It is important to note that FDA’s authorization and licensure standards for vaccines do not require demonstration of the prevention of infection or transmission.

Than what do we pay them to do? Help facilitate the credibility of companies that produce things that don't work?

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Just ban the things and arrest the perpetrators.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

FDA needs to confess about every lie!! And CDC is also criminal. Lying all the time, it never meant anything to them to help humanity

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

Thank you,

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Arjun Walia

Thank you for sharing

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Nice anti-Vax complaint article. If you took out all the typos, it might even be credible.

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You haven’t challenged a single fact or argument. You resort to a popular smear which betrays your intellectual dishonesty and moral cowardice

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There are none to challenge.

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Nice clueless vax comment. Doubt you could make a real article that might be credible.

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Classic lol. As far as typos go, we will go through the article again and look for those. We are severely underfunded and understaffed so we do our best. On a side note you may be interested in these:


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