. Or, maybe if higher ups change tracks, they will unapologetically follow suit, because integrity is irrelevant only impression management. Doctors who use the excuse that they didn't know the dangers early on, are skating on thin ice, because that is exactly the reason not to give a poorly evaluated experimental gene shot to anyone, ever. And, efficacious antivirals with a low risk of side effects were not given by these same doctors, the reason 'compliance' with obviously stupid and harmful policies. You cannot say as a doctor you didn't recognize such stupidity, because if you got through physics, calculus, genetics, differential diagnosis etc....the cognitive dissonance would be clear to you, as it would be to a smart five-year-old. We are simply witnessing the selfishness and weakness of character in action.

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I agree, I think it's quite clear that they are much more dangerous, no question about it. Don't know why I wrote may. Thanks for commenting.

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

While I can’t say that I’m surprised by this news, I’m deeply saddened at the level of ignorance our society has fallen to. So many still believe that the death of a child like this is offset by the benefits of these inoculations - sheer madness

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To think that a human life, much less a child’s, should be “offset” by anything in this manner or anything similar is the biggest injustice I have found. It’s threatened our very principals and basic human rights as individuals- especially parents. Thank you for your perspective, as well.

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Madness indeed.

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Government edicts do not belong in personal health choices. Whether you believe in the efficacy of any treatment the final decision ultimately lies with the individual. Nobody owns anybody else's body and thus they have no right to dictate what you choose to put in your body. In all cases informed consent must be the rule. Governments and private companies mandating any treatment and using threats such as loss of livelihood are an affront to human dignity.

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