The Loudest Deceptions Provide The Greatest Evolutionary Potential
Over two decades later and the public is still being gaslit about one of the most influential global events in modern history. But this is also providing meaningful evolutionary pressure.
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The 9/11 anniversary is here once again. This year I want to take a bit of a different approach to what we’ll share today.
A lot has changed over the last 15 years since I began doing my work. And while things might currently seem bleak on one end to most of us, my perspective says things are actually better than we might think - moving in the right direction you might say.
Although that may be hard to see, I hope I can elicit that feeling through my observations and story below.
It’s no secret that people are continually walking away from traditional media- it’s deeply failing to inform people. Aside from the obvious mistruths being spread via mainstream outlets, I believe the driver of a ‘meaning crisis’ is at play as well.
A meaning crisis happens when the existing story or philosophy that drives a society no longer resonates or makes sense to people. This can happen as we learn more and expand our knowledge collectively, or even as we evolve in what we feel is important to us.
These types of cultural evolutions have occurred for millennia, and right now is not all that different. Simply put, the story that has driven modern society for decades is dying and that comes with a great deal of symptoms.
Predictably, some view the mass exodus from mainstream media as a misplaced loss of trust in institutions driven by ‘fake news’ online and growing polarization. This is common. There have always been those within an evolution who hold onto the old story even as it makes no sense.
I think back to when I first began publishing alternative ideas around public events in 2009. We were of a few who questioned things like the safety of Monsanto products, the trustworthiness of Big Pharma, or whether or not we were being told the truth about major events like 9/11, wars or subjects like UFOs and consciousness.
Back then, we were aggressively attacked as pseudoscientific, fringe conspiracy theorists - even when it came to subjects that are common knowledge today. Many of the things we published back then are now the popular ideas discussed by major influencers today, including mainstream media.
Things like Big Pharma knowingly creating the opioid problem and getting regulators on their side during the process. UFOs being covered up by governments is now a mainstream idea, and inquiring about the topic doesn’t mean you’re fringe and unhinged anymore. The subject of consciousness has moved from culty pseudoscientific nonsense to one major universities are publishing research on.
Back in the day, we’d get smashed with heavy judgements and fake news strikes for questioning 9/11, but now big YouTube influencers can freely talk about it and get good reach primarily because it’s less frowned upon.
While some are just waking up to how bad censorship is right now, I have to say it was significantly more lonely and rough talking about this stuff 15 years ago.
Yes, the beast of modern censorship is still lashing out, but it’s because way more people are awake.
I won’t lie, I still feel grief from time to time when I think about how we went from having a thriving thought-leading and alternative media business for over a decade to now being relegated to the corner because we were about 5 years ahead of our time and experienced levels of censorship people simply don’t experience today.
Yes, I know some COVID-era doctors, scientists, and media outlets are being censored today, but it’s not quite like it was back then. Censorship now can make you more popular, whereas back then very few believed it was even happening. I feel like an old man saying “I walked uphill to school both ways!” when I hear the COVID-era of media outlets talk about censorship. Yes, it’s bad, but it’s a significantly more supportive environment these days, and I think that’s a good sign.
It’s a tough pill to swallow at times, to feel your popularity systematically erased. Going from hard-earned Joe Rogan level reach to being hard to find, all from a switch of a button.
At the same time, I remind myself of the bigger collective story here: more people are waking up.
We might be gone to the masses, but there are big influencers out there being heard by people. That IS something to celebrate. THAT is a sign of a continued healthy evolution with the meaning crisis.
As for us, I think to myself, perhaps it’s time to help create the next stage of this evolutionary trend.
9/11 Has Been A Catalyst For Many
The world woke up in a big way during COVID. People began seeing the lies of politicians, media, and regulators, all leading toward a massive loss of trust in each.
9/11 is not all that different from COVID when you take a closer look.
What really happened on 9/11 has been on critical thinkers’ minds for decades now. While many theorists will tell you they know for sure who did it and why, there really is no way of knowing with the information that is publicly available.
What we do know, however, is that what we have been told about what happened on 9/11, 2001 almost surely did not happen. What I mean by that is, the official narrative put out by the 9/11 Commission Report and by NIST, simply does not make sense, defies scientific reasoning, and even common sense in.
For that reason, people have been right to question the official story, seeking answers from non-traditional yet credentialed sources. Organizations like Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth are one source where people can explore various facts about 9/11 from a scientific standpoint and begin to understand what likely did not happen on that day.
As one’s paradigm around what happened on 9/11 begins to shift and they open up to other possibilities, it can often result in a shift in consciousness of sorts.
The mind expands, we become aware of different things, and suddenly the story of ‘how the world works’ doesn’t quite fit. We begin to admit we may have been believing in an illusion of sorts and are forced to ask what else may not be true when it comes to things we’ve been told.
Some see this as a sign of a person losing it, someone going down the rabbit hole into conspiracy land. While I have certainly seen some go off the deep end, most don’t. They instead begin to become curious again and stop pretending they have the world figured out.
I believe this to be a healthy place because when you take a close look at the stories we’re told about our society, they don’t make a whole lot of sense.
Prior to COVID, 9/11 was an obviously problematic event where the official explanation for what happened simply did not make sense. The challenge was, not many in the public chose to take a closer look at it.
Similar to COVID, the 9/11 story has had a wide reaching impact on the creation of war and terrorism, an increase in authoritarianism, and a loss of privacy and freedom.
We can see there is a lot to lose when it comes to the narrative and recourse following these events. This is why it’s important to make sure we have it right and aren’t giving up our sensemaking to power hungry elitists.
Today, instead of re-hashing a new post on 9/11 research, I thought I’d go through the almost 100 articles we’ve published on the topic over the last 15 years, and pull out some important pieces.
Feel free to explore whatever you feel drawn to:
9/11: A Catalyst For Consciousness Evolution? A video conversation between Joe Martino and Dr. Madhava Setty.
The Parallels Between 9/11 & COVID | Richard Gage & Dr. Madhava Setty - A conversation between Joe Martino, Richard Gage and Dr Madhava Setty published in 2022.
YouTube Will Stop Recommending Videos Of 9/11 ‘Conspiracy Theories’ To Users - A look at YouTube censorship on the topic beginning in 2019. (It actually began before that.)
Study: Fire Did Not Cause WTC7 To Collapse, Explosives Necessary - One of the most important studies drawing questions around WTC 7.
The Official 9/11 Explanation is The Greatest "Coincidence Theory" Ever An article written by Dr Madhava Setty.
How The CIA-Operated A “Drug Smuggling Airline” For Heroin & The 9/11 Connection A quick overview of the drug trade as it relates to 9/11
Thank you for being fearless and for using your platform to ask the hard questions
"By its own fluid, the caterpillar’s body dissolves within the chrysalis to metamorphose into the butterfly. The chaos that has recently emerged on all of Earth, is the ‘fluid’ now dissolving humanity as we know it, within our global ‘chrysalis’. We the ‘Conscious Creatives’, are the imaginal cells building the new evolved Whole World out of the formless solution that chaos continues to make of us, as it expands and envelopes virtually all of humanity. It is time we redirect technology toward the truly organic evolution we so desperately need, arrest our descent to extinction, and manifest a paradigm that transcends our shortcomings."