Offspring Drummer: I Was Kicked Out Of The Band For Refusing COVID Vaccine
What Happened: The drummer for the popular band The Offspring, Pete Parada, told his Instagram following yesterday that he has been kicked out of the band after, almost 15 years, because he is refusing to take the COVID vaccine for medical reasons.
Parada wrote on Instagram yesterday:
“Given my personal medical history and the side-effect profile of these jabs, my doctor advised me not to get a shot at this time. I caught the virus over a year ago, it was mild for me — so I am confident I’d be able to handle it again, but I’m not so certain I’d survive another post-vaccination round of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, which dates back to my childhood and has evolved to be progressively worse over my lifetime. Unfortunately for me (and my family who is hoping to keep me around a bit longer) the risks far outweigh the benefits.”
His band has yet to respond publicly to his announcement. Parada did not that he understands that given the limitations being set up right now for those choosing to be unvaccinated, this was the choice the band needed to make.
Why It Matters: Parada did not feel comfortable taking the risk, given his personal medical history, of vaccination, yet his entire life will now have to be different due to a medical intervention many would argue is not even necessary for all people.
Further, he had already been infected with COVID, and available research suggests his immunity to further infection may be very robust. Why should he still get vaccinated?
A study from May 2021 found that of 19 people who had a mild COVID infection, 15 of them contained-antibody-producing cells “specifically targeting the virus that causes COVID-19.” The cells are present in the bone marrow and constantly secreting antibodies. According to the researchers, “They have been doing that ever since the infection resolved, and they will continue doing that indefinitely.”
Parada goes on to state,
"I need to state, unequivocally, that I support informed consent, which necessitates choice unburdened without coercion."
“I do not find it ethical or wise to allow those with the most power (government, corporations, organizations, employers) to dictate medical procedures to those with the least power,”
It's perhaps here where many are having a difficult time connecting with one another's choices around a vaccine. With mortality rates of COVID being extremely low, not much higher that a seasonal flu, many feel that the jump towards mandated and coerced medical interventions is unnecessary and an over reach of power. They are left with the choice: do I go along with something that doesn't feel right to me, or do I give in because I'm being unduly threatened to get this intervention?
Yes, there is a crowd of unvaccinated that are very aggressive in their views, with some of their "facts" being wrong, but this does not represent the majority of those choosing not to vaccinate, even though government and the media seem to be doing everything in their power to make the public feel this way.
As noted in the quote above, Parada is operating off of the advice of his doctor.
Parada did not say if he was gone from the band for good, or perhaps until COVID restrictions die down. He stated he has no negative feelings toward the band.
The Takeaway: We have long discussed in our reporting that COVID is presenting society with a number of deeper philosophical questions around what it means to live life. When faced with an infinitesimal chance of death from a virus, society has shut down and everyone has gone into fear mode, confining their lives to small quarters and shutting off so much of what it means to live fully.
There is no right or wrong in what we choose to do, but we have to ask is this how we want to live life? Perhaps one can argue that the shutdowns are the result of a deeper agenda at play by the powerful elite of our world, and that may be true, but in the end the masses are going along with it, and we must ask why.
Saying people are merely 'sheep' is not a way forward. WHAT makes people blindly follow along? What makes us have a lack of balance in our research? What makes us judge others? It's here where we will find answers.
I invite you to check out a recent article/video I put out exploring this topic further.